How to play Snow Tails Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Get Ready to Play Snow Tails!

Are you ready for some frosty fun? Let’s dive into the snowy world of Snow Tails! In this exciting game, you’ll channel your inner musher and race your sled dogs to victory. It’s an icy adventure you won’t want to miss!

First, let me tell you about the game setup. The Snow Tails board is a wintry landscape, full of twists, turns, and slippery slopes. You’ll need to navigate through the snow banks and avoid the dangerous obstacles that stand in your way. It’s a thrilling challenge that will test your strategic thinking and reflexes!

To start the game, each player will have their own sled dog team. These dogs are your trusty companions on this chilly journey. But be careful – they can be a bit wild! Each dog has a unique ability, so make sure to choose the dogs that best suit your strategy.

Once you’ve assembled your team, it’s time to hit the trail! You’ll take turns as you race around the board, using your dog’s abilities to your advantage. The key is to plan your moves carefully. One wrong turn and you could end up in a snow bank or collide with another player – and nobody wants that!

As you move your sled, you’ll need to manage your dog’s energy. Running through the snow takes a lot of effort, so you’ll need to control their speed to keep them going strong. Use your cards strategically to speed up, slow down, or take those treacherous corners with ease. It’s a delicate balance, but with practice, you’ll become the top musher in no time!

During the race, keep an eye out for bonus cards. These special cards can give you an extra boost when you need it most. But be careful – they can also be a double-edged sword, so use them wisely!

The first player to cross the finish line wins the race, but it’s not just about speed. Victory also goes to the player who accumulates the most victory points. So make sure to consider your strategy and take advantage of every opportunity to gain points. It’s a thrilling race to the finish line!

In conclusion, Snow Tails is an exhilarating game that combines strategy, skill, and a bit of luck. It’s a frosty adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat. So bundle up, grab your sled, and get ready to chase victory in the snow! Are you up for the challenge?

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Welcome to the frosty realm of the Arctic Circle, where bold sled racers battle in a thrilling test of ability and stamina. The excitement is intense, and not every sled will reach the end.

Huskies have only one gear, and that’s top speed! Hold tight to your fur, the reins, your sled, and anything else you can grab onto.

What You Need

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In this set, you will find everything you need for an exciting race on the track. Let me introduce you to the items included in the pack:

  • 8 Straights (Double Sided)
  • 4 Corners (Double Sided)
  • 2 U-Turns (Double Sided)
  • 1 Start (Double Sided)
  • 1 Finish (Double Sided)
  • 5 Wooden Sleds
  • 5 Sled Mats
  • 5 Center Swivels (”Fragor Edition Only”)
  • 5 Brake Markers (”Fragor Edition Only”)
  • 28 Brake Tokens (”Not in Fragor Edition”)
  • 5 Dog Decks (20 Canine Cards)
  • 20 Dent Cards
  • 20 Wooden Saplings
  • 1 “Big Paws” Token
  • 1 Rule Book

To begin your race, you’ll need to set up the track. Start by connecting the different sections of track together. For your first race, use the starter track called “The Nutcracker.” Make sure the tracks are set up with the yellow flags on the left and the red flags on the right.

When it comes to a big course, you’ll need a big table! But don’t worry, if you want to change things up during a race, you can always add or remove tracks. Just make sure to include the start and finish sections on the track.

First, let’s set up the start section. Align the 1st position with the inside of the first corner. Remember, the start section is double-sided, so you can use both sides.

Now it’s time to get ready to race! Choose a color and grab the matching sled token, sled mat, brake marker, and Dog Decks. Place your sled mat in front of you. Start with the brake marker at the number “3” (the dogs also start at 3, which is already printed on the sled mat).

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s how the game works. First, we gather up all the dent cards and put them to the side. Each of us shuffles our Dog Deck and sets it face down next to our sled as our draw pile.

Now, it’s time to decide who goes first. The player with the huskiest voice gets to start. The player with the next huskiest voice goes second, and so on. But if we’re a bunch of wise old gamers, we might just decide to mix things up and choose the starting order randomly.

