How to play Sheriff of Nottingham Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Game Rules for Sheriff of Nottingham

Welcome, fellow adventurers, to the realm of Nottingham! I invite you to join me on a thrilling adventure that combines strategy, deceit, and cunning. Today, I will reveal to you the rules of the popular board game, Sheriff of Nottingham. Prepare yourselves for a journey filled with excitement and intrigue!

Objective of the Game

Within the colorful market of Nottingham, you will assume the role of a merchant. Your goal is to amass the most wealth, achieved by successfully smuggling contraband past the watchful eyes of the Sheriff.

Game Setup

Before the game commences, you and your fellow merchants will receive an initial amount of gold. Your character cards and merchant stands should be organized, and the Market Board, Royal Treasury, and Sheriff marker should be placed within reach. Each player should take turns being the Sheriff, rotating clockwise throughout the game.


As a merchant, you must sell goods to the market. You possess both legal and illegal items, and it is up to you to wisely declare your goods to the Sheriff. Will you be an honest merchant or attempt to deceive the ever-watchful enforcer?

During each turn, you have the opportunity to secretly place goods into your merchant bag. You may select any combination of legal goods, such as apples or bread, along with contraband items, like crossbows or mead. However, be cautious, for the Sheriff has the power to inspect your bag and impose penalties if they find any illegal goods.

When it is time to declare your goods, you will offer a number of items and state their type. You can choose to be honest, declaring all your goods accurately, or you may attempt to deceive the Sheriff by stating false information. If the Sheriff suspects you of smuggling contraband, they have the option to inspect your bag.

If the Sheriff decides to inspect your goods and discovers any illegal items, you will pay a penalty in gold. On the other hand, if the Sheriff finds only legal goods, they will pay a penalty instead. This dynamic creates an aura of anticipation and uncertainty as players strategize their declarations and try to outsmart one another.

Winning the Game

Throughout the game, you will accumulate both gold and contraband. At the end, the player with the most gold will emerge victorious and be crowned the master merchant of Nottingham!

Remember, cunning merchants, the path to wealth is paved with both truth and deception. As you navigate the bazaar of Nottingham, keep your wits sharp and your strategies clever. Now, my fellow adventurers, it is time to embark on this exciting journey!

How to play Sheriff of Nottingham Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When we start playing this game, each of us will have our own Merchant Stand and Merchant Bag. It’s like having our own little shop right in front of us.

Before we begin, we need to choose someone to be the banker. The banker is in charge of giving out money to each player. Everyone, including the banker themselves, will receive 50 Gold to start with. The banker will keep the rest of the money nearby so they can give out change when needed. It’s important for the banker to keep their own money separate from the bank’s money.

How to play Sheriff of Nottingham Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you’re just starting out, you might want to try playing the basic version of the game. The basic game doesn’t include the Royal Goods cards. You can remove the twelve Royal Goods cards from the deck and put them back in the box. After that, shuffle the rest of the Goods cards together and deal six cards to each player, facedown.

Take the remaining cards and create a draw pile by placing them face down. Flip over five cards from the draw pile to create the first discard pile. Then, flip over another five cards from the draw pile to create a second discard pile.

Yes, there are actually two discard piles! Everyone can look at the cards in both discard piles whenever they want.

Finally, the player who has the most money in cash will become the first Sheriff. Give that player the Sheriff marker. If there’s a tie (or if no one has any money), then randomly choose the Sheriff.

How to Play

When I play the game, it’s all about the rounds. I take turns being the Sheriff or a merchant. And each round has five important parts that we have to follow in order:

  1. The Market
  2. Loading my Merchant Bag
  3. Declaring what I have
  4. Inspecting what others have
  5. Ending the Round

Now, here’s the interesting part. As the Sheriff, I only get to do two things: inspect what everyone else has during the Inspection phase, and then help wrap up the round during the End of Round phase. But let me tell you, I learn a lot by watching what the other players do in the other phases!

After each round, we make sure to pass the Sheriff Marker to the person on my left. That way, everyone gets a chance to be the Sheriff. We keep going until each player has been the Sheriff a couple of times (or three times if there are only three of us playing).

