Alchemy Kingdom Card Descriptions
Welcome to the magical world of Alchemy Kingdom! In this enchanting card game, you will discover a realm filled with wondrous potions, mystical ingredients, and powerful spells. As you navigate through the kingdom, you will encounter a variety of cards that will shape your destiny. Each card holds a unique power, waiting to be unleashed. Let’s dive into the fascinating descriptions of these cards and uncover the secrets they hold!
The Alchemist’s Potion
Ah, the Alchemist’s Potion! This card is the epitome of mystery and intrigue. When you summon it, you summon the power of transformation. With a single sip, you can change the course of the game. Will it turn a lowly frog into a majestic prince? Will it transmute gold into something even more precious? The possibilities are endless, and the choice is yours. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility.
The Enchanted Amulet
The Enchanted Amulet is a symbol of protection and strength. When you wear it, you become invincible, immune to the tricks and traps of your opponents. This card is your shield in the battle of wits. It will safeguard your every move and ensure your victory. But beware, for the amulet’s power is not infinite. Use it wisely and at the right moment to unleash its true potential.
The Spellbook of Secrets
Ah, the Spellbook of Secrets! Within its pages lies the knowledge of the ancients. It contains spells that can bend reality and alter fate. When you open its worn cover, you enter a realm where anything is possible. Will you summon a tempest to wipe out your enemies? Will you conjure a potion to heal the wounded? The choice is yours, but be careful – the magic within the spellbook is unpredictable and demands respect.
The Cursed Dagger
Beware the Cursed Dagger, for it holds a dark power. When you wield this blade, you tap into the shadows, becoming a master of deception. With a swift strike, you can bring any opponent to their knees. But be warned, for the dagger’s curse is relentless. It will haunt you and demand a price for its power. Are you willing to pay the cost? Only then will the blade truly be yours to command.
The Elixir of Life
Ah, the Elixir of Life! This card holds the secret to eternal youth and vitality. When you drink from the golden flask, your wounds heal, your strength returns, and you are reborn anew. It is a precious gift, but one that must be used wisely. Will you share it with your allies, or keep it for yourself? The choice is yours, but remember, the elixir’s power is finite. Use it sparingly and savor each drop.
The Ancient Oracle
The Ancient Oracle is a card shrouded in mystery and wisdom. When you consult the oracle, it reveals secrets and glimpses into the future. It holds the answers to questions you dare not ask. Will it guide you towards victory or warn you of impending doom? The oracle’s words are cryptic, but their meaning is profound. Listen closely, for the answers you seek may lie within its enigmatic whispers.
And there you have it, the fascinating descriptions of Alchemy Kingdom’s cards. Each card holds a unique power, waiting to be discovered and harnessed. As you venture deeper into the kingdom, remember to choose your cards wisely, for they will shape your destiny. May your journeys be filled with wonder and may the cards be ever in your favor!
When I play this card, I get to draw two cards and have the option to play an extra Action card during my turn. During the Clean-up Phase, if I decide to discard this card and I have at least one Potion card in play, I can choose to put the Alchemist card on top of my deck.
This is an optional move that happens before I draw my new hand. If I don’t have any cards left in my deck, the Alchemist card becomes the only card in it. If I have multiple Alchemist cards and a Potion, I can choose to put any or all of the Alchemists on top of my deck. It’s important to note that I don’t have to use the Potion to buy anything; I just need to have played it.
First, I’ll draw a card. After that, I’ll reveal the top four cards from my deck. I’ll add any Coppers and Potions to my hand, and the rest will go back on top of my deck. But if there aren’t four cards left in my deck, I’ll reveal as many as I can and then shuffle to find the rest.
If I still don’t have enough cards, I’ll just reveal what I do have. Any cards that are not Copper or Potion will go back on top of my deck, and I get to choose the order. I have to take all of the Coppers and Potions, I can’t refuse. And if I reveal the last four cards and there are none left in my deck, the cards I put back will be the only ones in my deck.
