Trivial Pursuit: How to Play
Trivial Pursuit is a famous board game that tests your knowledge across a wide range of topics. Whether you’re a trivia enthusiast or looking for a fun game night activity, Trivial Pursuit has you covered. Here’s a breakdown of how to play!
The Objective
The objective of Trivial Pursuit is simple: collect wedges for your pie shaped playing piece by answering questions correctly. There are six different categories represented by different colors, and you need to collect one wedge from each category to win the game.
The Setup
Before you start playing, you need to set up the game. Each player chooses a playing piece and places it on the center hub of the board. Shuffle the question cards and place them within reach. The youngest player goes first.
On each turn, roll the die and move your playing piece along the colored spaces. Once you land on a colored space, another player reads you a question from the corresponding category. If you answer correctly, you collect a wedge of that color and continue your turn. If you answer incorrectly, your turn ends.
If you land on a special space, follow the instructions provided. This could include moving to a different colored space, answering a question from a specific category, or even stealing a wedge from another player.
The categories in Trivial Pursuit cover a wide range of topics, including geography, entertainment, history, arts and literature, science and nature, and sports and leisure. This ensures that everyone has a chance to test their knowledge in different areas.
Winning the Game
The first player to collect a wedge from each category and return to the center hub is the winner. To win, you must answer questions correctly and strategically navigate the board to collect the necessary wedges.
Trivial Pursuit is a game that challenges your knowledge and keeps everyone engaged. So gather your friends and family, put your thinking caps on, and enjoy a fun-filled game night with Trivial Pursuit!
When you purchase the game, you’ll find several components included:
- 1 gameboard
- 432 question-and-answer cards
- 6 card holders
- 6 track pawns
- 6 scoring tokens
- 36 scoring wedges
- 1 die
The objective of the game is to be the first player or team to fill all six spaces on your Scoring Token with different colored wedges by answering questions correctly. The winner is the first to make it back to the center and answer a final question correctly!
Now that you have the game, let’s go over the setup.
- Let’s get started by opening the card packs. Unwrap them and make sure all the cards are facing the same way.
Alrighty, so here’s what you gotta do. Grab yourself a scoring token, whether you’re playing solo or as part of a team. Make sure it’s empty, though – we’re just getting started. Now, plop that token right smack on the middle space of the gameboard. This is where all the action begins.
Here’s what you need to do to get started with the game:
- Make sure you have the gameboard and card holders. These are important for playing the game.
- Put the card holders near the matching colored wedge space on the gameboard.
- Take all of the wedges and put them in a pile next to the gameboard.
- Now it’s time to decide who goes first. Roll the die and the person with the highest number gets to take the first turn. After that, the game continues in a clockwise direction.
The Tricky Twist
If you’ve played Trivial Pursuit before, there’s a little secret called “the twist” that I’m about to share with you.
In this game, there’s a special twist on the gameboard – a bonus track that goes around the outside. When we start playing, each of us gets a track pawn that we place on the Start space.
The game plays just like normal – when you land on a colored space, you have to answer a question from that category. But here’s the twist: each category’s card has questions about a specific topic within that category. The questions are labeled easy, medium, or hard, and your dice roll determines which question you have to answer.
If you answer the question correctly, not only do you get another turn, but you also move your track pawn clockwise on the bonus track. The number of spaces you move depends on the difficulty of the question you answered. Easy questions move you one space, medium questions move you two spaces, and hard questions move you three spaces.
I’m going to tell you about the bonus track, and I think you’re going to love it! It’s got four awesome areas you can explore:
Face-off Zone
This is where you get to challenge your friends to a friendly competition. It’s a place where you can show off your skills and see who comes out on top. It’s all about having fun and seeing who’s the best.
Slow It Down Zone
In this zone, you can take a break and relax. It’s a space where you can go at your own pace and enjoy the beauty around you. Whether you’re taking a leisurely stroll or just sitting and soaking it all in, this zone is all about slowing down and enjoying the moment.
Easy Cheesy Zone
Looking for something a little more laid-back? The Easy Cheesy Zone is perfect for you. It’s a zone where you can let loose and have some fun. With games and activities that are easy and enjoyable, this zone is all about having a good time without any stress or pressure.
Freebie Zone
In the Freebie Zone, you’re in for a treat. It’s a place where you can find all sorts of goodies and surprises. From free items to exclusive deals, this zone is all about giving you something extra and making you feel special.