How to play Sheriff of Nottingham Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I. Going to the Market

When it’s time to go to the market, I have the chance to swap out unwanted cards in my hand and hopefully get a new set of goods to bring along.

Starting with the player to my left and moving clockwise, each merchant player gets a turn to make their moves. On my turn, I can choose to set aside up to five cards from my hand (placing them face down) and then draw back up to six cards.

When I draw cards, I can either take them from the top of the discard piles or from the draw pile. Keep in mind that if I really want the third card down in a discard pile, I’ll have to draw the two cards on top of it first.

It’s important to note that I must draw the cards I want from the discard piles before taking any cards from the draw pile. I can’t mix and match, taking some cards from the draw pile and then deciding to take cards from the discard piles.

Once you’re done picking cards, put the cards you kept aside earlier in this round onto one of the piles where discarded cards are placed. You can arrange them in any order you like, facing up.

Here’s an example to help you understand better: Let’s say I have two Chickens in my hand and I know that there’s another Chicken two cards below in the discard pile on the left. I decide to discard three cards from my hand, take those two cards from the left discard pile, and draw one more card from the draw pile. Finally, I place the three cards I discarded on top of the right-hand discard pile.

How to play Sheriff of Nottingham Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Step 2: Pack Your Merchant Bag

Now it’s time to pack your Merchant Bag with the goods you want to sell at the market.

Everyone, including me, will choose their goods cards and place them in their bags simultaneously. You can put anywhere from one to five goods in your bag, but remember, you can’t have zero or more than five.

Keep a watchful eye to make sure that neither the Sheriff nor the other merchants catch a glimpse of the cards you’re putting in your bag. It’s important to keep your choices a mystery!

Once you’re satisfied with the goods you’ve packed, seal your bag shut and place it on the table in front of you. Once your bag is closed, you won’t be able to make any changes, so choose wisely!

Imagine this: you’re playing a game, and you have a limited number of cards you can use. You carefully decide which cards to choose, considering their value and how they can help you win. But there’s a catch – you can only choose a certain number of cards, and you have to make the tough decision of which ones to leave out.

That’s the beauty of the game: the strategic planning and decision-making. It’s like a puzzle where you have to figure out the best combination of cards to use, while also considering what your opponents may do. It’s a challenge, but that’s part of what makes it so much fun!

It’s important to understand the rules and objectives of the game. By knowing what you need to achieve, you can come up with a game plan and make informed decisions. It’s about predicting and adapting to the ever-changing game dynamics. This makes the experience more engaging and exciting.

But what if there were no restrictions? What if you could use as many cards as you wanted? Well, that might take away the thrill. The limitations create a sense of tension and urgency. They force you to think strategically and make the best use of what you have.

So, next time you’re faced with a challenge, whether it’s a game or something else, keep in mind the value of limitations. They may seem like obstacles at first, but they can actually elevate your experience and bring out the best in you.

How to play Sheriff of Nottingham Official Rules UltraFoodMess

III. Declaration

Alright, it’s time to let the Sheriff know what goods I’m bringing to the market. I can be a bit sneaky here if I want to – I might need to later! Starting with the player on the Sheriff’s left, I’ll look him in the eyes and tell him what goods I’m taking.

When I make my declaration, I’ll hand my Merchant Bag to the Sheriff. It’s important to note that the Sheriff can’t peek inside the bags just yet.

I can make any declaration I want, but I have to follow three rules:

  • I can only declare legal goods.
  • I can only declare one type of goods.
  • I have to declare the exact number of cards in my bag – no more, no less.

Imagine this: you find yourself in the middle of a high-stakes game. It’s your turn, and you have to make a crucial decision. The tension is palpable, and you can feel the weight of your next move. But here’s the catch: you can’t just say anything you want.

For example, let’s say I have a bag with four merchant cards inside. But I can’t just claim that there are four chickens in my bag. That wouldn’t be fair, right? Instead, I have to accurately declare the exact number of cards in my bag.

And it’s not just about the quantity. I also have to consider the type of goods in my bag. If I have chickens and cheese, for instance, I can only declare one type of good. So I have to think strategically and choose wisely.

But what if I have contraband goods in my bag? Well, that’s a whole different story. I have to be careful not to get caught lying about them. And trust me, it’s not easy – the pressure is on!