If you don’t have any cards left to get rid of, you don’t get to draw any more. But if you throw away a card that costs , like a Curse or a Copper, you also don’t get to draw any more. However, if you trash a card that costs money, you get to draw a card for each coin that card costs. And if the card you trashed also had
in its cost, you get to draw two additional cards. Let’s say you trash a Golem, which costs
#image.jpg – you would get to draw 6 cards in total.
Something You’re Familiar With
So here’s the deal – when you play Familiar, there might not be enough Curses for everyone. If that happens, we just go in order, starting with the player to my left. Even if there are no Curses left, playing Familiar still gives me an extra card and an extra action. And just so you know, if someone ends up with a Curse, they put it face-up in their Discard pile.
So here’s what you do: start flipping cards from the top of your deck, one by one, until you come across two Action cards that aren’t Golem. But here’s the catch: if you run out of cards before finding two non-Golem Actions, take your discard pile (don’t touch the revealed cards) and shuffle it. Then keep going.
If, by some unfortunate twist of fate, you run out of cards and your discard pile is empty too, don’t worry. You still get to keep the Actions you managed to find. However, all the other revealed cards should be discarded.
Now, let’s talk about your findings. If you didn’t find any suitable Action cards, that’s it for you. Better luck next time. But if you did find one, you get to play it. And if you found two? Well, you have to play both of them, and you don’t get to choose the order. Anyhow, these Action cards aren’t considered part of your hand, so any effects that rely on your hand won’t apply to them. So, let’s say one of the cards is a mighty Throne Room (from the game Dominion). Unfortunately, you can’t use it on the other Action card.
Oh, and don’t forget about Herbalist!
When you play this card, you’ll receive an extra coin to use in your current turn. This means you’ll have more resources to spend on buying cards during your Buy phase. Additionally, when you remove this card from play, usually during the Clean-up phase, you have the option to select a Treasure card that you currently have in play. You can then place that chosen card on top of your deck. If, by chance, your deck is empty at that moment, the selected Treasure card will become the sole card in your deck.
During the Clean-up phase, you have the freedom to decide the order in which you discard your cards. For instance, let’s say you have the Herbalist, Potion, and Alchemist cards currently in play. You can choose to discard the Alchemist first, placing it on top of your deck. Then, you can discard the Herbalist card and place the Potion on top of your deck. If you happen to have multiple Herbalist cards in play, each one allows you to place another Treasure card from play onto your deck when you discard it.
Introducing: The Philosopher’s Stone
Hey there! I’ve got something special for you – a Treasure card! It belongs to the Kingdom card family, so you’ll only find it in games where it’s randomly dealt as one of the 10 Kingdom cards, or picked to be one of them on purpose. During your Buy phase, just play this card like any other awesome Treasure card.
When you play it, you’ll need to do a little math. Start by counting all the cards in both your deck and discard pile. Add those numbers up and then divide the total by 5. Round that number down, and voila! You’ve got yourself some coins. This is how much this amazing card gives you. Even if the number of cards changes later in the turn, the amount of coins you get will stay the same.
But wait, there’s more! The next time you play this card, you’ll need to count again. If you have multiple copies of this card, don’t worry – the number will be the same for all of them. The order of your discard pile doesn’t matter, but the order of your deck does, so keep that in mind when you’re strategizing.
Counting cards in Dominion is an important skill, especially when it comes to deciding what actions to take during your turn. It’s a bit of a puzzle that requires some strategic thinking!
When counting your deck and discard pile, be sure to keep the order intact. You don’t want to accidentally mess up the sequence and lose track of your cards. Remember, you can only look through your discard pile while counting it. The count should include only the cards in your deck and discard pile, excluding the cards in your hand, cards in play, or any other set aside cards.
It’s crucial to note that you cannot play additional Treasures after buying something during your buy phase. This means that if you choose to play Philosopher’s Stone after a purchase, you won’t be able to buy another card that turn. It’s a trade-off that you need to consider carefully.
