How to play Sector 41 Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Sector 41 – Let’s Understand the Game Rules!

If you’re curious about the game rules of Sector 41, you’ve come to the right place! Join me as we dive into the exciting world of Sector 41 and explore everything you need to know to get started.

The Basics

First things first, let’s cover the basics. Sector 41 is a thrilling game where you’ll navigate your way through an immersive virtual reality world. Your mission is to conquer challenges, solve puzzles, and ultimately come out on top.


Now, let’s talk about gameplay. In Sector 41, you’ll find yourself in a series of mind-bending levels. Each level requires you to use your problem-solving skills and quick thinking to overcome obstacles and progress further.

One of the key aspects of the game is strategizing. You’ll need to carefully plan your moves and consider the consequences of each decision. But don’t worry, the game also allows for a dash of spontaneity and creativity, so you can surprise yourself with unexpected solutions!

Challenges and Puzzles

In Sector 41, you’ll encounter a variety of challenges and puzzles that will test your wits. Whether it’s unraveling intricate riddles, deciphering codes, or navigating complex mazes, you’ll always have something new to keep your mind engaged.

But here’s the catch: every challenge is unique and requires a different approach. You’ll need to think outside the box and consider multiple perspectives to succeed. Don’t be afraid to try new things and experiment with different strategies!


Remember, you’re not alone in Sector 41! Collaboration is a fundamental aspect of the game. You’ll have the opportunity to team up with other players, combine your skills, and conquer challenges together.

Working with others will not only enhance your gameplay experience but also deepen your understanding of the game world. Together, you can unleash your full potential and achieve incredible feats!


So, there you have it! A glimpse into the captivating world of Sector 41 and the game rules you need to know. Embrace the excitement, challenge your mind, and explore the boundless possibilities that await you.

Are you ready to embark on this thrilling adventure? Put on your virtual reality headset, step into Sector 41, and let the games begin!

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • 85 Tiles
  • 12 Explorers
  • 21 Glynium discs
  • 1 Guardian
  • 4 Rule Sheets
  • 1 Variant Sheet
  • Instructions

Let’s Play!

Ready to embark on a cosmic adventure in search of Glynium? Strap on your spacesuit and get your explorer ready!

The goal of the game is to collect as much Glynium as possible. Why, you ask? Well, Glynium is valuable and can earn you points! The different colors of Glynium are worth different amounts: Yellow earns you 1 point, Blue earns you 2 points, and Red earns you 3 points.

The game is not just about getting Glynium, it’s also about strategic thinking. You need to plan your moves carefully to outscore your opponents and become the ultimate champion!

Let the Adventure Begin!

During the game, you’ll be using your explorers to tow Glynium onto your Mother Ship. Each time you successfully tow Glynium, you’ll earn points based on its color.

Remember, the player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner. But watch out! If another player can’t surpass your score, the game ends, and you’ll be crowned the victor.

If two or more players are tied for the most points after all the Glynium is collected, the winner is the player who reached that score first. So, timing is crucial!

Setting Up for Adventure

Hey there! Let’s get straight to the point and talk about these 4 Mother Ship tiles:

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So here’s what you do: take the remaining 81 tiles and mix them up, then lay them out on the table to make a 9 x 9 grid. Don’t forget to set aside the Glynium tile!

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s get started on this exciting game called “Tile Explorer”! First, we need to reveal the center tile of the grid and put the Guardian on it. How mysterious!

Now, it’s time to choose who will go first. Maybe you can flip a coin or play rock, paper, scissors to decide!

Each of us will need to pick a Mother Ship and place it on an empty edge of the grid. Make sure to choose a column that matches where the Guardian is. If we’re playing with just the two of us, we have to be on opposite edges of the grid.

Once our Mother Ships are in place, we can’t forget about our trusty Explorers! We each have three Explorers in our color, and we’ll put them on top of our Mother Ship.

Alright, everything is set up and ready to go! Let the adventure begin!

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to Play

When it’s my turn to play the game, I have three things I need to do, and I’ll do them in the following order:

1. Mother Ship Phase

First, I get to choose what to do with my Mother Ship. I have three options: I can move it, I can fold space, or I can do nothing.

If I choose to move my Mother Ship, I can move it up to two spaces to the left or right. But I can’t go to the other side of the grid. However, I am allowed to wrap around from the left-most column to the right-most one.

I usually like to keep my Mother Ship lined up with my opponent’s Mother Ship. This way, I’m always prepared to fight for any Glynium we find!

