Ex Libris Game Elements

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Ex Libris Game Elements

I’m going to talk about the various elements you’ll find in the game Ex Libris. Ex Libris is a board game in which players compete to build the best library collection.

Let’s start by looking at the various locations in the game. There are six different locations where you can send your workers to perform specific actions. Each location has its own benefits and rewards. The Bookshelf location allows you to add books to your library, while the Auction House allows you to buy books from other players. The Research Lab allows you to gain knowledge and unlock special abilities. The Administration Office allows you to gain workers and increase your capacity. The Uncommon Goods location gives you access to special items, and the Street Market allows you to sell books for extra points.

Next, let’s talk about the different book types in the game. There are four different book types: History, Horror, Fantasy, and Mystery. Each book type has its own unique abilities and requirements. For example, History books allow you to gain knowledge and have special effects on other players. Horror books can be placed in haunted locations to score extra points. Fantasy books can be used to create powerful book combos. And Mystery books can earn you extra points based on their placement in your library.

Now, let’s discuss the workers in the game. Workers are represented by wooden meeples and are used to perform actions at the various locations. Each player starts with a limited number of workers but can gain more by visiting the Administration Office. Workers can also be upgraded to become Librarians, which increases their efficiency and allows them to perform additional actions.

Lastly, let’s talk about the victory conditions. In Ex Libris, players compete to be the best librarian in the town. The game ends when a player has completed their library with a set number of shelf cards. At the end of the game, players score points based on the placement of their books, the variety of books in their library, and the achievement of certain goals.

So, there you have it! These are the key elements you’ll find in the game Ex Libris. By understanding these elements and using them strategically, you can build the best library collection and become the ultimate librarian. Are you ready to embark on this literary adventure? Let’s get started!

I’m diving into the wonderful world of Ex Libris! The game revolves around collecting books for your shelves, and throughout different rounds, we’ll take turns sending our assistants to acquire them.

When it comes to organizing our book collection, there’s a lot to consider. I want my books to be in alphabetical order, displayed on stable shelves. And not just any books will do; I aim to have more prominent works than my opponents. I also want to keep the number of banned books to a minimum. Oh, and let’s not forget about variety! I want my library to have a well-rounded selection of categories. Lastly, I’ll try to focus on acquiring books that align with my library’s specific interests.

Now, don’t be overwhelmed. Becoming a Grand Librarian may seem like a daunting task, but I believe you can handle it! Let’s start by discussing the books themselves.

In Ex Libris, there are 510 unique books spread across 152 cards. These books are divided into six categories, each with its own distinct theme and subject matter.

The Six Categories


Hey there! Let’s talk about book cards and how they work. I found this really interesting information that explains everything you need to know. Check it out!

Note: Did you know that the deck of book cards is made up of six different categories? Each category shows up exactly 85 times in the deck!

How Book Cards are Designed

Have you ever wondered what goes into making a book card? Well, it’s quite fascinating! Book cards are carefully crafted to provide you with a unique reading experience.

When you pick up a book card, you’ll notice that it’s divided into six categories. These categories are there to help you explore different kinds of books and broaden your reading horizons.

Let’s take a closer look at the anatomy of a book card. Each card is divided into six equal sections, each representing one of the categories. So, no matter which book card you choose, you’ll always find a variety of topics to dive into.

Whether you’re a history buff or a science enthusiast, there’s a book card for everyone. Just imagine the endless possibilities! With so many categories to choose from, you’ll never run out of exciting books to read.

So, the next time you’re searching for a book card, remember to explore all the categories. You never know what hidden gems you might find. Happy reading!

When you look at the top part of each book card, you’ll find some important details. Let me explain what they are:

1. Letter – This letter shows you the first letter of all the book titles on the card.

2. Numerical Order – This number tells you where the card falls in the sequence of all the cards that have the same letter.

3. Letter Quantity – The second number in the info banner reminds you how many book cards share the same letter.

4. Category Icons – Each card has two to four icons that represent different book categories.

Shelving Cards

When you want to add books to your bookshelf, you’ll need to shelve cards. There are different ways to do this, and I’ll explain them later in this rulebook. But no matter how you get the cards, you must always follow these two basic rules when shelving a card:

When it comes to organizing your bookshelf, there are a few important rules to consider:

  1. A new book card can only be placed next to a previously shelved card. It must be placed orthogonally, not diagonally.
  2. Your bookshelf should not exceed three horizontal rows in height.

Let me give you an example to illustrate these rules. In the image below, the green spaces indicate where a new card can be shelved, while the red spaces are not allowed. Here’s why:

1. The space marked with a number 1 would make the bookshelf four rows tall, which is against the rule.

2. The space marked with a number 2 is not orthogonally adjacent to a previously shelved card.

Remember, only the cards on your bookshelf will count towards your final score at the end of the game. Cards left in your hand won’t earn you anything, so make sure to shelve them!

Alphabetical Order

When people come to your library, it’s important that they can easily find the books they’re looking for. So, the Mayor wants all the books on your shelf to be organized alphabetically. To make sure this happens, the Mayor has sent an Official Inspector to check your shelf and remove any books that are out of order.

During the inspection, the Inspector will start with the leftmost book card in the top row of your bookshelf. They will then move from left to right, top to bottom. If a card’s letter doesn’t come after the previous card’s letter in alphabetical order, or if its number is not in numerical order, that card will be flipped face down. This shows that there’s an empty section on your shelf. Unfortunately, any category icons on those cards won’t count towards your final score.

