Welcome to Irish Snap!
Have you ever played a game of Snap? Well, Irish Snap is a fun twist on that classic game. It’s like a game of War but with a little more excitement. You can play with just two people or gather a group of 4 to 8 players for some extra fun!
The main goal of Irish Snap is to avoid being the last player to empty their hand. It may sound easy, but trust me, it’s not as simple as it seems. You’ll need quick reflexes and a sharp eye to succeed!
Setting Up the Game
Let’s talk about how we choose the first dealer in a card game. It’s pretty simple, really. We just pick someone randomly to be the dealer. And if we’re playing more than one game, it’s important to switch dealers so that everyone has a chance to deal.
Once we’ve got a dealer, they shuffle the deck of cards. Then, they deal out the cards as evenly as possible to all the players. Sometimes, one player might end up with an extra card, but that’s no big deal. It doesn’t really affect the game.
Now that we’ve all got our cards, we hold them in one hand, face-down. With our other hand, we can start revealing the cards, one by one.
Let’s Talk About Card Ranking
Imagine playing a card game where the cards don’t have a specific ranking, but there is a special order in which they are declared. This order determines how each player plays their cards. It goes like this: Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King. Once we reach King, we start over with Ace.
To begin the game, the dealer will take their last card and reveal it while declaring “Ace.” This card will become the starting point for all players. The next player in line will then play their top card while declaring “2.” The game continues in a clockwise direction, with each player immediately playing their card and calling out the next rank in the sequence.
If I ever play a card that matches the one I declare, we all have to quickly slap the pile. The person who slaps last has to take all the cards from the pile and add them to their hand. But here’s the thing – if I mistakenly slap the pile when the cards don’t match, I have to pick up the pile too.
As we keep playing, our hands will start to get empty. And if I manage to get rid of all my cards, I’m safe from losing!
We’ll keep playing until only one person is left with cards. And that person is the loser.
If you’re into Irish Snap, you should definitely give Slapjack a try!
If you’re into Irish Snap, you should definitely give Slapjack a try!