2. Fold Space

To create space in front of your Mother Ship, spread the tiles apart slightly. To move your Mother Ship into the grid, slide the column of tiles away from you. As you push the column, the farthest tile will be pushed out on the other side of the grid.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So here’s what you do: start by sliding your Mother Ship back to where it was at the beginning. Then, take the tile that got moved and put it in the space in front of your Mother Ship. Make sure it’s facing the same way as it was before. Finally, bring the tiles back together to make the grid nice and tight again (check out the diagram above).

Folding Space won’t show you any new tiles or let you rotate them. It’s just about moving them around.

When you Fold Space, your Mother Ship always ends up back where it started, and anything on top of the tiles moves along with them. Now, here’s the catch: you can’t “un-fold” space in the same column that your opponent folded on their last turn. It’s a rule.

So go ahead, rearrange the grid and take control of the game. Don’t leave your fate up to chance and where the tiles start out!

Let’s start by folding space and moving a tile called Glynium away from you. This will prevent your opponent from folding it over to their side of the grid.

2. Explorer Phase

Now it’s time to choose one Explorer and move it one tile in any direction: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Just remember, when you’re entering or leaving your Mother Ship, you can’t move diagonally.

However, when you’re following tile instructions, you’re allowed to enter your Mother Ship diagonally. If you move onto an unexplored tile, it will be flipped face up and become explored.

As the current player, you can’t peek at the tile to see its orientation before it’s revealed. Once you move onto a tile, you must follow its specific rules right away.

Details of Explorer Movement:

  1. Each turn, you need to move one Explorer. You can’t just stay in one place.
  2. If a tile tells you to jump to another tile, you don’t interact with any tiles in between.
  3. When you move, your Mother Ship is part of the grid and counts as a tile. You can’t move onto an opponent’s Mother Ship.
  4. Your Explorers can’t go beyond the edges of the grid. If a tile would make them leave the grid, they don’t move and your turn ends. If a tile gives you multiple options, you can’t choose any that would make your Explorer leave the grid.

If all the Explorers in your team can’t move anymore, you should remove them from the game. In your Explorer Phase, if you don’t have any Explorers left in your team, you can put one Explorer back on your Mother Ship and continue moving. Sometimes, the random placement of tiles can create a situation where an Explorer gets stuck and can never leave. In that case, the Explorer is destroyed and taken out of the game, but any Glynium being towed is left behind on one of the tiles in the loop, chosen by the owner of the destroyed Explorer. When you move an Explorer onto a tile that has Glynium discs, you have the option to tow one of the discs with your Explorer.

Hey there! Just wanted to give you a heads up that when it comes to moving your Explorer in the game, you have the option to tow Glynium onto a tile you’ve already explored or your own Mother Ship. It’s pretty cool that you have that choice, right? But remember, Glynium is pretty volatile, so you can’t tow it onto unexplored tiles. Those face down ones? Nope, not gonna happen.

Now, let’s talk about combat. It gets intense when an Explorer enters a tile that has enemy Explorers on it. In that case, all of those enemy Explorers get sent back to their Mother Ship. However, if the tile is an Asteroid Belt tile, things get a bit more serious. In that case, all of the enemy Explorers are completely removed from play. Yikes!

But don’t worry, there’s a strategy to protect your own Explorers. When you have a clear path from your Mother Ship to a tile with one of your own Explorers, that Explorer is shielded by the Mother Ship. It’s like having your own personal armor, and it keeps your Explorer safe from combat. Pretty neat, right?

When exploring, I need to be careful not to enter a tile that has an enemy Explorer protecting it. Those shielded Explorers are off-limits for me. But here’s the thing: Mother Ships can shield multiple tiles using individual Explorers, but they can’t shield a tile that has more than one Explorer.

The Guardian Phase

The Guardian, a native of Sector 41, is a special character who doesn’t get affected by any tile effects. But there is a catch – the Guardian can only move within the edges of the grid. Before the Guardian wakes up, it doesn’t have any impact on other Explorers or Glynium. The Guardian starts in Wandering mode and can be moved by the current player according to the following rules:

The Wandering

During the Wandering phase, the Guardian can move around the grid freely, without any restrictions. It’s like a free spirit exploring Sector 41!

The Quickening

In the Quickening phase, the Guardian’s movement is limited to the number of Explorers currently on the board. It’s like the Guardian is picking up speed and gaining power as more Explorers join the game.

The Awakening

Once the Guardian reaches the Awakening phase, it wakes up fully and starts getting in the way of my exploration. I need to be careful and find ways to work around its presence. So, if there are tiles that slow me down, I can always consider using a Star Gate or Starbase to free up my Explorer at a later time.

If I want to quickly bring Glynium back to my Mother Ship, I can use a Mother Ship Beacon. It’s like a shortcut that saves me time and effort.

