Welcome to Partnership Dominoes
Hey there! Have you ever heard of Partnership Dominoes? It’s a super cool game that you can play with 3 of your friends. The best part is, you’ll be working together in teams!
So, here’s the deal. The whole point of the game is to try and get 100 points or more to win. Sounds pretty exciting, right? Let me walk you through how it all works!
First things first, we need to decide who’s the dealer. And you know what’s great? We keep things random by picking the dealer that will shuffle up those domino tiles. To start off the game, each player gets 7 dominoes. Make sure that all the tiles are dealt out so that there aren’t any leftovers.
Now, let’s dive into the gameplay! The player who has the double 6 will start the layout in the first round. But don’t worry, once that round is over, we switch things up. The starting player passes the turn to the right, and they can use any tile they want to start the layout. Oh, and here’s a tip: the order of turns goes counterclockwise.
When it’s my turn, I’ll add a tile to the layout if I can. If I can’t legally add a tile, I’ll pass. To add a tile, I need to connect one end to the other by matching the numbers. The only exception is a double tile, where the numbers on both ends must match, and I add it at a 90-degree angle.
The game continues until someone plays all their tiles or until all 4 players pass their turn without being able to play.
If I manage to empty my hand, my team wins the round. If the game ends with a blocked layout, my team will count the pips on the tiles they have left in their hands. The team with the fewer pips wins. If there’s a tie, the round ends in a tie.
Once we’ve determined the winner of the round, it’s time to start scoring. You’ll score points based on the number of pips left in the losing team’s hands.
If the round ends in a tie, there won’t be any points scored.
Once the scoring is finished, we’ll start a new round. We’ll collect the tiles, shuffle them, and create a new layout according to the rules described in the gameplay section.
End of the Game
The game comes to a close when a team reaches or surpasses 100 points. That team is crowned the winner.
If you’re up for a more intense version of the game, you can play until a team wins a certain number of matches, making that win a match point.
When it’s time to begin a match, the next dealer will be seated on the right side of the player who went first in the previous match. This player will have the honor of playing the first tile and can choose any tile to start building the layout.
Hey there! My name is Amber, and I’m an avid gamer and writer based in Austin. I consider myself a gaming expert, and I have a soft spot for dogs, plants, and Dungeons & Dragons.
Hey there! My name is Amber, and I’m an avid gamer and writer based in Austin. I consider myself a gaming expert, and I have a soft spot for dogs, plants, and Dungeons & Dragons.