Hey there! Have you heard of Omben? It’s a super cool fishing card game that’s played with just two players. The best part? The goal is to get rid of all your cards first! Exciting, right?
Getting started is easy-peasy. First, we shuffle the deck of cards. Then, each player gets to draw either 4 or 5 cards. You and your opponent should agree on the hand size before the game begins. Once everyone has their cards, we place the rest of the deck in the middle, ready to be drawn from. And now, let the game commence!
Alright, let’s dive into the gameplay. To determine who goes first, we’ll leave it to Lady Luck and decide randomly. Then, the turns will take turns between the players.
When it’s your turn, you can pick any player you choose and ask them if they’ve got a specific rank card. If they do, woohoo! They’ll hand over all their cards of that rank to you. But if they don’t, no worries. You can draw a card from the central deck and add it to your hand. Keep on fishing for those cards!
If you don’t have the card you’re looking for, you’ll have to take a drink. This means that the card you asked for isn’t in the other player’s hand, so you’ll have to draw from the top of the pile. Keep drawing cards until you get one that matches the rank you asked for.
Whenever you have four cards of the same rank in your hand, you’ll show them to everyone by placing them face up in front of you.
The game keeps going until one of two things happens: either a player gets rid of all their cards, or there are no more cards left in the draw pile.
The game ends in one of two ways. The first is when a player manages to empty their hand completely. The second is when the draw pile is empty because the last card has been drawn from it.
After the game ends, we determine the winner. If a player has no cards left in their hand, they are the winner. If the draw pile ran out of cards, the winner is the player with the fewest cards remaining in their hand.
Hi there! I’m Amber, and I’m a writer and gaming enthusiast from Austin. I consider myself a gaming master, and I have a soft spot for dogs, plants, and D&D.