Hey there! Let’s play a game where we can all find out just how normal we are. We’ll answer some funny questions with complete honesty and see where we fall on the normal scale. To determine what’s considered normal, we asked one hundred people for each question. And here’s the twist – you can even make bets on the answers to make things more exciting! So, where do you think you’ll end up on the scale? Are you normal like the rest of us?
Okay, so let’s get ready to start the game. First, open up the box and take out all the game pieces. Each player will need seven Yes tokens and seven No tokens. Make sure the color of these tokens matches the color of the zone you’re closest to. Next, grab a Yes voting card and a No voting card that also match the color of your tokens. You’re all set to begin!
First, all the question cards are shuffled and placed in the center of the playing area where everyone can reach them. Then, we need to choose a player who can keep up with the score. This person should be one of the more reliable players in the group. They will be in charge of collecting the scorepad and a pencil to keep track of the scores as the game progresses.
How to Play
We’ll start the game with the player who believes they’re the most normal. From there, gameplay will continue clockwise around the group. On their turn, each player will read the question card out loud for everyone to hear. After that, each player will place their voting card face down based on their own life experiences.
Okay, let’s get started! First, I want you to place a token on the voting section for each player. This token represents your guess on whether or not they completed the action. Simultaneously, I want you to guess the percentage of people who said yes when they were polled, and place a token in the percentage section for each player.
Now it’s time to reveal the answers! We’ll start with the first player and go in order. Brace yourself!
After all the answers have been revealed, it’s time to tally up the points. You earn one point for every correct guess about whether a player completed the action. But if you guessed the percentage correctly, you earn a bonus of two points! If you’re feeling confident about your guess on the percentage, you can even place two tokens in that section to double your points!
Once all the scores have been recorded, you can collect your tokens. Then, the turn passes to the next player in clockwise order. Keep going until the game is over.
That’s the end of the game!
The game ends when we reach the set number of points. The player who reaches this number first, wins the game!
Hi there! I’m Ellie, and I live in Northeast Tennessee. I’m a big fan of animals, whether they’re big or small. I also love reading fantasy fiction novels and spending time outside. And let’s not forget about my amazing husband and our two furry pets. Being a part of this incredible community brings me so much joy.
Hi there! I’m Ellie, and I live in Northeast Tennessee. I’m a big fan of animals, whether they’re big or small. I also love reading fantasy fiction novels and spending time outside. And let’s not forget about my amazing husband and our two furry pets. Being a part of this incredible community brings me so much joy.