Sequence stacks game rules – how to play sequence stacks

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Welcome to Sequence Stacks, a fresh take on the classic board game Sequence that transforms it into an exciting card game experience! Instead of placing chips on a board, your goal is to build stacks of cards and create sequences of numbers 1 – 5 in the same color. Be the first to complete a sequence and earn a chip. Collect five chips, and victory is yours!

But brace yourself, because Sequence Stacks adds a twist to the gameplay. As you strive to complete your sequences, you’ll need both red and blue chips. And watch out for action cards! These powerful tools will let you disrupt your opponents’ plans and take control of the game.


Hey there! Let me tell you about this awesome game. It’s got a really cool deck of cards, 120 in total. Now, here’s the breakdown: half of the cards are blue and the other half are red, so that’s 60 blue cards and 60 red cards. But hold on, there’s more! Each color has nine copies of numbers 1 to 5, and seven wild cards. So, you’ve got plenty of options to play with.

Now, here’s where things get really interesting. Within this deck, there are sixteen action cards that can really shake things up. We’ve got three skips to pass over a player’s turn, three reverses to switch up the order, three steal-a-card cards to grab a card from someone else’s hand, three blocks to protect yourself, and four steal-a-chip cards to snatch a chip from someone else.

See, this game is all about strategy and surprises. You never know what’s gonna come up next, and that’s what makes it so much fun. So, grab your friends, shuffle up the deck, and let the games begin!

Sequence stacks game rules - how to play sequence stacks

How to Set Up the Game

Getting ready to play a game with 3 to 6 players? Great! You’ll need all of the cards. But if it’s just you and a friend, a few cards will need to be removed. Let’s go over the setup:

First things first, you’ll need a dealer. This person shuffles the deck and hands out five cards to each player. The remaining cards are placed facedown in the middle of the table as a draw pile. Make sure there’s enough space for two sequence piles on either side of the draw pile.

Now, grab the blue and red chips and place them on the table, one on each side where the sequence piles will eventually go. We’re almost ready to start!

Sequence stacks game rules - how to play sequence stacks

The Game

Let’s talk about how the game is played. It starts with the player who is sitting to the left of the dealer. That person gets to go first. You can play as many cards as you want on your turn. But there are some rules you need to follow.

First, you need to start a sequence pile with a 1 card or a wild card that has the same color as the pile. Then, you need to keep playing cards in sequential order and in the same color until you reach a 5. Once you play a 5 card (or a wild in place of a 5), you have finished a sequence.

Now, when you finish a sequence, you have to do something important. You need to set aside the pile of cards you have played and take a chip from the pile. The color of the chip should be the same as the sequence you just completed.

You can keep playing cards from your hand until you run out of cards to play. If you manage to play all five cards from your hand, congratulations! You get to draw five more cards from the draw pile and keep on playing.

When I can’t make a move anymore, I pick a card from my hand and put it into my discard pile. During my next turn, I can use the top card from my discard pile.

If there are no more cards left in the draw pile, I shuffle the sequence piles that have been removed and use the new deck as the draw pile.

My turn ends when I discard a card. Then it’s the next player’s turn, unless a reverse card has changed the direction of the turn order.

Sequence stacks game rules - how to play sequence stacks

Special Cards

Hey there! Let’s talk about special cards in the game. They have their own separate pile where they go when played. Except for the block card, special cards can only be played by someone during their turn. Pretty cool, right?

First up, we have the skip cards. These cards are real troublemakers because they make the next player skip their turn. Poor guys, they just have to sit there and watch while everyone else keeps playing. Tough luck!

Now let me tell you about the reverse cards. When one of these is played, everything changes! The direction of play flips, so if it was going left before, it now goes right. Talk about a twist!

Next, we have the wild cards. These little gems are magical because you can play them as any number you need. How awesome is that? But here’s the catch – you have to play them in a sequence of the same color. So, if you want to play a blue wild card, you have to follow it up with another blue card. Same goes for red. Got it?

Finally, we have the steal a card. This one gives you a sneaky advantage. You can take the top card from your opponent’s discard pile and add it to your own hand. It’s like you’re saying, “Hey, that card looks pretty nice. I think I’ll take it!” Smooth move!

Steal a Chip is a card that lets me grab a chip from my opponent’s pile. It’s like taking candy from a baby, but it can’t help me win the game.

Block cards are the sneaky way to foil my opponent’s plans. I can play them whenever I want. If my opponent tries to finish a sequence with a five or a wild card, I can slap down a block card and ruin their day. No chip for them!


The game keeps going until someone collects five chips. But wait, there’s more! At least two of those chips have to be red, and at least two have to be blue. If I’m the first to achieve this colorful feat, I’m the big winner!

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