When you want to explore a sector without putting your Explorers in danger, you can rely on the Spacial Distortions and Remote Viewports. These tools allow you to see what’s happening in the sector without physically entering it.

Let’s talk about the Spacial Distortions first. These devices create a temporary wrinkle in space-time, providing you with a glimpse into the sector. You can activate them and observe the area from a safe distance. They are like magic windows that allow you to peer into other realms, uncovering secrets without taking any risks.

Now, let’s discuss the Remote Viewports. These incredible gadgets use advanced technology to let you see what’s happening in the sector. You simply activate the Remote Viewports, and they will provide you with a live stream of the sector’s happenings. It’s like having your own personal surveillance system, allowing you to monitor the sector without actually being there.

Both the Spacial Distortions and Remote Viewports are invaluable tools for explorers like us. They help us gather information, assess potential threats, and plan our expeditions wisely. With these devices at our disposal, we can make informed decisions and navigate the cosmos with confidence.

Key Takeaways

– The Spacial Distortions and Remote Viewports allow you to explore sectors without risking your Explorers.

– The Spacial Distortions create a temporary wrinkle in space-time, giving you a glimpse into the sector.

– The Remote Viewports use advanced technology to provide you with live streaming of the sector’s activities.

– These tools help you gather information, assess threats, and make informed decisions when exploring new sectors.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Three Alien Artifacts – These mysterious objects from outer space have the power to manipulate space and time, causing your Explorer to be forcefully propelled through the vast expanse of the universe!

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I’m exploring, I always choose a tile to move to first, either horizontally or vertically. Then, I select a second tile diagonally and jump to that one. The important thing to remember is that my Explorer is considered to be moving along the diagonal path.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s talk about the Asteroid Belt! You and I are explorers, and this place is pretty intriguing. There are a bunch of asteroids here, and it’s called the Asteroid Belt. Cool, right?

So, my spaceship landed on a specific asteroid called asteroid 1. That’s one of the six places where you can enter the Asteroid Belt. And get this, once I’m there, the phase ends! Pretty neat, huh?

Now, here’s the interesting part. If I started on the highest numbered asteroid on this tile, I have a choice. I can choose to leave the Asteroid Belt and explore someplace else. But if I didn’t start on the highest asteroid, I have to stay put. I can only move on to the next higher numbered asteroid, either on this tile or any other Asteroid Belt tile.

Exciting, right? The Asteroid Belt is an amazing place to discover, with all its mysteries and secrets. I can’t wait to see what’s out there!

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Barren Planet (x2) – Oops! Your Explorer got a bit confused and wasted some time searching for Glynium on a planet that doesn’t have any. As a result, your Explorer won’t be able to move on your next turn. Just lay it down on its side to show that it’s taking a break.

You can stand it up again at the end of your next turn or if it comes back to your Mother Ship.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Black Hole (x2) – Holy cow! Brace yourself because things are about to get intense! Picture this: you’re cruising through space in your trusty Explorer, minding your own business, when all of a sudden, you come face-to-face with a Black Hole. Yep, you heard that right, a Black Hole! Now, let me tell you, these cosmic monsters are no joke. Once you cross that event horizon, it’s game over. Your poor Explorer is doomed, sucked into the inescapable gravity well never to be seen again. Poof. Just like that, it’s gone, vanished into the abyss of the universe. So, my friend, be cautious out there and steer clear of these space-time anomalies. They’re not exactly inviting, if you catch my drift. One minute you’re exploring the unknown, the next you’re obliterated. Trust me, you don’t want to find yourself on the wrong end of a Black Hole. It’s my duty to warn you, but hey, the galaxy is yours to explore. Just keep an eye out and remember, adventure comes with risks. So buckle up and prepare for the unexpected!

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Welcome to Glynium Planet! Get ready to explore an extraordinary celestial body filled with precious Glynium deposits. Let me introduce you to the different types of Glynium you’ll encounter during your journey:

  • Glynium-2 x4: This type of Glynium is found in four locations across the planet. When you uncover a tile with Glynium-2, you’ll need to place four yellow discs on it.
  • Glynium-3 x3: You’ll stumble upon this variant of Glynium in three spots. When this tile is revealed, make sure to add three yellow discs to it.
  • Glynium-4 x1: Look out for this rare Glynium type in just one location. When you flip this tile, place a red disc on it.

Now that you know what to expect, let’s get started!

Begin by placing all 18 yellow discs from the supply on the tiles. After that, add the two blue discs to their respective locations. Finally, place the one red disc on its designated spot, as explained in rule 3b.

