The Artemis Project Solo Rules
Welcome to the world of The Artemis Project! In this game, you will take on the role of a brave space explorer, venturing out into the unknown depths of outer space. Here, I will guide you through the solo rules so that you can embark on your own thrilling adventure.
To begin, let’s talk about the setup. Place the game board in front of you and make sure you have all the necessary tokens and cards. Now, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the different game components and their functions. It might seem overwhelming at first, but don’t worry – I’ll explain everything as we go along.
Your goal in The Artemis Project is to establish a successful and thriving colony on the distant moon of Europa. As the commander of this mission, it’s up to you to lead your team to victory. With careful planning and decision-making, you will overcome various challenges and obstacles that come your way.
Throughout the game, you will need to manage your resources effectively. This includes gathering energy, water, and ore, as well as recruiting skilled colonists to join your team. Each of these resources is essential for different aspects of your colony’s development, so be sure to prioritize and allocate them wisely.
One of the key mechanics in The Artemis Project is the dice rolling. During your turn, you will roll a set of custom dice to determine the actions you can take. These actions may include exploring new areas of Europa, constructing buildings, or activating special abilities. The outcome of your dice roll will influence your available options, so make sure to strategize accordingly.
As you progress through the game, you will face a variety of challenges and opportunities. It’s important to adapt and make the most of every situation. Remember, the path to victory may not always be straightforward, but with perseverance and clever planning, you can achieve greatness.
In conclusion, The Artemis Project offers an exciting and immersive solo experience. Through strategic decision-making and resource management, you will shape the destiny of your space colony. So, are you ready to embark on this cosmic adventure? Grab your dice, gather your team, and let the journey begin!
Attention, adventurer! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to colonize Europa using two automated administration drones. This is no easy task, as you must surpass the strict directives given by your consortium and create a thriving colony in the unforgiving conditions of Europa. Failure to do so will result in a demotion and reassignment, and no one wants that!
The Challenge
So, here’s what you do:
Get ready to play a 2-player game. You’ll need five dice for yourself – let’s say they’re yellow.
Now, to represent the Drones, you’ll need two sets of four dice in different colors. Let’s go with blue for the first Drone and green for the second Drone.
Finally, grab an unused die in a color you haven’t used yet. This die will be the Agenda die – let’s say it’s purple.
Now, let’s get started!
At the beginning of each round, roll the Agenda die and the four dice for the first Drone. The Agenda die will show a number from 1 to 6, which corresponds to one of the six regions on the board.
Alright, now take the Drone’s dice and place them in ascending order from lowest to highest. Put one die in each region, starting with the area indicated by the Agenda die, and continue clockwise.
Here’s a tip: If either Drone ends up in the Academy, it doesn’t need a colonist with it.
Let me give you an example – the Agenda die has landed on a 4. So here’s what we do. We start by placing the lowest blue die on a building called the Gantry 4. Got it? Good. The next lowest goes on a spot known as the Doorstep 3. Then we take the next die and put it in a place called the Academy 6, specifically in the one space available. And finally, the last die goes on a location known as the Basecamp 1, placed on the expedition. See how it all fits together?
In the game, there is a special die called the Agenda die. It has a number on it, like 3. When I start the game, I first put the die with the lowest number in the Quarry. Then I place the die with the next-lowest number in the Vents. After that, I put the die with the next number in the Expedition Basecamp. I skip the Academy space if it’s already full. Finally, I put the die with the highest number in the Doorstep.
There are special rules for placing Drones in the Gantry. Here’s how it works:
– If the first Drone is placed in the Gantry, it goes on the building closest to the stack.
– If the second Drone is placed in the Gantry, it goes on the empty building closest to the stack.
– If there are no empty buildings, the Drone outbids a lower-valued die, and it prefers to outbid your dice instead of another Drone die if it can.
– If the Drone can outbid more than one of your bids, you decide which one gets outbid.
When I’m playing the game and I’m controlling the Drone, there are a few things I need to keep in mind. First, if my Drone can’t outbid the highest bid on any building, I have to set that die aside. It won’t do anything for me this round. That’s important to remember.
Now, let’s talk about resolving the dice using the normal rules. But there are some changes when it comes to the Drones. For the Basecamp, I have to determine Expedition success just like before, but this time I have to treat the Drones as two separate players. The Drones can’t claim any Badges or rewards, so don’t even bother.
Next, we have the Vents. Any energy taken by the Drones goes back to the supply. That’s pretty straightforward.
For the Quarry, any minerals taken by the Drones also go back to the supply. Keep that in mind.
Finally, we have the Gantry. When a Drone claims a building, I have to pretend that it can afford the Mineral cost. But in reality, the building is just discarded from the game. It’s an interesting twist, isn’t it?
So there you have it. These are the rules you need to follow when playing as the Drone. Remember them well and use them to your advantage.
5 Doorstep – When a Drone recruits colonists, it takes the maximum number allowed by its die value. Let’s pretend it can afford the Energy cost.
Drones always recruit colonists in this order: Steward > Marine > Engineer > Pioneer. The recruited colonists are removed from the game.
6 Academy – A Drone in this spot doesn’t do anything.
Follow the usual process of Drone 1 / You / Drone 2 for placement in each round. Don’t forget to treat the game board as if it were a 2-player game when refreshing it each round.
Drones don’t get affected by Events like players do. When an Event happens, we consider the dice of the Drones along with yours to see if you’re affected or not.
Let’s say there’s an Event that penalizes the player with the most dice in a region. We count your dice and the Drone dice to determine who qualifies. If a Drone qualifies, it ignores the penalty. But if you qualify, you’ll suffer the penalty.
Now let’s talk about scoring. At the end of the game, you score points like usual. The only difference is for Toolkits. Instead of getting awards for having the most or penalties for having the fewest, you earn 2 points if you have at least 7 Toolkits. And if you have fewer than 2 Toolkits, you lose 1 point.
Your total score determines your rank:
– If you have 20 or less points, you’re a Tentacle Cleanup Crew.
– If you have 21-24 points, you’re a Mediocronaut.
- 25 – 28: Macro Manager
- 29 – 32: Colonial Commandant
- 33 or More: Artemis Prime!