The starting player can pick any available spot in the start section and place their sled there. Then, the rest of us take our turns in order, also choosing a starting position and placing our sleds. Just remember, each starting space can only hold one sled.

After we’re all set up, it’s time to draw our starting hands. Each of us gets 5 cards to begin with. But here’s the twist: if you’re starting in the 4th spot, you get an extra card. And if you’re starting in the 5th spot, you get two extra cards. It’s all determined by your sled’s starting space, not the number of players.

Now, we’re ready to start the game. Let the fun begin!

Game Play

When we play this game, we each take turns to move in the order we’re racing, starting with the person in first place, then the person in second place, and so on. It keeps going until everyone has made their move.

If our sleds are next to each other on the track, there are two ways to determine who is ahead. The first way is if one sled is on the inside of a corner section of the track, and the other sled is on the outside. The second way is if one sled is on the inside of a straight section of the track as it approaches a corner, and the other sled is on the outside. In both cases, the sled on the inside is considered to be in the lead.

On the final straight or straights of the track, the inside is defined as the same side as the chequered flag on the finish line. This means that whoever is on the inside when we reach the finish line is considered to be in the lead.

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s the deal: yellow is in the lead! It’s sitting pretty in first place. Now, red and blue are neck and neck, but there’s a little twist. Blue happens to be on the inside for the next turn, which gives it a slight advantage.

So, that means blue slides into second place and red takes the bronze. It’s all about those little details, you know?

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you’re racing on a track, there are markers at the corners to help you see lines that are the same distance from each other but not right next to each other.

Each line at the same level has a colored marker at the end. For example, the yellow line and the blue line are on the same level, but yellow is ahead because it’s on the inside. Red is the furthest back.

During their turn, each player does the following:

  1. They play 1-3 Canine Cards that have the same value
  2. They move their sled
  3. They replenish their hand to 5 cards by drawing new ones or discarding

1. Playing Canine Cards

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I play the game, I have to put down at least one Canine Card on my turn. I can choose to play 1, 2, or 3 Canine Cards. But I have to make sure that all the cards I play have the same value, like 5 or 3-3 or 4-4-4.

I can put the cards face-up on the left dog or the right dog. If there are already cards on the dogs, I can put my cards on top of them. I can also put my cards on the discard pile to move the brake marker. But I can only play one card on each position per turn.

If there is already a card with the same value as the one I want to play, I can put my card on top of it. But the existing card must have been played on a previous turn.

When I play a card on the discard pile, the brake marker on the sled mat moves to the same number as the card I played. For example, if I play a 2, the brake marker moves to 2.

There’s also a special rule in the game. When I play a card, I can choose to take a dent card. And after I play my cards, I can draw more Canine Cards until I have a hand size of 5, including the dent cards.

  • Continue their turn as normal (that is, play 1-3 cards, etc)

2. Moves their sled

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Speed of the sled is determined by adding together the values of the 2 Canine Cards and subtracting the current brake value. Initially, the sled starts at a speed of 3 (3+3 – brake(3) = 3). When the sled moves diagonally forward, we call it drifting. The amount of drift is determined by the difference in pulling power between the two dogs.

During drifting, the sled will move towards the dog with the highest pulling power. For example, if the Canine Cards have values of 3-5, the sled will drift 2 squares to the right. The brake value does not affect the drift.

Whenever the sled drifts, it will always cross a black track line.

While moving forward, the player must move their sled a number of squares equal to their speed. They are also required to drift towards the side of the strongest dog (the dog with the highest value). They must perform the drift a number of times equal to the drift number.

When it comes to sled racing, understanding how drift and speed impact your performance is crucial. Let me break it down for you: if your drift is higher than your speed, it doesn’t have any effect on your movement. In other words, if you’re drifting more than you’re speeding, don’t worry about it – the excess drift is simply ignored.

But what about a sled with a speed of zero or less? Well, in that case, the sled won’t move at all. It’s like being stuck in place, unable to go forward.

Now, let’s talk about the flags on the sled mat. They might seem insignificant, but they actually serve an important purpose. These flags help you figure out which way is left and which way is right as you navigate the track. It’s easy to get disoriented when you’re speeding down the slope, so these flags act as a helpful guide.