IV. Inspection

How to play Sheriff of Nottingham Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Now it’s my turn to be the Sheriff, and I get to decide which bags to inspect.

When you’re the Sheriff, you have the power to choose the order in which you inspect the bags. You can look at as many Merchant Bags as you want during this phase. And guess what? You can even decide not to inspect any bags at all.

But before I inspect a bag, I have the option to intimidate the owner. I can give them a little scare to see if they’ll offer me something to avoid being inspected. A bribe can be anything they think will persuade me, mix and match however they like. Let’s take a look at some examples of what they might offer:

How to play Sheriff of Nottingham Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • Gold
  • Items you legally sell in your Merchant Stand
  • Items you illegally sell in your Merchant Stand
  • Items you have in your bag (legal or illegal)
  • Promises of future favors

Once things were shuffled, and I’m no sheriff, but let me tell you about what you can and can’t do when it comes to making deals in this town. You see, whatever you offer me, you can’t change it once it’s on the table – and I don’t mean the wooden table at the back of the tavern where the deals happen. I’m talking about that trusty leather Merchant Bag of yours. Once it’s opened, the game’s afoot – too late for last-minute changes of heart. You get what you get, and you don’t get upset.

Now, you’re probably wondering how it all works. Well, here’s the deal: I listen to what you have to say, and then we duke it out if needed. After that, I can choose to let you pass, accepting any bribes you might have offered, and hand you your precious Merchant Bag. Or, and this is the tricky part, I can give that bag a good old inspection, refusing any bribes that might have been on the table.

I’m about to inspect Friar Tuck’s bag, and he interrupts me and says, “Hold up, Sheriff! You don’t have to search that bag. How about I give you five Gold and two Apples to save you the trouble?” Suspicious, I look at Tuck and counter, “Make it eight Gold, and we have a deal.”

Tuck looks hurt that no one believes he’s innocent, but he pays me eight coins and two Apple cards from his Merchant Stand. I hand his Merchant bag back to him.

If I let you pass

How to play Sheriff of Nottingham Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Now it’s time for you to reveal the contents of your bag to the other players. Put all your Legal Goods out in the open on your Merchant Stand. Other players can examine them whenever they want.

Keep your Contraband cards a secret! You need to tell everyone how many Contraband cards you have smuggled into Nottingham, but don’t reveal their types. Keep your Contraband cards face-down on the top of your Merchant Stand.

What happens if the Sheriff inspects your bag

There are two possible outcomes:

  • If you were telling the truth and your bag contains exactly what you declared, the Sheriff owes you Gold equal to the Penalty written on every Legal Good in your bag. Your Legal Goods are then added to your Merchant Stand, as mentioned above.
  • If you were lying and your bag doesn’t contain what you declared, three things happen:
  • If you truthfully declared any Goods, you can bring them into the market and display them on your Merchant Stand.
  • If you didn’t truthfully declare any Goods, they will be taken away by the Sheriff and placed on the discard pile in any order he chooses.
  • You must pay a fine to the Sheriff for all the Goods that were confiscated. The amount of the fine is shown at the bottom of each card.

Imagine this: I managed to fool the Sheriff by pretending to be innocent and trustworthy. I confidently placed three cards on my Merchant Stand: two of them were Cheese, just as I had declared. The Sheriff didn’t suspect a thing. However, the third card was Contraband! I suppressed a smile as I discreetly put it face down above my stand.

How to play Sheriff of Nottingham Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Honor among thieves

When it comes to making deals, it’s usually important to keep your word. But sometimes, there are exceptions to the rule. Let me explain:

  • First, if someone promises to do something for you in the future, but that promise is made after we’ve already agreed to something, they don’t have to actually follow through.
  • Second, let’s say a merchant tries to bribe the sheriff by offering him Goods from their bag. The thing is, the merchant might be lying about what they actually have in there. So, if the sheriff lets them pass and the merchant later reveals the Goods they promised, they only have to pay the sheriff for the Goods they actually have. They don’t have to pay for anything they promised but didn’t actually have in their bag. Sneaky, huh?

So, remember, in the world of deals and bargaining, there’s sometimes a bit of wiggle room. But always be careful – not everything is as it seems!

