Evade in Commands Colors Ancients

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Let’s Talk about Evading in Commands & Colors: Ancients!

Have you ever wondered how to perform an evade in Commands & Colors: Ancients? Well, let me tell you all about it!

The evade command is a cunning strategy that allows you to dodge enemy attacks and get out of harm’s way. It’s like a secret weapon that can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

So, how does it work? When an opponent attacks your unit, you can use the evade command to try and avoid the attack. If successful, you will be able to retreat your unit to a safer position, out of harm’s reach.

The evade command is denoted by a flag symbol on your command card. When you play this card, you announce that you are attempting to evade. If the dice roll is in your favor, you will successfully evade the attack and move your unit away from danger.

However, not all units are created equal when it comes to evading. Some units, like light infantry or cavalry, are more adept at evading attacks due to their mobility and agility. On the other hand, heavy infantry or cavalry units are less likely to successfully evade due to their slower movements.

It’s important to consider the terrain and the abilities of your own units when attempting an evade. Factors like rough terrain or the presence of enemy units nearby can make evading more challenging. Sometimes, it’s better to stand your ground and fight instead of risking an unsuccessful evade.

Remember, the evade command is not a guaranteed escape from danger. It’s a tactical decision that you must make based on the current battlefield situation. Sometimes, it’s better to face your enemy head-on and engage in combat instead of trying to escape.

In conclusion, evading in Commands & Colors: Ancients is a strategic move that can give you an edge in battle. By using the evade command wisely and considering the abilities of your units and the battlefield conditions, you can outmaneuver your opponents and secure victory.

So, are you ready to try out evading in Commands & Colors: Ancients? I promise you, it’s a game-changer that will keep you on your toes and elevate your tactical skills to new heights. Don’t underestimate the power of a well-executed evade – it might just be the key to conquering your opponents!

When I’m fighting in Close Combat and I want to avoid getting attacked, I can choose to Evade instead. But there’s a catch – I can only Evade if my opponent doesn’t Battle Back. If I successfully Evade, I gain one Victory Banner.

Before I Evade, my opponent gets to roll Close Combat battle dice against me. However, only symbols that match my unit will count as hits. Leader symbols, swords, and flags won’t affect me.

If I do get hit while Evading and I have a leader with me, there’s a chance that the leader might get hit too, following the normal rules for leader casualties.

Who Can Evade?

Here are the units that are eligible to Evade:

    In the battlefield, there are certain rules that determine which units can evade and which cannot. Let’s break it down:

    1. Light units like light infantry, light sling infantry, light bow infantry, light cavalry, light bow cavalry, and barbarian chariots always have the ability to evade. It’s like a sneaky maneuver that allows them to avoid direct confrontation.

    2. War machine units, for the most part, can also evade. They have their own unique way of escaping dangerous situations. You can find more details about this in the War Machine Evade section.

    3. Now, here’s an interesting rule: if a leader finds himself alone in a hex, he must evade. It’s a survival tactic for leaders to stay out of harm’s way when they have no backup. You can find more about this in the Leader Evade section.

    4. Moving on to medium cavalry, camel, and cataphracted camel units. These guys have the ability to evade any foot units and heavy mounted units. It’s like they have a secret escape route that others can’t access.

    5. Heavy cavalry, heavy cataphracted cavalry, and heavy chariot units also have the power to evade, but they can only evade foot units and elephant units. So if you’re on foot or riding an elephant, you should be on high alert!

    6. Finally, we have auxilia, medium infantry, warrior, heavy infantry, and elephant units. Unfortunately, these guys can never evade. It’s just not in their nature.

    Now, let’s talk about how this evade procedure works. It’s pretty straightforward. When a unit decides to evade, it basically means they’re trying to avoid any direct confrontation or combat. They’re choosing the smart path instead of the brave one. Evading allows them to move away from the threat and potentially regroup for a better strategy.

    However, there are certain factors to consider. Evading requires careful planning and execution. It’s not as simple as running away. There are risks involved, and sometimes evading can backfire if not done correctly. It’s like a double-edged sword.

    So, in conclusion, the ability to evade is not something that all units have. It’s a special skill that only specific units possess. It can be a game-changer in the battlefield, but it’s important to understand the risks and use it wisely. By following these rules and understanding the evade procedure, you can make strategic decisions that might just turn the tide of battle in your favor.

    When I’m on the battlefield, there’s a move I can make called an Evade. It’s a way for me to move towards my own side of the battlefield by 2 hexes. But here’s the thing: I can only make an Evade if there’s a clear path to my side. If both hexes towards my side are blocked by impassable terrain or other units, I can’t use the Evade move. There’s an exception, though – if there’s only one hex available on my side, I can still make a 1 hex Evade move.

    Now, let’s say I’m making an Evade and the first hex I move into has a friendly leader all by themselves. Well, in that case, I stop right there and the leader becomes a part of my unit. It’s like we join forces! And don’t worry, this kind of move is totally legal.

    Here’s something important to know – when I’m evading, I can’t Battle Back. That means, even if I end up in a hex adjacent to an enemy unit that’s attacking me, I can’t fight back. I just have to keep evading and hope for the best.

    When I’m in the middle of a battle, there’s one rule I always remember: I can’t invade the hex where my opponent’s troops are originally positioned, no matter what happens. Even if I manage to eliminate their troops, I still can’t enter that hex. It’s a strict but important rule.

