Bad people game rules – how to play bad people

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Bad People

Welcome to Bad People! It’s a super fun party game where you get to judge anyone you want! I’m the Dictator, the one in charge of asking the questions. Your job is to guess who I think is associated with each question. Let’s find out how well you know your friends!

Setting Up

First things first, we all need to choose an Identity Card. They’re gray and have pictures on them that represent each player. Put your chosen card in front of you, face up, so everyone can see.

Next, we each get a black Voting Card for every player, including ourselves. Use these cards to vote for players throughout the game. And don’t forget, each of us also gets a green Double Down card. Now we’re ready to start!


So here’s how it goes: the last person to reach the party becomes the Dictator. And let me tell you, being the Dictator comes with some power. Now, the Dictator’s job is to draw a Question Card and read it out loud to the whole group. But here’s the catch – each question is meant for a specific player in the group.

Once the question is out there, the Dictator gets to cast their vote. Their decision is a secret, of course. They’ll place a voting card facedown in front of them, revealing nothing. It’s like they’re keeping their choice hidden in a treasure chest.

Now, it’s time for the other players to show off their detective skills. They have to guess who the Dictator chose. So, each player takes a Voting Card that matches who they think the Dictator voted for and places it facedown in front of them. It’s like playing a thrilling game of guess who!

Alright, here’s how the game works: When we have all voted, we’ll reveal our votes one by one, starting with the player on the left of the Dictator. And of course, lastly, the Dictator will let us know who they voted for. And guess what? That’s the end of the round! We’ll each count up our scores and get ready for another round. Oh, by the way, the player on the left of the Dictator will be the new Dictator for the next round.

Now, let’s talk about scoring. If you correctly guess who the Dictator voted for, you earn a point. But if everyone gets it wrong, the most popular answer gets a point for everyone. And here’s something interesting: you can use your Double Down card to earn double points if you choose the right answer!

The End of the Game

The game comes to an end when a player reaches a total of seven points. And yes, that player is declared the winner! Exciting, isn’t it?

The game comes to an end when a player reaches a total of seven points. And yes, that player is declared the winner! Exciting, isn’t it?

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