Game Play
Now that you know about the awesome zones, let’s talk about how you can play the game. It’s super easy! Just navigate through the different zones and explore what each one has to offer. You can spend as much time as you want in each zone, and there’s no right or wrong way to play. The goal is to have fun and enjoy yourself.
So there you have it! The bonus track has four amazing zones for you to discover. Whether you’re in the mood for friendly competition or just want a relaxing break, there’s something for everyone. So go ahead, dive in, and enjoy everything the bonus track has to offer!
To play the game, follow these three simple steps:
- Roll the die.
- Move. Always move the full amount shown on the die.
- When you land on a space, answer a question!
One of the other players will take the first card from the front of the appropriate card deck and read out the question that matches the number rolled on the die. The difficulty level of the questions corresponds to the number rolled: 1 and 2 are easy, 3 and 4 are medium, and 5 and 6 are hard.
The answers to the questions can be found on the back of the card. If you land on the center space during the game, you can choose any category for your question.
How to Move around the Board
At the beginning of the game, start away from the center and move along any of the spokes. Once you reach the circular track, you can move in any direction. Be strategic and plan your moves carefully to land on the space that suits you best.
When you play this game, remember to never go back on the same path you just took. For instance, if you roll a “5” and move three spaces clockwise, then two spaces counter-clockwise, you cannot do the same thing again. But, the next time you roll the die, you have the option to change direction and go the opposite way from your last move.
If you want to make your way to the other side of the board, you can cut through the middle along the spokes. And don’t worry if you land on a space where another player is already positioned.
The Right Answers
When you answer a question correctly, it’s time to move your track pawn along the bonus track! If you correctly answer an easy question, you’ll move it ahead by one space. For a medium question, you’ll advance it by two spaces, and for a hard question, you’ll progress it by three spaces.
When it’s time to play the game, I start by rolling the die. This determines how many spaces I get to move on the board. But here’s the twist – I also have to answer a question correctly to keep moving!
If I get the answer right, I can roll the die again and take another turn. I can keep rolling and moving as long as I keep getting the answers right. There’s no limit to how many turns I can take in a row!
Wrong Answers
But what happens if I get the answer wrong? Well, that’s the end of my turn. I have to pass the die to the player on my left, and they get a chance to roll and move.
Roll Again Spaces
Now, there’s a special type of space on the board called “Roll Again Spaces.” When I land on one of these spaces, I get a chance to roll the die again. I can keep moving to another roll again space and keep rolling until I finally land on a question or wedge space.
Spaces with Wedges
Around the board, there are six spaces that have a picture of a big colored wedge. When you land on one of these spaces and answer a question correctly, you get a scoring wedge that matches the color of the space. Make sure you move your track pawn too!
When it’s your turn, roll the die and take another spin.
If you answer incorrectly, you’ll have to leave the space and continue along the path on your next turn before you can come back and attempt to win a wedge of that color. You don’t have to attempt that category right away; you can move to a different part of the board and come back to it later.
If you land on the same wedge space later in the game and you already have a wedge of that color, treat it like any other space and answer a question from the corresponding category.
The End of the Game
Once you have collected one scoring wedge of each color, it’s time to make your way back to the center space. Try your best to land on it by rolling the exact number on the die.
If you roll past the center, don’t worry! Keep playing and answering questions based on the categories you land on, until you eventually reach the center.
When you finally reach the center, the other players will have a special task for you. They will choose a category for you to answer a final, deciding question from, without looking at any cards.
Just like the rest of the game, the difficulty of the question will be determined by your roll of the die.
If you mess up, skip a turn and come back to try again when you land on the center space.
If you answer the final question correctly, you win the whole game!
Fun Mind Games
Rules for Playing at Home
Before you start, make sure to agree on how long players have to answer a question. Also, decide what counts as a correct answer. You could say that just giving a last name is good enough, or you might decide that players have to give both their first and last names for it to count. You could even have different rules for younger and older players.
A Different Way to Play
If you want, you can skip the dice roll and choose whether you want an easy, medium, or hard question. You can also decide on your own which question you want to answer on each turn.
Keep Winning
Every time you answer a question correctly, you get to roll the dice again. It’s possible to collect all six wedges in one turn! If this happens, any player who hasn’t had a turn yet can try to do the same and force the game to end in a tie.