Understanding Possession
When it’s your turn to possess the player to your left, remember that you’re not actually taking a turn yourself. Instead, you’re the one making decisions and reaping the rewards while that player takes the turn. Understanding this distinction is essential when it comes to how cards interact in the game. In every card, the word “you” refers to the player who is being possessed, not the one who is doing the possessing.
During the possession, you have the advantage of seeing the possessed player’s cards for the entire turn. This means you get a glimpse of their next hand when it’s time to clean up. You also have the ability to see any cards they are allowed to see based on the rules of a card. For example, you can take a look at the cards they have set aside with the Native Village card from the Seaside expansion. Additionally, you can count any cards they can count.
As the possessor, all the decisions are in your hands. You get to choose which cards to play, what decisions those cards offer, and ultimately, what cards to purchase. This puts you in control of the possessed player’s fate and gives you the power to shape the course of the game.
If you’re playing with the Possessed card, here’s an interesting twist: instead of the Possessed player gaining cards, you get them. This applies to any cards that the Possessed player would have gained through buying or Actions. The cards you gain go to your own discard pile, no matter where they would have gone for the Possessed player, like their hand or the top of their deck.
Now, during the Possessed player’s turn, if any of their cards get trashed, hold on to them. At the end of the turn, after Clean-up, the Possessed player will put those cards in their discard pile.
When you trash a card, like Mining Village from Dominion: Intrigue, it counts as the card being thrown away. But when you get those cards back at the end of the turn, it doesn’t count as gaining them. So, you won’t actually get them back. Any cards from other players that are trashed during that turn are also not returned.
If you pass cards using Masquerade from Dominion: Intrigue, it’s not considered gaining or trashing, so the cards are passed normally. And if Ambassador from Dominion: Seaside returns cards to the Supply, they’re not being trashed either, so they go back to the Supply as usual.
If you make another player play an Attack while using Possession, it will affect you just like any other Attack would. If you want to use a Reaction, like Secret Chamber from Dominion: Intrigue, in response to that Attack, you would be the one revealing the Reaction, not the player who is being Possessed.
When you have Possession in your hand, something special happens. It’s like a card called Outpost from a game called Dominion: Seaside. This special thing is that you get to take an extra turn. But wait, there are some important rules to remember!
The extra turn with Possession comes after you finish your current turn. This means you have to do everything you would normally do in a turn – like getting rid of cards and drawing new ones – before you can take the extra turn. Outpost, on the other hand, only stops itself from giving you two turns in a row. It doesn’t stop other cards or rules from giving you extra turns.
Let me give you an example to make things easier to understand. Imagine you are playing a game with just two people. If you play Possession, then after your Possession turn, you still get to have your regular turn. But if you used Outpost during that regular turn, it wouldn’t give you an extra turn.
What if you play both Outpost and Possession in the same turn? Well, the Outpost turn happens first. So you would do everything for the Outpost turn, and then you would do everything for the Possession turn. It’s like having a bonus turn and then another bonus turn!
If you make me play Outpost when I’m under your control, you won’t get an extra turn. Instead, I’ll get the extra turn and make all the decisions during it. It’s a bit confusing, I know. But if you make me play Possession when I’m already Possessed, I’ll possess the player to my left instead of you being able to Possess another person.
Extra turns, like the ones from Possession and Outpost, don’t count for tiebreakers. Once the game ends, no more turns are played, including those extra turns.
Unlike Outpost, Possession is not a special card that lasts for multiple turns. It gets discarded during the Clean-up phase of the turn when it was played.
You should also know that Possession can add up. If you play it twice in one turn, there will be two extra turns after this one.
Oh, and one more thing: Potion is a special card that you can use to buy even more powerful cards.
This is a simple Treasure card. It costs #image.jpg and gives you . It’s not one of the special Kingdom cards; check the Preparation rules. But what does that mean? Let me explain.
