How to play Time s Up Title Recall Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Time’s Up! Title Recall Rules


Hey there! Have you ever played a game where you need to guess the title of a movie, book, or TV show based on clues? Well, if you enjoy that kind of challenge, then you are going to love Time’s Up! Title Recall! In this game, you and your friends will have a blast trying to remember and guess the titles of popular movies, books, and TV shows. But before we dive in, let me explain the rules to you.


The objective of Time’s Up! Title Recall is simple: guess as many titles as you can within a limited time. In this fast-paced game, your goal is to correctly guess the names of movies, books, and TV shows based on the clues your teammates give you. The more titles you guess right, the more points you earn!


The game is played in three rounds. Each round lasts for 30 seconds, so you need to think quickly and act fast. Here’s how it works:

  1. Round 1: Describe

In this round, you can use any word or phrase to describe the title you are trying to guess. But be careful, you can’t use any words that are part of the title itself. For example, if the title is “Harry Potter,” you can’t use the words “Harry” or “Potter” in your description. It’s like a guessing game within a guessing game!

  • Round 2: One-word
  • In round two, things get a bit trickier. Now, you can only use one word to describe the title. That’s right, just one word! So, choose it wisely and make sure it’s a word that will help your teammates figure out the title.

  • Round 3: Charades
  • In the final round, you can’t use any words at all! Instead, you have to act out the title using gestures, facial expressions, and body language. It’s like playing a game of charades, but with titles instead of words.


    At the end of each round, you’ll count up the number of titles you guessed correctly and keep track of your score. The team with the highest score at the end of the three rounds wins the game! It’s that simple.


    And there you have it – the rules of Time’s Up! Title Recall. Now that you know how to play, gather your friends, and get ready for a fun and challenging game night. I guarantee you’ll have a great time guessing titles and racing against the clock. So, what are you waiting for? Let the guessing begin!

    How to play Time s Up Title Recall Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    The objective is to earn the highest number of points by acquiring title cards during three distinct rounds.


    In Quickplay mode, a game is played using a deck of randomly selected cards. Each team has 30 seconds to guess as many titles as they can, with one player providing clues to their teammates. Players have the freedom to incorporate sound effects and gestures, but as the game advances, their use of spoken language becomes increasingly limited.

    How to play Time s Up Title Recall Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Okay, listen up! Here’s how the game works:

    • In Round 1 – I can say anything. That’s right, anything!
    • In Round 2 – I can only say one word. Gotta make it count!
    • In Round 3 – I can’t say a single word. Can you believe it?

    Each round ends when we’ve guessed all the titles in the Deck of Fame. We put all the cards back for the next round. The team with the highest score after three rounds wins!

    Before we start, let me explain the setup:

    We’ll divide into teams, with each team member sitting across from each other. It’s best to play in teams of two, so three teams of two is better than two teams of three. If we’ve got more than ten players, we’ll need bigger teams. Don’t worry, I’ll explain what to do if we have an odd number of players at the end of the rules. Oh, and someone needs to keep score, too!

    Let’s start by deciding which color title we’ll use for the game. It’s important that everyone knows which color we’re using, so we don’t mix them up.

    Now, let’s go ahead and deal out 40 cards evenly among all players. If we want a longer game, we can deal out more cards. After that, we’ll deal two additional cards to each player. The remaining cards in the deck won’t be used, so we can put them back in the box.

    Once everyone has their cards, they can take a look at them and choose two to discard. It’s important that they don’t reveal their cards to anyone else. After discarding, we shuffle all the remaining cards together and create a stack with them. This stack is known as the Deck of Fame, and it should be placed face down in the center of the table.

    Now it’s time to choose which team will start the game by taking the Deck. The team sitting clockwise from the starting team will take the timer, which will be used to time the other team’s turn.

    How to play Time s Up Title Recall Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Let’s Play the Game!

    Round 1: Anything Goes!

    Hey there! Ready to have some fun? I sure am! In this first round, there are almost no rules when it comes to giving clues, except for one: no passing allowed!

    So, here’s how it works. Each team takes turns being the Cluegiver and the Guessers. The first Cluegiver grabs the Deck and draws a card. Then, they look at the title on the YELLOW or BLUE side, depending on what everyone decided at the beginning of the game.

    As soon as the Cluegiver knows the title, the other team says, “Go!” and starts the timer. That’s when the fun begins! The Cluegiver starts giving clues to their teammate(s). And trust me, they can do just about anything to get their point across – make sounds, point, act things out, or even describe the title in detail.

    But wait, there are a couple of things the Cluegiver can’t do:

    • No singing or humming any music tunes. Bummer, I know!

