Doubles – learn how to play with

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Have you ever heard of something called “doubles”? It is an interesting concept that can have both positive and negative effects. Let’s dive into the world of doubles and explore what they are all about.


Doubles are a type of phenomenon that can be pretty surprising when you first encounter them. They occur when something is used or done twice, resulting in two of the same thing or action.

Picture this: I’m playing a game and I roll a dice. I get a four. Then, I roll the dice again and guess what? I get another four! That’s an example of a double because I got the same number twice in a row.

Another example is when you see two birds sitting side by side on a branch. This is a double because there are two birds in the same spot.


At first glance, doubles may seem quite simple and straightforward. However, there is more to them than what meets the eye. Doubles can carry important meanings and can even be found in our everyday lives.

For instance, think about the phrase “look before you leap.” It means you should think carefully and consider the consequences before taking action. The word “leap” is a double because it starts with two of the same letters.

Doubles can also be found in the world of language. Rhyming is a type of double where the ending sounds of words match. Take the words “cat” and “hat,” for example. They have the same ending sound, making them a double.


Doubles can have a powerful impact on how we interpret and understand things. They can enhance our experience and make things more intriguing or memorable.

Let’s say I’m reading a story and the author uses a double to describe a character. They call the character a “giant giant” to emphasize their size. This double helps me imagine the character being incredibly big, which makes the story more exciting.

Doubles can also be used to create humor. Have you ever heard a joke that involves a play on words? That’s when doubles come into play. They add an extra layer of fun and laughter to the joke.


Doubles are fascinating and versatile. They can be found in different aspects of life, from games to language, and can bring depth and entertainment to our experiences. So, the next time you come across a double, take a moment to appreciate its power and enjoy the uniqueness it brings.

Doubles is a super fun game that adds excitement to Draw Dominoes. In this game, all the doubles are called “spinners.” A spinner is a special domino that has four sides where other dominoes can be attached. This means that new lines of dominoes can “spin out” from the main line. It’s pretty cool! And if you happen to start with a spinner, you’re at an advantage.

Now, let me explain how to set up the game.

First, you’ll need a set of double 6 dominoes. Place all the dominoes face down on the playing space and give them a good shuffle. Each player will draw one domino at a time from the pile until everyone has the right amount of starting dominoes. The leftover dominoes go to the side, and this is called the boneyard.

If you’re playing with just two people, each player should draw 8 dominoes. If there are 3 or 4 players, then each player should draw 6 dominoes.

I hope you’re ready to have a blast playing Doubles!


So, here’s how the game starts: we all draw a tile from the pile of dominoes. The person who gets the highest number on their tile goes first. You know, like when we played rock-paper-scissors to see who gets to choose first.

Now, let’s say the person with the highest number on their tile got a double six. They put it right in the middle of the playing area. Pretty cool, huh? Now, the next person has to play a tile that has a number that matches one side of the double six. If they can’t, they have to draw a tile from the pile.

But here’s the catch: if they draw a tile and it has a six on it, they have to play it. No way out! But if it doesn’t have a six, they just pass and it’s the next person’s turn. Simple, right?

When it comes to playing Doubles, we need to unlock numbers before we can start the game. Let’s take a look at our example game. If we already have four dominoes on the starting double six, we can’t play any more until we have another double. For instance, let’s say I place a double three on a six/three domino. This unlocks the threes, and now everyone can start connecting their dominoes to threes. The double three is also a spinner, which means we can play dominoes on all four sides.

We keep playing around the table until one of two things happen:

1. Someone plays their last domino.

2. All players are unable to draw any more dominoes from the boneyard. When the boneyard has only two tiles left, no one can draw from it anymore.

Once one of these conditions is met, the round is over, and it’s time to calculate the score.


If you manage to play all of your dominoes, you will earn points based on the number of dots on the remaining dominoes of the other players.

If the game gets stuck and no one can play all of their dominoes, the player with the fewest dots on their dominoes wins the round. They earn points equal to the total number of dots on all of their opponents’ dominoes.

Keep playing rounds until one player reaches 100 points. The first player to reach 100 points wins the game.

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