Ship of treasures game rules – how to play ship of treasures

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Ahoy there, mateys! Avast ye! I’m a pirate sailin’ the treacherous seas, keepin’ me precious booty well-hidden. Think ye can find me treasure? Well, ye better be ready for a challenge, me hearties, ’cause I’ll be huntin’ for yer loot too! But beware, me buckos, for ye may find yerself face-to-face with a loaded cannon instead of glitterin’ gold!


Listen up, me crew! To start our adventure, ya gotta place the game board in the middle of the playin’ area. The cardboard platform goes in its base, then ye rest the plastic board on top. Each pirate chooses a stand to represent ’em in the game, and that’s what they’ll use throughout our hunt for hidden treasures.

Okay, listen up! I’m gonna tell you how to play this awesome game. First things first, you gotta attach the bow to the ship. Don’t worry, the instructions for that are on the back side of the bow, so it’s all there for ya.

Now, each of us gets a treasure map. Make sure you put the bow at the top of the map. That’s how you know which way is up. And here’s the important part – mark the spots on your map where you wanna hide your treasure or cannonballs. But remember, you can only hide stuff under the x’s that match your own color. Got it?

Alright, the youngest player goes first. Close your eyes, ’cause you don’t wanna see where they hide their treasure. They sneakily put it under the spots they marked on their map. Then, the next youngest player does the same thing, and it keeps going until everyone’s hidden their loot.

Once everyone’s done with the treasure business, it’s time to get down to business on the board. Put your pirate piece on any empty space. Then, shuffle the cards and put ’em face down within reach of all the players. And that’s it, my friend – the game is ready to go!

Time to Play!

When we play this game, the youngest player gets to go first. It’s exciting to be the first one to roll the dice! I will roll the dice and see what number I get. The number on the dice tells me how many spaces I can move my pirate on the game board.

There’s a compass on the board and on our treasure maps. It helps us know which direction we should move. I have to move the exact number of spaces shown on the dice. After I finish moving, it will be the next player’s turn.

When it’s my turn, I should move my game piece in a straight line, unless I roll a Wild and a 6 together. If I get that special combination, I can change directions as many times as I want during my move. But I can’t move diagonally. It’s like zig-zagging around the board!

If I get to the end of the ship during my move, I have to do something fun. I pretend to swim under the boat and start on the other side. It’s like I’m diving under the ship! Then I keep playing.

Hey there! Let me tell you about this cool game I’ve been playing. It’s called Treasure Pirates, and it’s super exciting!

So, in this game, each player gets to be a pirate. And guess what? We’re all searching for treasure! But it’s not that easy. You see, there are hatches on the game board, and we can open them up to investigate what’s underneath. But here’s the twist – we can only open hatches that aren’t our color. If we find a treasure under a hatch, we can collect it, but we can’t take another one of the same color.

Now, here’s where things get really interesting. If we open a hatch that matches our color, we have to reveal our findings to the other pirates. And guess what happens next? We have to skip our next turn! That’s right, finding a cannonball can really put a damper on our progress.

But hey, it’s not all bad. If we land on a blank space, we get to draw a card from the deck. These cards have special instructions on them, and some can be saved for later while others have to be used right away. It keeps us on our toes and adds a whole new level of excitement to the game!

The game goes on like this until one of us manages to collect one of each treasure. And let me tell you, that’s when things get really intense. The player who achieves this legendary feat instantly wins the game! Talk about an adrenaline rush!

So, that’s how the game goes. Exciting, right?

By the way, let me introduce myself. I’m Ellie, and I live in Northeast Tennessee. I absolutely adore animals, reading fantasy novels, and being outdoors. And you know what? I’m lucky to have an amazing husband who loves me almost as much as our two furry pets. This wonderful community is my home, and I’m thrilled to be part of it!

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