And here’s a cool trick – you can even rotate the sled mat to assist you further. By adjusting the mat’s position, you can align the flags in a way that suits your comfort and gives you better control over your sled.

So, when you’re out there racing, remember the relationship between drift and speed, and use the flags on the sled mat to keep yourself on track. With these tips in mind, you’ll be a pro in no time.

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I’m playing, I can decide when I want to drift with my sled. Let’s say my speed is 5 and I want to drift 2 spaces to the left. I have the freedom to choose when to drift. One option could be to drift once, then move forward once, then drift again, and finally move forward twice.

But here’s the catch: I have to use up all of my drift during my turn. So if I need to drift twice in my turn, I have to start drifting no later than when I’m making my second to last movement.

Now, if both dogs on the sled have the same number on them, then there’s no need to drift. The sled is already balanced. And when the sled is balanced, I have the opportunity for bonus movement.

There’s one more thing to consider: my sled can take damage from its movement. So I have to be careful and strategic with my choices.

And finally, one more rule: after everything is said and done, I need to return my hand size back to five cards. It’s important to keep a full hand for the game.

When I play the game, I always make sure to have a hand size of 5 cards. If my hand has less than 5 cards, including any dent cards, I need to draw cards from my Dog Deck until I reach a hand size of five.

Sometimes, though, I end up with more than 5 cards. This can happen if it’s my first turn starting in the 5th position or if I pick up a lot of dent cards along the way. In this situation, I have to discard Canine Cards until my hand size is back down to 5. These discarded cards don’t get played and don’t affect the brake marker on the sled mat.

It’s important to remember that dent cards do count towards my hand size. They make it harder to control the sled as it gets beaten up. But no matter what, I can never discard dent cards.

If you run out of cards in your Dog Deck, don’t worry! Just gather all of the Canine Cards you’ve previously used, including the top two cards on the sled mat, and shuffle them together to create a new Dog Deck. Place this deck face down next to the sled mat. Then, draw your cards as usual.

Extra Movement for Balanced Sleds

A balanced sled is a happy sled! Imagine your dogs working together seamlessly. Your sled is moving forward smoothly for a change. Take a look at the image on the right. You have full control over your sled, allowing you to choose the best routes in the snow or follow the tracks left by other sleds.

And here’s the best part – you get a bonus! How cool is that?

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Your sled becomes balanced when each dog has an equal Canine Card value, like 3-3. This means they’re pulling at the same speed.

If your sled is balanced, you get a bonus movement. The bonus is based on your sled’s position in the race. For example, if your sled is in 3rd place, you’ll receive a +3 bonus.

You can only take the bonus movement after your sled’s regular movement. It must be forward movement in a straight line – no drifting allowed.

You have to make a decision: take all of the bonus or none of it. You can’t take part of it. The bonus is added to your sled’s speed. However, be careful when entering a corner – it can be dangerous!

Remember, your sled needs a speed of at least one to get the bonus.

When you’re competing in a sled race, there’s a special rule you need to remember – you can’t use your bonus in the first turn of the race. That’s because the sleds are still getting up to speed, and it wouldn’t be fair if some players had an advantage right from the start.

Be Aware of the Dangers

Sled racing is an exciting sport, but it can also be dangerous. Even with all the training and safety precautions, accidents can still happen. That’s why it’s important to be cautious and always keep safety in mind when you’re on the track.

As the race goes on, you might find that your sled gets bumped and scraped. These dents and damages can make it harder to stay in control of your sled in future turns. You might even have to draw dent cards, which will limit the number of Canine Cards you can play later on. So, it’s crucial to navigate the track carefully and try to avoid any hazards that could damage your sled.

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Dent cards :

  • Dent cards count towards the number of cards in your hand.
  • You cannot play or get rid of dent cards.
  • Dent cards have two sides and can be seen by other players.

1. When I Take a Corner Faster Than the Safe Speed

When I’m driving and I go into a turn too fast, it can be quite a fright. Sometimes, I’m so scared that I don’t even remember what I’m supposed to do. But I’ve learned that there are some important things to keep in mind when this happens.

