- 1 Welcome to the Junk Art Game!
Welcome to the Junk Art Game!
In this exhilarating game, you will dive into the exciting world of junk art where ordinary objects become extraordinary works of art. Get ready to unleash your creativity and challenge your friends in a game that blends strategy, skill, and imagination.
Game Objective:
Your goal is simple: create the most impressive junk art sculptures to earn the highest number of points. Be prepared to think outside the box and transform seemingly worthless objects into awe-inspiring masterpieces!
Game Setup:
Before we begin, we need to set up the game. Grab the Junk Art pieces and divide them evenly among all players. Each player should have the same number of pieces. Make sure to keep them in a pile within easy reach.
Next, we’ll need to determine the number of rounds to play. The number of rounds can be chosen by the players or predetermined based on the desired game length. Once the number of rounds is decided, place the corresponding number of stacking cards face-down in a pile near the playing area.
Now it’s time to jump into the creative chaos! The game is played over a series of rounds, with each round consisting of three phases: Drawing a card, choosing a city, and building a sculpture.
1. Drawing a card: At the beginning of each round, the first player draws the top card from the stack. This card will determine the criteria for the round. It may specify a certain shape, color, or require a specific number of pieces in the sculpture.
2. Choosing a city: After the card is drawn, the players take turns choosing a city. Each city has its own unique rules and constraints. Some cities may reward stability, while others prioritize height. Select a city that best suits your strategy and set up your base accordingly.
3. Building a sculpture: Once the cities are chosen, it’s time to start building! Each player takes turns adding pieces to their sculpture. The sculpture must follow the rules of the chosen city. Be mindful of balance, structure, and aesthetics, as they all play a role in scoring points.
Throughout the game, you can use special action cards to enhance your sculptures or disrupt other players’ creations. Keep an eye out for opportunities to strategically advance your position and hinder your opponents.
At the end of each round, the sculptures are evaluated based on the criteria specified on the card. Points are awarded based on the success of the sculpture in meeting the criteria. The player with the highest total score at the end of the designated number of rounds is declared the winner!
Now that you know the game rules, it’s time to unleash your artistic prowess and embark on a thrilling junk art adventure. Let your imagination run wild, embrace the unexpected, and create sculptures that will leave everyone in awe. Good luck!
Hey there! So, guess what? You’re an incredible artist, and your medium of choice is turning ordinary junk into stunning pieces of art. It’s called Junk Art, and you’re a true prodigy at it! But here’s the deal: the art scene is blowing up, and there are some seriously talented artists emerging.
But don’t worry, because you’ve got what it takes to stand out from the crowd. It’s time for you to take your creations on a world tour and gain a massive following. Every city has its own unique tastes, so you’ll have to adapt your art to capture the hearts of fans all over the globe.
Because let’s face it, as a junk artist, the more fans you have, the more awesome you are. It’s all about being the best!
What’s in the box?
- 6 wooden bases
- 60 wooden Junk pieces (15 pieces in each of the 4 colors)
- 60 Junk Art cards (one for each Junk piece)
- 15 City cards (including 3 blank City cards to create your own)
The game comes with several important components, each with its own purpose. Let me break it down for you:
1. Start player/direction of play card: This card determines who starts the game and the direction of play. It adds a fun twist to the gameplay dynamics.
2. Special Star card: This card is special and has unique abilities. It can be a game-changer and offer interesting strategic choices.
3. Cactus cards (for Nashville only): These cards are specific to the Nashville variant of the game. They add a thematic element and provide additional challenges for players.
4. Tape measure: The tape measure is used for measuring distances in the game. It ensures fair gameplay and helps in determining various game actions.
These components work together to create an engaging and enjoyable gaming experience. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, they add depth and excitement to the game. So, grab your friends, set up the game, and get ready for a fantastic time!
The Name of the Game
Hey there! Junk Art is all about combining steady hands, strategic balancing, and a dash of luck. Throughout your World Tour, you’ll be showcasing your artistic skills in various cities. Each city has its own set of rules and challenges.