    The title of this task is “Giving Clues for a Guessing Game”. Here are some important guidelines to keep in mind when creating clues for a guessing game:

    – You cannot use any part of the title or any obvious variations of it as a clue. For example, if the title is “William,” you can’t use “Willy” or “Bill” to help the guessers figure it out.

    – It is acceptable to give clues that rhyme with the title as long as you don’t actually say the rhyming word. For example, saying “Sounds like the animal that oinks” is okay, but saying “Sounds like pig” is not allowed.

    – You cannot spell out the title or provide clues that reveal specific letters of the title. The only exception is if the title is made up of initials, like “E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial.” Even in that case, you cannot explicitly state the initials.

    These guidelines are important to ensure a fair and fun guessing game experience. By following them, you can create engaging clues without giving away the answer.

    Here’s how the game works: I’m the Cluegiver, and you’re the Guesser. Your job is to guess the title on my card. You can make as many guesses as you want, and don’t worry if you get it wrong – there’s no penalty. But remember, you need to say the full title exactly as it’s printed on the card. Some words in parentheses are optional.

    If you guess the correct title, I’ll set the card aside, grab a new one from the Deck, and start giving clues for that title. But if you can’t figure it out, I can’t move on to a new title. So, do your best to get it right!

    Oh, and one more thing – I can’t just skip a title and move on. Even if I don’t recognize it, I’ll have to get creative with my clues. You’ll find some tips on the next page to help me out.

    If I give you an illegal clue, though, my turn is over and the card goes back into the Deck. Let’s have some fun and start guessing!

    When the timer runs out, I, as the Cluegiver, will shuffle the card I was working on back into the Deck. I will keep each card that was guessed correctly in a pile near me. Then, I will pass the Deck to the next team clockwise, who will in turn pass the timer to the team clockwise from them.

    Remember: If time runs out before any of us can guess the title, we are not allowed to discuss it with each other. I can’t tell you what I was trying to convey, and you can’t share your guesses with each other. It’s possible that a card may come up multiple times before it is guessed correctly.

    The round comes to an end when all of the titles have been guessed and there are no more cards left in the Deck. Once the deck is empty and all of the titles have been guessed correctly, pause the timer by placing it on its side. When the next round begins, the team that currently has the turn will start, and they will only have the remaining time on the timer to play.

    If the team feels that there isn’t enough time left to make a play, they can pass the turn to the next team. The next team will start the round with a reset sand timer, which will be set back to 30 seconds.

    Now, it’s time for each team to tally up the cards they have collected and score one point for each card. The scorekeeper will keep track of the scores. After scoring, each team will take turns reading out loud all the titles from their card pile. This will help everyone remember which titles are part of the game. Once all the titles have been read, all the cards will go back into the Deck and will be shuffled thoroughly. The team that comes after the last team to play will start the next round.

    Round 2

    Guess what? I’ve got a fun game for you to play! It’s called Round 2, and it’s just like Round 1, but with a few twists. In this round, you can only use one word per clue to describe each title.

    Here’s how it works: I’ll give you a clue, and you have to guess the title. You only get one guess, and if you’re not sure, you can pass. Easy, right?

    But wait, there’s more! If I accidentally use more than one word in a clue, I have to set the card aside and pick a new one. And you can only make one guess per card. If you guess wrong, I’ll have to set the card aside and pick a new one.

    So, are you ready for Round 2? Let’s get started!

    During this round, I can choose to pass. If I decide to pass, all I have to do is say “Pass”, put the card face-down, and draw a new one from the Deck. This way, I can continue with the new title. However, it’s important to remember that Guessers are never allowed to pass.

    When the turn ends, any cards that were set aside because of passing, clue mistakes, or incorrect guesses will be mixed back into the Deck. Don’t worry, there’s no penalty for these cards.

    If I finish going through the entire deck in my turn, my turn is done. I can’t go back to any cards that I set aside because of incorrect guesses, passes, and so on.

    At the end of the round, there’s no need to read all the titles aloud again. By now, everyone should know them already. Just shuffle all the cards back into the Deck, just like before.

    Round 3

    This round is all about pantomime and sounds. I can only give one guess, and passing is allowed.

    In Round 3, things take a fun twist. This time, the Cluegiver can’t use any words! Instead, they have to rely on sounds and pantomime to help their team guess the word.

    The goal of the game is to get the highest score possible. After all three rounds, the team with the highest score wins the game.

    To help you during the game, here are some key game cards and their categories:

    Al: Albums.

    Bk: Books.

    Fa: Fine Art.

    Mv: Movies.

    Ot: Other (Famous Places, Items, Phrases, Magazines, and more).

    Pm: Plays & Musicals.

    Sg: Songs.

    Tv: Television.

    Have fun and enjoy Round 3!

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