Welcome to Doscientos!
Doscientos is an exciting domino game that can be played by 4 people. The main objective of the game is to be the first one to reach 200 points or more to win.
Some versions of Doscientos have a target score set at 100 points, which makes the game even quicker and more intense!
One of the great things about Doscientos is that it is a team game. You will play in fixed partnerships, meaning you will have a partner who sits across from you at the table. This adds a whole new dimension of strategy and collaboration to the game.
Getting Started
To begin the game, you will randomly choose a dealer. The dealer will then shuffle all the domino tiles and deal 7 to each player. It’s important to make sure that all the tiles are distributed and that there are no extras left.
How to Play
The first round of Doscientos starts with the player who has the double 6 tile. They will start the layout by placing this tile on the table. From there, the game continues in a counterclockwise direction.
After the first round, the starting player will pass the turn to the right. The new starting player can choose any tile they want to start the layout. This adds an element of surprise and strategy to each round of the game.
There is only one exception to the counterclockwise turn order. If the previous round ends in a blocked game, meaning no player can make a legal move, then the starting player for the next round remains the same.
Remember, the ultimate goal is to be the first team to reach 200 points or more. You can earn points by strategically placing your tiles and trying to block your opponents from making their moves.
Now that you know the basic rules of Doscientos, it’s time to gather your friends, set up the game, and start having a blast! Are you ready for the challenge? Let the dominoes fall where they may!
When it’s my turn to play, I’ll add a tile to the layout if I can. If I can’t, I’ll pass my turn. To add a tile, I connect the ends of two tiles by matching the numbers on the touching ends. There’s one exception though: if it’s a double tile, both numbers have to match and I add it at a 90-degree angle.
We keep playing until someone plays all their tiles or if all 4 players pass their turn without being able to play a tile.
If I manage to get rid of all my tiles, my team wins the round. But if the game ends with no more moves left, each team counts the pips on their remaining tiles. The team with fewer pips is the winner. If both teams have the same number of pips left, it’s a tie.
In the game, the next round starts with the player who has the lowest number of pips on the winning team. If there is a tie, the player who has the double 6 starts the next round.
There are different variations of the game when it comes to tied rounds. In some versions, the first player to make a move wins, and the player with the lowest pip count starts the next round. In other variations, the player who made the last move wins the tie, and the player who blocked the game starts the next round.
Another version of the game states that in any round that ends in a block, the player who made the last move or the player to their right wins, depending on who has fewer pips.
Once the winner of the round is determined, it’s time to score points. The winning team scores the total number of pips remaining in all players’ hands.
If the round ends in a tie, there are no points awarded for that round. However, some variations allow for a winner to be declared in case of a tie.
Once scoring is finished, a new round begins. The tiles are collected and shuffled again, and a new layout is created following the instructions provided in the gameplay section.
There is a scoring variation where the first player to play to the layout and the next player to pass scores 20 points for their team. After that, if another player plays and the following player passes, their team scores 10 points.
The game ends when a team reaches or exceeds 200 points. The team that achieves this score wins the game.
The game is also considered finished when a team reaches or surpasses a total of 200 points. In this case, the team that achieves this score emerges as the winner of the game.