You know how when you’re playing a game and you need some extra money? That’s where the Treasure cards come in. This particular card is called a Treasure card because it helps you add more coins to your hand. It costs a certain amount to buy, just like any other card in the game. In this case, it costs #image.jpg.
But wait, there’s more! When you play this card, it gives you . Think of it like a little bonus. That extra coin can really come in handy when you’re trying to buy more cards and build up your deck.
Now, you might be wondering why this card isn’t considered a Kingdom card. Well, the game has some rules about what kind of cards count as Kingdom cards and what kind don’t. Kingdom cards are the ones that make the game really interesting and offer different strategies and abilities. Treasure cards, on the other hand, are pretty straightforward. They’re just there to give you more money.
So, to sum it all up, this Treasure card costs #image.jpg and gives you . It’s not a Kingdom card, but it’s still an important part of the game. And who knows, it might just be the key to your victory.
First, let’s start by taking a look at the cards in each player’s deck. We’ll show the top card of the deck to everyone and let them decide whether to get rid of it or keep it. If the order matters, we’ll go around in a circle, starting with me. Each player will make their own choice.
Next, it’s time to reveal cards from the top of my deck. I’ll keep revealing cards until I find one that isn’t an Action card. If I run out of cards without finding a non-Action card, I’ll shuffle my discard pile and keep going.
If I don’t have any cards left in my discard pile, that’s the end of the process. All of the Action cards that were revealed during this process will go into my hand, along with the first non-Action card I revealed. However, if the very first card I revealed was not an Action card, that card will also go into my hand.
When playing a game involving cards, it’s important to understand the different types of cards you may encounter. One such type is the Action card, which can come in many variations. These cards have the ability to impact the game in various ways.
In some games, there are cards that have multiple types, and one of those types may be Action. When a card falls into this category, it is referred to as an Action card.
When you play the game and come across cards, you will need to reveal them to see what type they are. The reveal process continues until you find a card that is not an Action card. Only the cards that fall into this non-Action category will go into your hand. Any cards that were revealed before finding a non-Action card, such as those revealed by a card like the Scrying Pool, will not be added to your hand. The same is true for cards from other players’ decks.
If you don’t have any cards left in your hand to throw away, you don’t get anything. But if you throw away a Curse card, you also don’t get anything because Curse cards don’t count as Action, Victory, or Treasure cards. If you toss away a card that has more than one type, you get the benefit of each applicable type.
For instance, if you throw away a card that is both an Action and a Victory card (like Nobles from Dominion: Intrigue), you gain both a Duchy and a Gold. The cards you gain come from the Supply and go into your discard pile. If there are no appropriate cards left to gain, you won’t get any of those cards.
When you play the game, you have the option to acquire an Action card. It’s not required, but if you decide to do so, the card will come from the Supply. However, there are a few conditions to keep in mind. Firstly, the card must not cost more than . Secondly, once you acquire the card, it will be placed in your discard pile. It’s important to note that cards with multiple types, where one of them is an Action, can also be obtained in this manner. However, cards that have
in their cost cannot be acquired using this method.
Hey there! I’ve got something cool to share with you. So, check it out: this Kingdom card is a bit different from your typical Action cards. It’s actually called a Victory card. And you know what? It doesn’t do anything special during the game. But wait for it…at the end of the game, it becomes super valuable!
Here’s how it works: the Vineyard card is worth 1 victory point for every 3 Action cards you have in your Deck. And get this, we’re not just talking about the cards in your hand or discard pile. Nope, your entire Deck counts! Pretty neat, right? But remember, we round down. So, let’s say you have 11 Action cards – that means the Vineyard card is worth 3 victory points. Simple math!
Now, let me give you a tip for set-up. If you’re playing with 3 or more players, you’ll want to use all 12 Vineyard cards in the Supply. But if it’s just a 2-player game, put only 8 Vineyards in the Supply. Oh, and here’s a fun fact: cards with multiple types, like one that’s both an Action and something else, still count as Action cards for the Vineyard. Isn’t that awesome?