First and foremost, I need to stay calm. Panicking will only make things worse. When I panic, I lose control of my car, and that’s when accidents happen. So, I take a deep breath and tell myself that I can handle this.

Next, I gently press the brakes. I don’t slam on them because that can cause my wheels to lock up, and then I’ll really be in trouble. Instead, I apply the brakes slowly and steadily, giving my car a chance to slow down without skidding.

Now comes the tricky part. I have to turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction of the turn. This seems counterintuitive, but it helps my car regain stability. As I turn the wheel, I can feel my car starting to straighten out, and that gives me hope that I can make it out of this situation safely.

Finally, once my car is back on track, I remember to adjust my speed. I don’t want to repeat my mistake, so I make sure to slow down and take the rest of the turns at a safer speed. I’ve learned my lesson and I don’t want to put myself or anyone else in danger again.

So, the next time you find yourself entering a corner faster than the safe speed, remember to stay calm, gently press the brakes, turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction, and adjust your speed once you’re back on track. By following these steps, you can navigate through the turn safely and with confidence.

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

There’s an old saying that goes, “There are old sled racers and bold sled racers but no old, bold sled racers.” I guess that means you have to take risks if you want to make it in this sport!

But let’s not forget that safety is important too. Over 217 playtesters learned this the hard way while figuring out the safe speed limits for corners. Some of them didn’t even make it past the first turn! So, be warned, ignoring the speed limits can lead to disaster. But hey, sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind and go for it!

After making your move, you’ll draw a dent card for each point of speed you were over the safety limit. So if you were going 5 times faster than the limit of 3, you’ll draw 2 dent cards. Ouch!

Oh, and by the way, if your sled is well-balanced, any extra movement you get from that will count towards your speed. So keep that in mind when planning your strategy!

Remember, the safety speed limit only matters when you’re crossing the finish line. Once you’re in a corner, there are no more speed restrictions. So slow down on the way in, but feel free to speed up on the way out! Vroom vroom!

Now, if I happen to collide with another sled during my turn, that’s a whole different story. But let me tell you, it wasn’t my fault! It’s a total bummer, but hey, at least the damage isn’t too bad. My dogs get a little confused, poor things. Here’s what happens next:

2. Colliding with another sled

So, picture this: my trusty team of sled dogs crashes into the back of another sled. Maybe we were drifting, or maybe I was just tailgating a bit too much. Either way, it’s definitely not my fault! I mean, come on, accidents happen. Thankfully, the damage is minimal. My dogs are momentarily thrown off, poor things. Here’s what goes down:

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you crash into another player during the game, your turn comes to an immediate end. Your sled stays on the space it was on just before the collision happened.

You don’t get to replenish your hand of cards, but you do have to discard down to 5 cards if necessary. This could happen if you’ve collected a lot of dent cards in one turn by going too fast around a corner. Remember, you can’t get rid of dent cards.

The game continues with the next player. The player who crashed will likely start their next turn with a smaller hand size. However, at the end of that turn, they still draw cards until their hand size is 5, once they reach stage 3 of the game.

You’re not obligated to avoid a crash. In fact, you might choose to crash strategically for tactical reasons.

3. Colliding with the side of the track

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Did you know that sleds are like precision instruments? It’s true! When you throw them into the side of the track, it really messes up their ability to move smoothly in the snow. And guess what? Your insurance doesn’t cover any damage to the sled caused by your own mistakes.

Now, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll crash into the side of the track, but just in case it happens, here’s what you need to do:

  • As soon as you crash, the sled stops moving right away.
  • The sled stays on the spot where it crashed.
  • You have to draw a dent card and then move on to step 3 of your turn (don’t forget to bring your hand size back to 5 cards).
  • Here’s the thing, though – you’re not forced to avoid a crash. Sometimes, it might be strategic to crash on purpose (for example, to slow down before a tight curve).

Did You Know You Only Get 4 Dent Cards?