Remember, reaching this tile marks the end of the current phase. Enjoy your exploration of Glynium Planet!

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Ion Storm is a cool power-up that lets me swap one tile with another one on the grid. It’s like a magical teleportation device! And the best part is, I don’t have to worry about moving anything that’s on top of the tiles. They stay right where they are, no matter what.

Now, here’s the thing: when I use Ion Storm to swap tiles, it doesn’t affect any Explorers that are standing on those tiles. They can just keep doing their thing, exploring the universe and whatnot.

But here’s the really awesome part. When I place an Explorer on a tile that I swapped using Ion Storm, I can position them in a way that makes it easy for them to move away on a future turn. Like, imagine they’re on a nebula or the highest Asteroid number. That way, they can zoom off into space whenever they want. How cool is that?

Oh, and one more thing. Cleansed tiles don’t count as explored tiles, which means I can’t use Ion Storm to swap them. So, I’ll have to be strategic and choose the right tiles to swap.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Oh, look! A Mother Ship Beacon! It’s like a magical door that takes me straight back to my Mother Ship. When I activate it, my Explorer ship gets to teleport back home, and then the turn is over!

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Lost in the Nebula

Imagine this: you’re exploring the vast unknown of space, when suddenly, you find yourself enveloped in a glowing fog. This is what we call a nebula – a mysterious cloud that can confuse even the most seasoned explorer.

When one of my Explorers enters a nebula, it’s like stepping into a maze with no way out. They become trapped, unable to leave unless another one of my brave Explorers joins them. It’s as if the nebula has its own gravitational force, pulling them in and refusing to let go.

But here’s where it gets interesting. Once two or more of my Explorers gather inside the nebula, a magical shift happens. Suddenly, their combined presence breaks the spell, and they are all free to continue their cosmic journey. They can escape the nebula, navigating their way back to the edge of the tile, ready to conquer whatever challenges await.

It’s like teamwork in action – when my Explorers stick together, they can overcome any obstacle, even the most mystifying nebula. So remember, unity is key. Keep your Explorers close, and together, they’ll find their way back from the depths of the unknown.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Whoosh! Zoom! The pulsar zaps my Explorer with its tremendous energy, propelling me to the next tile. I have two options: I can go in the direction of the upper right blast or the lower left one. It’s up to me to decide where I want to go.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you can’t jump to either of those two tiles, then stop on this tile for now.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Remote Viewport (x2) – Way back when, people who traveled through this area before me had a pretty smart idea. They built these cool windows called viewports that let them look at faraway places without having to physically go there. How awesome is that?

So, lucky for me, I have these remote viewports at my disposal. With just a touch, I can peer into an uncharted spot and see what’s going on there, all without anyone else knowing. And don’t worry, I won’t tip off my location either. Gotta keep things exciting, right?

Oh, and just so you know, this trick only works during this current phase. After that, it’s back to good old-fashioned exploring. But for now, let’s enjoy this special power together.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Salvage Explorer (x3) – Wow, imagine this! A long-lost Explorer Ship, called Salvage Explorer, that disappeared in this Sector a long time ago suddenly pops back into existence! It’s like finding a hidden treasure! With a bit of sprucing up, it’ll be back in tip-top shape!

If any of your Explorers have been taken out of the game, you get to bring one of them back and place it on your Mother Ship. And just like that, the phase is done.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Solar Flare (x2) – Oh no! Your spaceship just got hit by a powerful solar flare! Quick, jump in the direction of the flare (upper right in the picture here) to the next mystery tile.

If there are no unexplored tiles nearby, don’t worry! Just jump to the edge of the grid in that direction. And if you find yourself trapped with nowhere to go, well, then your turn ends right here.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Solar Tempest (x2) – This intense solar activity propels your Explorer to the outer limits of the sector! You’ll be hurled to the edge of the grid, like a rocket launched towards the upper left corner of the picture you see here.

If you’re already chilling at the edge of the grid, then the phase on this tile comes to an end.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

16 Different Types of Solar Wind Configurations That Push Your Explorer Away

Hey there! Have you ever wondered why your Explorer gets pushed away when it comes into contact with solar wind? Well, I’m here to enlighten you about this fascinating phenomenon!

So, what exactly is solar wind? It’s actually a stream of charged particles, like protons and electrons, that are emitted by the Sun and flow throughout the solar system at high speeds. These particles create an invisible force field that affects objects in space, including your trusty Explorer.

Now, let’s talk about the different configurations of solar wind that can push your Explorer away. There are a total of 16 types, each with its own unique characteristics. It’s like a cosmic game of dodging and weaving!