Example: When I first looked at the three cards above, they seem to be in order. However, upon closer inspection, I noticed that the numerical order of the M cards (8 and 3) is incorrect. If we were to play the game, the center card would end up face down.

Note: Before you inspect the cards, you have the option to flip any card in your bookshelf to get a better result.

Imagine if you don’t want the category icons to disappear from the middle card in the previous example. Well, you have another option: you can choose to flip the card on the left instead, while keeping the other cards in the correct order.

Keeping the Books in Order

The safety of the town’s citizens is a top concern for the Mayor when they visit your library. That’s why the Official Inspector will also test the stability of your bookshelf.

At the end of the game, you can earn a bonus for having the biggest rectangular group of cards in your bookshelf that includes cards on the bottom row. Each card in that group will give you an extra point. To qualify, the rectangle must be at least two cards wide and two cards tall.

Look at these bookshelves! They get points based on how stable they are:

1. Shelf stability bonus: 9 points – not bad!

2. Shelf stability bonus: 8 points – halflings love short shelves!

3. Shelf stability bonus: 0 points – no way to include the bottom row!

Remember: Even flipped cards count towards the shelf stability bonus. So, sometimes it’s best to shelve a book out of order.

Popular Genres

In our town, people enjoy all sorts of books. But in each game, one category is chosen as the favorite. The card on the Prominent Works space represents this popular genre.

When we play the game, the players with the most books that match the Prominent Works category will get awards. If I come in first place, I’ll earn 15 points. Second place will earn 9 points, and third place will earn 4 points.

Let me give you an example: in a game where Reference Texts are the Prominent Works category, Jacob has 8 books, Jamie has 10, Reena has 9, and Alap has 7. Jamie has the most books and will earn 15 points. Reena has the second most, earning 9 points. Jacob has the third most, earning 4 points. Unfortunately, since Alap has the least, he won’t receive any reward.

It’s important to note that although getting 15 points is great, we shouldn’t forget about the other scoring areas while we focus on having the most Prominent Works.

Banned Books

The Mayor and Village Council, for some unknown reason, have singled out a certain kind of books as being extremely dangerous. This special type of book is represented by the card that ends up in the Banned Books space on the town board.

Here’s the thing: if you have any Banned Books in your bookshelf at the end of the game, the Official Inspector will see it and punish you. You’ll lose a point for each book from the forbidden category.

Let’s say, for example, that Monster Manuals are the Banned Books in a game. Alex realizes, at the end of the game, that he wasn’t paying enough attention and unfortunately has 13 Monster Manuals in his bookshelf. This means he loses 13 points. Ouch! But he learns his lesson and promises to be more careful next time.

Now, losing points isn’t something to celebrate. However, there might be times when having a Banned Book actually earns you more points than you would lose.

Remember, the variety of banned categories adds an interesting twist to the game. It keeps you on your toes, making sure you don’t get carried away with forbidden books. So, keep an eye out for those special cards and make strategic decisions about what books you add to your collection. Good luck!

Hey there! So, here’s the deal: the Mayor wants to make sure our town’s library has something for everyone. And that means the Grand Librarian needs to have a wide range of books on their shelves. You definitely don’t want to be missing any of the five categories that aren’t banned. Trust me on this one!

Now, when the game is over, you score 3 points for each book on your shelf from the category that you have the fewest books in. But here’s the thing: those banned books don’t count when it comes to figuring out your variety of categories. So, make sure you’ve got a little bit of everything, and you’ll be in good shape.

Example: Let’s imagine that at the end of a game, I have a collection of books in different categories. I have 5 books in the Fantastical Fictions category, 9 books in the Historic Volumes category, 7 books in the Monster Manuals category, 6 books in the Reference Texts category, and 6 books in the Spells & Potions category. Now, each book in the Fantastical Fictions category is worth 3 points, which means I earn a total of 15 points for my 5 Fantastical Fictions books. It’s important to note that the Corrupted Codices were in the Banned Books category and didn’t count for points. So, to win at Ex Libris, it’s crucial to take into account every category and try to have a balanced collection. If you choose to ignore a category, you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage and increasing your chances of losing the game. So, if you enjoy a challenge, go ahead and ignore a category, but be prepared for an uphill battle!

Note: In Ex Libris, the key to success is having a well-rounded collection. Make sure to consider every category and aim for balance. Good luck!

Achieving Library Excellence

So, you’re vying to become the Grand Librarian, huh? Well, the Mayor and Village Council have made it pretty clear what they want (and don’t want) in the bookshelf. But how do you set yourself apart from the competition? The secret lies in your library’s focus – a special theme that you’ll keep under wraps throughout the game. By filling your bookshelf with books that match your library’s focus, you can create a unique collection that will blow everyone away!

Here’s the deal: at the end of the game, you’ll unveil your category card and earn 2 points for every book on your shelf that matches that category – in other words, your library’s focus. The more books you have in line with your focus, the more points you rack up!

Let’s take a look at an example: Chris reveals his library’s focus to be Monster Manuals. Since the beginning of the game, he has been collecting and shelving Monster Manuals whenever he gets the chance. In the end, Chris ends up with a whopping 14 Monster Manuals in his bookshelf. And guess what? He earns 2 points for each one, totaling a massive 28 points!

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