Imagine this: You’re in a thrilling race on your sled, the wind rushing through your hair as you speed down the snow-covered track. But suddenly, disaster strikes! You draw a 5th dent card, and just like that, your sled collapses into a pile of matchwood. Your race is over, and you can go no further.

However, if you were lucky enough to have already crossed the finish line before this unfortunate event, your sled remains in the space it reached. You still have a chance to win the race, although you might need a few bandages for yourself.

The Exciting Conclusion

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When a round comes to an end, all players who have made it across the finish line are considered to have completed the race.

The winner of the race is the player who has gone the furthest past the finish line and is in first place. This might not be the player who actually crossed the finish line first.

If two sleds are tied, the sled that is positioned closest to the chequered flag, on the side of the track, will be the winner.

The game then continues to the next round, and this process repeats until all players have finished the race.

Racing Season

  • 1st place: 5 points
  • 2nd place: 3 points
  • 3rd place: 2 points
  • 4th place: 1 point

Big Paws Token

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I bet you’re curious about the impact of the Big Paws Token, right? Well, let me tell you all about it. When you purchase our game and spread the joy by teaching it to others, you earn this special token as a reward. And guess what? It’s a handy tool to use when someone is taking forever to make their move.

Here’s how it works: you simply pass the Big Paws Token to the player who’s being a bit indecisive. But here’s the catch – they can only pass it on if someone else takes even longer to play during a future turn. It’s a friendly little nudge to keep the game flowing smoothly.

Now, you might be wondering what the actual effect of this token is. Well, let me put your mind at ease – it doesn’t have any effect at all! Yep, you read that right. The name says it all. The Big Paws Token is a universal token that can be used in any game, regardless of its rules or mechanics.

Let me give you an example

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey, it’s your turn, Yellow! Time to make a move. You’re in the lead, so you get to go first. You decide to play a 2 card on your left dog. Nice choice! Now, let’s see what happens.

By playing that 2 card, you give your sled a speed of 3. How did we get that? Well, you add the value of the card you played (2) to the strength of the dogs pulling you (4), and then subtract the drift from the left dog (3). That gives you a speed of 3. Awesome!

Oh, and don’t forget about the drift! Since your left dog is pulling two weaker than the right dog, your sled drifts two spaces to the right. Keep that in mind!

So, after playing your 2 card, your sled moves three spaces forward and drifts two spaces to the right. Gotta love that speed and drift!

Now, let’s talk about safety. It’s crucial to stay within the limit while going around corners. Luckily, your sled is not traveling too fast, so you don’t pick up any dent cards. Phew, that was close!

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So here’s the thing – even though blue and red are kind of equal, blue gets the upper hand and takes second place. Why? Well, blue puts down a 2 card on each of his dogs and on his brake. And guess what? You can totally lay down more than one of the same card value. So that’s pretty cool.

Now, because of all that fancy card play, blue’s got a speed of 2 right off the bat (2+2-2). But wait, there’s more! If he wants, he can get a bonus for having a nice, balanced sled. In other words, both his dogs have to be the same value. And since blue’s in second place, that bonus is equal to his position – 2.

So what does he do? You guessed it. He goes for the bonus and now he’s got a total speed of 4, with no drift. Pretty slick, if you ask me.

How to play Snow Tails Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it’s my turn in the race, I always save the best for last – the color red. I carefully place a 4 on my loyal left dog, and then another 4 on my brake. This strategy boosts my speed to 5 (4+5-4) and gives me a slight drift to the right (since the right dog is pulling a little stronger than the left).

The excitement builds as I push the envelope and exceed the corner safety speed by 1. I know there’s a risk, but I can’t resist the adrenaline rush. As a consequence, I pick up one dent card, but it’s worth it!

Check out this Example of Drifting on a Corner!

In this scenario, I unleash my speed and reach 6 (3+5-2), all while maintaining a daring drift of 2 to the right (thanks to my powerful right dog).

I execute not one, but two exhilarating drifts by crossing the black lines twice. It takes precision and control, but the feeling of triumph is unmatched.

Remember, fellow racers, to execute a drift, you must elegantly cross a black line on the track. It’s a thrilling maneuver that separates the fearless from the pack.

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