Imagine this: you’re playing a game, and you come up with a clever plan to outsmart your opponent. You make a deal with the Sheriff, offering him some gold to inspect your opponent’s bag. The Sheriff agrees, and you successfully pass through without any issues. It’s a victory for you!

But the game isn’t over yet. In a later round, your opponent, Sir Guy, strikes a deal with the Sheriff. They agree that if the Sheriff doesn’t inspect Sir Guy’s bag this round, Sir Guy won’t inspect the Sheriff’s bag when he is in power. The Sheriff agrees, and Sir Guy enters the market unhindered.

But here’s where things get interesting. When Sir Guy becomes the Sheriff in a future round, he can choose to betray his honor and inspect the (former) Sheriff’s bag. It’s a risky move, but it could give Sir Guy an advantage in the game.

This back-and-forth dynamic is what keeps the game exciting and unpredictable. Every round presents new opportunities and challenges, and you have to strategize and adapt to stay ahead. Deals and alliances can be powerful tools, but they can also be double-edged swords. It’s all about weighing the risks and rewards and making the best decisions in the moment.

So, next time you’re playing a game like this, remember the importance of clever deal-making and the potential consequences that come with it. It’s all part of the fun and excitement of the game!

How to play Sheriff of Nottingham Official Rules UltraFoodMess

End of the Round

Once all players have taken on the role of Sheriff twice (or three times in a game with only three players), the current round comes to an end. If this occurs, the game ends immediately!

If the above condition is not met, the player who served as the Sheriff passes the Sheriff marker to the player on their left. This new player will take on the role of Sheriff during the next round.

Now, all players, including the Sheriff, need to draw cards until they have a total of six cards in their hand. The Sheriff should already have six cards from the previous round.

With everyone ready, the next round begins with Phase 1, also known as the Market Phase.

What if There’s No More Gold?

How to play Sheriff of Nottingham Official Rules UltraFoodMess

During the game, it’s possible for you to run out of Gold coins. If this happens, you won’t be able to offer Gold as a bribe to other players.

In case you can’t pay a Penalty that you owe, you have to give the player Legal Goods from your Merchant Stand. The value of these Goods should be equal to or greater than the amount you owe. Keep in mind that you won’t receive any change if you give more value than necessary. If you don’t have enough Legal Goods, you’ll have to reveal and hand over Contraband to make up the difference.

The player who receives the Goods can add them to their Market Stand. If you don’t have enough Goods or Contraband to pay your debt, any remaining debt will be considered paid. This can be helpful for a player who is in desperate need.

Shuffling the cards

If you happen to run out of cards while playing, don’t worry! Just follow these steps to keep the game going. Take the two discard piles and set aside the top five cards from each. Then shuffle the remaining cards together to create a new draw pile.

Game Over

How to play Sheriff of Nottingham Official Rules UltraFoodMess

After everyone has played the role of the Sheriff twice (or three times in a game with three players), the game comes to an end. In the final round, all players must discard any cards they still have in their hand. These cards don’t count towards points.

Next, it’s time to reveal and tally up your Contraband cards. You earn points based on:

  • The total value of all the Goods in your Merchant Stand, including both Legal and Contraband items.
  • Any Gold coins you have collected.
  • Bonuses you have received for being the “King” or “Queen” of a specific type of Good.

The player with the highest score is declared the winner.

If two players have the same number of points, the tiebreaker goes to the player with the most Legal Goods. If there is still a tie, then the player with the most Contraband Goods takes the victory.

So, here’s the deal: the player who manages to deliver the most and second most of each kind of Legal Good will be crowned the “King” and “Queen” of that particular Good. And let me tell you, being the King or Queen comes with some sweet bonus points:

Type of Good
King’s Bonus
Queen’s Bonus
Apples 20 10
Cheese 15 10
Bread 15 10
Chickens 10 5

But wait, what if there’s a tie for the King’s Bonus? Well, in that case, we add up the King and Queen bonuses and divide them equally among all the tied players (rounding down, of course). Second place doesn’t get any bonus points, sorry! And if there’s a tie for the Queen’s Bonus, we just split those points evenly between the tied players (again rounding down).

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