    Now, here’s an interesting thing about evasion: it’s not just about “running away.” When you evade, you’re actually executing a tactical maneuver that slows down the enemy’s advance. It’s a way to withdraw from the fight while posing some risk to your own unit.

    Evading War Machines

    Let’s talk about war machines and how evasion works with them. When I’m attacking a war machine unit, I roll the dice as usual. If I manage to eliminate the war machine, I earn a Victory Banner. However, if the war machine survives, it gets to make a sneaky one or two hex evade move. After that, the war machine is removed from the battlefield, and its crew escapes. They don’t count as a Victory Banner for me.

    Leader Evade

    When it comes to leaders, they have a different way of avoiding danger compared to regular units. As a leader, I have the ability to move back towards my side of the battlefield by 1, 2, or 3 hexes.

    Now, if I’m attached to a unit and that unit loses its last block in a Ranged Combat or Close Combat, there’s a chance that I might get hit too. To determine if I’ve been hit, you need to roll a die and see if you get a leader symbol.

    If I’m not eliminated, I have to use my Evade ability. If this happens during Close Combat, you, as the attacking unit, can take advantage of my evasion and make a Momentum Advance because you’ve eliminated the defending unit.

    But what happens if I’m all by myself in a hex, with no unit to protect me? Well, if you decide to attack me with Ranged Combat or Close Combat, the unit attacking me gets to roll the normal number of battle dice. To get rid of me, you have to roll a leader symbol.

    If I don’t eliminate the leader, I have to try to evade him. After a close combat, I can’t make a momentum advance against an unattached leader, whether I eliminate him or not.

    When a leader evades, here are the rules I need to follow:

    • The leader can move back 1, 2, or 3 hexes towards his own side of the battlefield. It’s up to the player controlling the leader to decide how many hexes he will move and which path he will take to evade.
    • An evading leader can move through friendly units, friendly units with an attached leader, and friendly leaders alone in a hex.
    • A leader can’t end his evade movement in a hex that contains another friendly leader, impassable terrain, an enemy unit, or enemy leader. However, a leader can evade through a hex that contains a friendly unit or another friendly leader.

    Here’s how to navigate your leader’s escape in a game, and some important things to consider:

    – An evading leader has the ability to move through an enemy unit, similar to the rules for Leader Escape.

    – Once the leader completes their move, if they end up on a hex with a friendly unit, they are considered attached to that unit.

    – Units do not get affected if a leader evades through their hex.

    – You have the option to evade your leader off your side of the battlefield. This will prevent your opponent from gaining a victory banner by eliminating your leader, but it also means sacrificing a strong command piece.

    – If the terrain makes it impossible for the leader to evade at least one hex, such as when encountering impassable terrain, the leader is eliminated, and your opponent gains a victory banner.

    Now, let’s talk about the procedure for leader escape:

    – If enemy units are occupying one or two hexes along the leader’s designated evade path, the evading leader must attempt to escape through those hexes.

    Remember, the escape and evasion of your leader can be a crucial tactic in the game. Think strategically and make the best decisions to secure your victory.

    • Move your leader onto one of the enemy hexes and let the enemy unit in that hex engage in battle with your leader. The enemy unit will use its normal number of Close Combat dice, but your leader won’t benefit from any terrain advantages.
    • To successfully hit a leader who is trying to escape, you only need to roll one leader symbol.
    • If the leader isn’t hit, he successfully escapes and continues his Evade move by moving onto the next hex. If this hex is also occupied by an enemy unit, the leader must go through the Escape procedure again. If, after moving to a third hex, he still ends up on a hex with enemy units, he is eliminated and the opponent gains a victory banner.
    • If the leader ends his Escape move on a hex with a friendly unit, he will be attached to that unit.

    Examples Of Leader Evade And Escape:

    I’m facing a tricky situation. There’s an enemy infantry and cavalry unit behind me, and I need to find a way to evade them. The good news is that there’s an empty hex behind the infantry, which means I only have to face two dice instead of three. So, I’ll take my chances and try to escape through that hex.

    I make my move, and the opposing player rolls the dice – one sword hit and one red square. Phew! I’m in luck. Since there are no helmet symbols, I successfully evade the enemy and continue moving for one or two more hexes.


    Here’s another scenario. There’s no enemy unit behind me, but the next hex is occupied by a medium cavalry unit. To complicate matters, there’s a friendly unit behind that cavalry unit.

    Instead of taking the easy way out with a one-hex Evade, I decide to go for a three-hex Evade and end up on the hex with the friendly unit. It’s a risk, but it might just work.

    As I enter the second hex with the cavalry unit, the Evade move is paused, and the opposing player rolls three dice. They get two flags and a green circle. Luckily for me, no helmet symbols, which means I manage to escape successfully. I continue my Evade move onto the third and final hex, where the friendly unit awaits.


    Now, this is a tough one. The only way for me to evade is by passing through an enemy infantry unit and then an enemy cavalry unit. It’s a risky path, but I have no other option.

    I cautiously move onto the first hex with the infantry unit, and the opposing player rolls two dice. They manage to get a flag and a sword, but I’m still safe for now. However, my escape attempt doesn’t end there. I have to keep moving onto the second hex with the cavalry unit.

    The rolls of the dice are not in my favor this time. The opposing player gets a blue triangle hit and two helmets – a lucky shot. Unfortunately, I needed only one helmet to bring me down, and I’m removed from the board, just one hex short of safety. The opposing player earns one banner for eliminating me.

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