Welcome to Happy Ninja Star!
Happy Ninja Star is a super fun card game that you can play with as many friends as you want. The game continues until all the cards in the deck have been played.
Getting Started
First, the dealer shuffles the deck and gives each player a set of cards. It’s important to keep your cards facedown and not look at them just yet! The player sitting to the left of the dealer gets to take the first turn.
How to Play
So here’s how you play the game. I take the top card from my pile and hold it FACE DOWN. Then, I throw it ninja star style onto the table. The goal is to get the card to LAND FACE UP. If it lands face DOWN, nothing happens and it’s the next player’s turn. But if it lands face UP, a challenge is made to the next player. Now it’s their turn to pick up their top card (still face down) and throw it ninja star style onto the table. If their card lands face DOWN, they have to drink half the number value of the card I threw (rounding up). For example, if I threw a 9, that’s 5 drinks. But if their card lands face UP, the challenge continues and moves on to the next player.
Here’s where it gets interesting. Since there are now 2 cards face up on the table, we take the higher value of the two cards. The lower card is wiped away, it’s out of the game. This adds a twist and keeps the excitement going as the values of the cards change.
I’m here to explain the rules of a fun drinking game called “Face Card Challenge.”
First, let’s talk about how the game is played. The game is played in a circle, and I mean literally. You sit in a circle with your friends, and you take turns throwing cards onto a table or any flat surface. If a card lands face up, a challenge has been made, and someone will have to drink.
Now, let me explain what happens when a face card, like a Jack, Queen, King, or Ace, is thrown:
- If a Jack is thrown, it’s a social challenge. Everyone at the table takes one drink. We’re all in this together!
- If a Queen is thrown, it’s a thumb rule challenge. Here’s how it works: everyone puts their thumb on the table. The last person to do it has to take a drink. So don’t be the last one!
- If a King is thrown, it’s a waterfall challenge. This is how it goes: everyone at the table starts drinking at the same time, but the player who threw the King gets to stop drinking whenever they feel like it. However, no player can stop drinking until the player to their right stops drinking. It’s a chain reaction!
- If an Ace is thrown, it’s just a regular card. It counts as 1 drink. Simple as that.
So, get this – there’s a game called Happy Ninja Star Drink Fun Time, and let me tell you, it lives up to its name! Here’s how it works: if two players in a row flip over cards with the SAME number, we all have to shout “HAPPY NINJA STAR DRINK FUN TIME”! The twist is, the last person to finish saying the name has to drink the full amount shown on the card. And let me tell you, if anyone messes up the name (which is pretty likely), they have to drink up too! So, multiple players can end up drinking here.
But hold up, if someone accidentally throws a card off the table, that’s a foul! They have to take a penalty drink, PLUS drink the value of the card they were trying to throw. Ouch! The game keeps going until all the players have run out of cards. Oh, and quick note – there’s no comeback when the last card is thrown. If it lands face up, everyone except the person who threw it has to drink the full amount on the card. Talk about a grand finale!
And that’s a wrap!
The game comes to an end once all the cards have been used up. It’s been a wild ride, but every ride has to end eventually, right?