First, we have the “Blazing Breeze,” a gentle gust of solar wind that moves your Explorer with a subtle nudge. It’s like a little push in the back, urging your Explorer to keep exploring.

Next up is the “Solar Surge,” a more powerful burst of solar wind that gives your Explorer a sudden jolt. It’s like being caught in a gusty windstorm, propelling your Explorer forward with unexpected force.

Then we have the “Rapid Rapport,” where the solar wind forms a tight bond with your Explorer, embracing it like a cosmic dance partner. It’s a delicate balance of attraction and repulsion, making your Explorer twirl and spin through space.

And how about the “Flaming Frenzy”? This fiery solar wind configuration engulfs your Explorer in a whirlwind of energy, sending it spiraling through the cosmos. It’s an exhilarating ride for your adventurous Explorer!

But watch out for the “Tempest Tornado”! In this configuration, the solar wind creates a powerful vortex that pulls your Explorer into a swirling cosmic storm. It’s like a cosmic roller coaster ride, with twists and turns that will leave your head spinning!

These are just a few examples of the exciting solar wind configurations that can push your Explorer away. Each one offers a unique and thrilling experience as your Explorer navigates through the vastness of space.

So, embrace the power of the solar wind and let your Explorer ride the cosmic waves. Remember, the universe is full of surprises, and the solar wind is just one of its many enchanting mysteries!

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s talk about moving your Explorer. You get to move your Explorer one tile in any of the directions that the arrow(s) show. It’s totally up to you which direction you choose! But, if you can’t move in any of those directions, then it’s time to end the phase on that tile. Simple as that!

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Warp in Space (x4) – I stumble upon a strange disturbance in the universe. If I can, I’ll push my Explorer a little further in the same direction. If not, I’ll wrap up my journey on this spot.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Spacial Distortion (x6) – When I activate this ability, I get to experience a strange phenomenon known as Spacial Distortion. It’s like peering through a portal to a different part of the sector, where the boundaries of space become blurry and undefined. I can’t help but feel a mix of curiosity and excitement as I anticipate what lies on the other side.

Intriguingly, when the Spacial Distortion is activated, the closest unexplored tile is affected. It’s as if the fabric of space itself is being manipulated, allowing me to see glimpses of what’s hidden in the unknown. If there are multiple unexplored tiles nearby, I have the power to choose which one to turn over.

But here’s the catch: my Explorer remains at the spot where the Spacial Distortion was triggered. It’s a risky move, as I’m essentially stationary while the rest of the sector continues to evolve. Time is of the essence, and I must make a calculated decision on when to use this ability.

It’s important to note that tiles already cleansed of their mysteries are not affected by the Spacial Distortion. I can’t simply reuse this power on a tile I’ve already explored. This means I have to be strategic about when and where I activate it, maximizing my chances of discovering something truly remarkable.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Did you know that Starbases have some really cool abilities? Let me tell you about one of them called Starbase (x3)! With this ability, I can use the weapons of the Starbase to send another Explorer back to its Mother Ship. It’s like a magical teleportation trick!

Here’s how it works: I can select an Explorer that is within a two-tile radius of the Starbase, and as long as that Explorer isn’t shielded, I can send it back to its Mother Ship. It doesn’t matter if the Explorer belongs to me or another player – anyone can be returned to their ship! However, the Glynium won’t be affected by this ability, so it stays right where it is.

So, you see, the Starbase (x3) ability really comes in handy when you want to move Explorers around quickly and strategically. It’s like having your own personal teleporter! And the best part is that this phase is over after using the ability, so you can continue with your other actions.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Star Gate (x3) – This mysterious cosmic event lets me summon any other Explorer I have right now.

I can bring one of my other Explorers to join me on this tile. (Glynium doesn’t come along with them). The phase is complete.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Boom! Boom! Boom! Your Explorer becomes a force to be reckoned with when it taps into the explosive power of the Super Nova (x3)!

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Did you know that you can jump in a straight line to the second tile in any direction, including diagonals? It’s a pretty cool move that you should definitely try out!

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Time Warp (x2) – Whoa! The fabric of space and time is torn apart, sending you back in time!

You’ll need to backtrack two spaces along the path you came from. If you can’t go back that far, just move back one space instead.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Twister (x2) – This swirling storm gives you the ability to change the very nature of the game board.

You can twist any single tile on the grid and immediately end your turn. Just be cautious – if you decide to rotate a tile that hasn’t been explored yet, you’ll have to do it without peeking.

How to play Sector 41 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Worm Hole (x2) – Take your Explorer on a wild ride through hyperspace and transport it to any Star Gate that you fancy.

If there aren’t any Star Gates available to hop through, just wrap up your interstellar journey right here.

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