Playing Karma can be a rollercoaster of emotions! The point of the game is to get rid of all the cards in your hand. Each player takes turns playing cards that are equal to or higher than the previous card.
If you can’t play a card of equal or higher value, tough luck! You have to collect the entire discard pile and add it to your hand. This makes things a bit more challenging when you’re trying to reduce your card count!
Before you start, combine the two decks and shuffle them. You can choose anyone to be the dealer because there’s no official rule for that. Give each player three cards face-down on the table in front of them. These will be their Facedown Table Cards.
When we play this game, we start by dealing each player six cards. It’s important for us to look at our cards and choose three to keep as our hand. The other three cards will be used as Faceup Table Cards. We place the remaining cards at the center of the playing area to create the Draw Pile.
I’ll be the first to play since I’m on the dealer’s left. I’ll take a card from my hand and place it beside the Draw Pile, which will start the Discard Pile. After I place my card, I’ll draw one from the Draw Pile, so I always have three cards in my hand.
Now it’s your turn. You must play a card that is equal or greater in value than the previous card played, or you can choose to play a special card called a Karma card. If you don’t have either option, you’ll have to take the discard pile as punishment. But if you do have a card to play, go ahead and place it, then draw from the draw pile to keep three cards in your hand.
Let’s talk about how the gameplay works in this game. It’s pretty straightforward – we take turns in a clockwise direction. When the Draw Pile is empty and you have no cards left in your hand, it’s time to play your Table Cards. First, you need to play the Faceup Table Cards, and then the Facedown Table Cards.
When it comes to the Facedown Table Cards, you have to play them randomly. However, there’s a catch! The card you play must be equal to or higher than the previous cards. If it’s not, you have to collect the entire Draw Pile. The game continues until there’s only one player left with cards in their hand!
The end of the game
Eventually, all players will have played all of their cards except one person. That final player is the loser, while everyone else becomes the winners. That’s when the game officially comes to an end.
So, now you know how to play this game! It’s all about strategically playing your cards and avoiding collecting too many cards from the Draw Pile. Are you ready to give it a try? Let’s see who will be the last one standing!