During your turns in each city, your mission is to carefully add one or more pieces to your structure. But that’s not all! Depending on the city, you might also have to play or choose cards to enhance your gameplay. The ultimate goal is to build a massive fan base and become a renowned junk artist by creating the tallest structure and being the last one standing, among other accomplishments.
The First City: Getting Started
Before embarking on your World Tour, there are some important things you need to know. Every city you visit will have its own unique rules and setup instructions. Welcome to the exciting world of Junk Art!
When I went to an art exhibition, I became the start player. So, I got the Start player card and put it on the same side as the current City card (you’ll learn about that in a bit), unless we were playing all at once. Keep in mind: This method only determines the start player for the first city. For the next cities, the player with the fewest fans becomes the start player. And if there’s a tie, we just move on to the next player in clockwise order.
To get started with your World Tour, the first thing you need to do is remove Nashville and any City cards that don’t match the number of players you have. Now, shuffle all the City cards and lay out three of them face-up in a line. These three cities will be the stops on your tour, with the city on the left being your first destination. For your very first game, we suggest visiting Philadelphia, Monaco, and Paris in that order.
When you’re ready to play Junk Art, here’s what you need to do:
1. First, everyone gets a base. Choose which side you want to use and place it there.
2. Shuffle the Junk Art deck and keep it face down where everyone can reach it. Don’t mix in the Cactus and Special Star cards because they’re only used in certain cities.
3. Spread out all the Junk pieces in the middle of the play area. This will be your supply.
4. Put the fan tokens and tape measure off to the side, near the supply. You’ll need them later.
Now you’re all set to begin the game!
The Golden Rule
If you ever come across a city-specific rule that contradicts the rules I’ve just mentioned, always follow the rules specified on the City card for that particular city.
Placing Your Pieces
When it’s time to pick a piece, that piece becomes yours and it’s called your “active piece”.
Active piece: The piece you are placing.
- You can use one or two hands to place your active piece.
- Your active piece can go anywhere on your base or structure, as long as it doesn’t touch the table.
Your structure: All the pieces on your base, including the base.
- You can hold your base with one hand.
- You can use your active piece to move one or more pieces on your structure. The pieces on your structure must always touch the structure.
- If you have more than one piece to place during your turn, you have to place them one at a time.
What happens when pieces fall: If a piece falls from your construction, you have the option to pick it up and place it back again. This rule also applies if the piece falls off immediately after you’ve placed it.
Want to make it harder? Try playing with just one hand, and use your non-dominant hand!
Fallen Pieces & Etiquette
If a piece falls from your construction and touches the table, you must set it aside as one of your fallen pieces.
Exception: Refer to the “What happens when pieces fall” rule above.
- If you cause any pieces from any player’s construction to fall on the table, you must keep those pieces as fallen pieces.
- All players should be careful not to touch the table, whether accidentally or on purpose, especially when they are not in the process of placing a piece.
- I can’t touch someone else’s structure. Even if it’s garbage, it’s still their creation!
The Exhibition Comes to an End
- Every city has its own set of rules for determining when the exhibition comes to a close.
- Unless specified otherwise, you must always place your active piece(s) when the exhibition ends.
- Universal end condition: If all the Junk Art cards have been played, the exhibition ends immediately in every city.
Keep in mind: Most cities encourage you to build the tallest structure. Not sure which structure is the tallest? You can use a tape measure to find out!
The Next Cities
When you move to the next stop on your World Tour, you simply keep the fans you have already gained and set up in the new city just like you did in the previous one. Give the Start player card to the player with the fewest fans.
End of the Game
When I finish building the final city in the game, that’s when things come to an end. The player who has gathered the most fans throughout the game gets crowned as the ultimate winner.
Tying It Up
If there happens to be a tie between players in terms of fan count for the last city, the ultimate winner will be determined by who accumulates the most fans in that city. But what if the tie remains unbroken? Well, in that case, the tied players have two options: they can either share the victory or battle it out in a final challenge set in the beautiful city of Monaco.
In other instances where there are ties, a different approach is taken. Instead of having a cutthroat competition, the tied players are given the same number of fans, fostering a sense of camaraderie and friendship.