- 1 Hilarium Game Rules
- 1.1 Get ready for a barrel of laughs with Hilarium!
- 1.2 Get ready for a laughter-packed journey with Hilarium!
- 1.3 What’s in the Box?
- 1.4 Getting Started
- 1.5 How to Play the Game
- 1.6 Seeing Double
- 1.7 It’s All about Action
- 1.8 No Matches
- 1.9 What Not to Say
- 1.10 What You Can Do
- 1.11 The Sneaky “Gotcha” Card
- 1.12 Cash Upfront: The Price of Participation
- 1.13 How to Score
- 1.14 No Counting
- 1.15 Keeping the Madness Going
- 1.16 The Game’s End
Hilarium Game Rules
Get ready for a barrel of laughs with Hilarium!
Hey there, welcome to Hilarium, the game where laughter is the name of the game. Here, I’ll break down the rules for you so you can get started on your laughter-filled adventure!
Rule 1: Gather Your Friends
First things first, gather your hilarious friends because Hilarium is best enjoyed with a lively bunch of people. Laughter is contagious, so the more, the merrier!
Rule 2: Decide on Roles
Next up, decide on the roles each player will take on during the game. You can choose to be a Charade Master, a Word Twist Guru, or a Jokesmith Extraordinaire. Each role brings its own unique set of challenges and opportunities for laughter.
Rule 3: Spin the Laughter Wheel
Now, let’s get to the heart of the game – the Laughter Wheel. Give it a spin and see what you land on! It could be Charades, where you act out funny scenarios, or Word Twist, where you rearrange words to create hilarious phrases. You might even land on Jokes, where it’s all about delivering the funniest punchlines. Whatever it is, get ready to bring the laughs!
Rule 4: Laugh It Up!
Once you know what game you’re playing, it’s time to let the laughter flow! Take your turn and give it your all. Whether you’re acting, twisting words, or cracking jokes, the goal is to make your friends laugh till their sides hurt. Don’t worry about being a pro, just have fun and let the laughter-filled moments unfold!
Rule 5: Score and Rotate
After each round, it’s time to score and rotate. Keep track of how many laughs each player generates and assign points accordingly. Then, rotate roles so everyone gets a chance to shine in different game modes. This keeps the fun going and brings a fresh twist to each round.
Rule 6: The Ultimate Laughter Champion
Keep playing, scoring, and rotating until you decide on the ultimate laughter champion. The player who brings the most joy, laughter, and hilarity to the game takes home the title of the Hilarium Champion!
Get ready for a laughter-packed journey with Hilarium!
Welcome to the magical realm of Hilarium, a game filled with unpredictable excitement! Imagine this: each player holds a set of cards in their hands. These cards contain different “actions” written on them.
Now, here’s where the fun begins! Every player starts acting out the “actions” on their cards… all at once! The challenge here is to spot the other players who are mimicking the same “actions” as you and make a connection!
What’s in the Box?
- A Game Board
- 330 Cards (in 6 different-colored decks)
- 95 Bills in 4 different denominations
- Instructions
Getting Started
I’ll tell you what to do so you can start having fun! Put the Game Board in the middle of where we’re playing. We’ll put the cards we draw on the Game Board, and the “ante” will also go there.
Now, there’s something you need to know about the “ante,” but I’ll explain that to you after I tell you about Bucks.
First, we need to choose a Banker. This isn’t rocket science. Just pick someone who can count and is pretty honest. (Politicians, you’re not needed here.) Each of us will get 100 Bucks, and you can have them in any bill denomination you like.
I’ll be the Dealer; I get to deal the cards!
I’ll pick one deck and give each player five cards facedown. Everyone should have five cards in their hands. The rest of the cards will go facedown in the Draw area on the Game Board.
Those cards will be the “Draw Pile”. After dealing, I’ll announce which color from the split-faced deck we’ll be using. It’s important for all of us to play with the same color so we can match!
There are six different decks of cards, and each deck has two colors on its face. We need to make sure that everyone is looking at the same color on their cards. If someone is looking at a different color, they might have trouble finding a match!
How to Play the Game
Hey there, let’s talk about how to play this cool game! Ready? Great!
So, first things first. Each player, including you and me, needs to have five cards in our hand. Got it? Good!
Now, the ultimate goal is to match those cards and get rid of them. Sounds easy, right? Well, it’s not as simple as it seems.
But wait, what happens when we do match our cards and get rid of them? I’ll tell you! Every time we successfully do that, we get to draw a replacement card from the “Draw Pile”. Exciting, isn’t it? We keep drawing replacement cards until there are no more left.
So, remember, the game is all about matching cards, getting rid of them, and drawing replacements. It’s a fast-paced game that will keep us on the edge of our seats!
If you have a card you want to get rid of, look for someone who has the exact same card. Act out the “action” on your card to find them.
Everyone is acting out their “actions” at the same time. While you’re acting out yours, keep an eye out for others who might be doing the same thing.
When you spot someone doing the same “action” as you, quickly get their attention and act out your card’s action. If you both think you have a match, show each other your cards to confirm.
So here’s what happens. First, I’ll take a card from my hand and show it to everyone else. Then, I’ll put the card down in front of me and get a new one from the pile. But remember, if I don’t have a match, I can’t place my card down. Simple enough, right?
Seeing Double
And get this – sometimes I might end up with two matching cards in my hand. When that happens, I’m pretty lucky. I can just put both cards down and draw two new ones from the pile. It’s like hitting the jackpot!
It’s All about Action
Now, here’s the fun part. There’s no specific order for finding a match. It’s not just about acting out one “action” card. The matching card might be hiding somewhere deep in the pile. So, if I don’t find a match right away, I can start acting out another card from my hand. Who knows what crazy actions I’ll have to do?
If you run out of cards in the Draw Pile, don’t worry, the game continues. The round only ends when one player manages to get rid of all their cards and shouts “Stop!”
No Matches
It’s rare, but it’s possible to start a game without anyone having a card that matches another player’s. If this happens, try swapping two of your cards with two new ones. Then start again.
What Not to Say
You can’t say any word that’s on the card, unless it’s in quotes. Be careful not to say any variation of the words either. For example, if the card says “You’re a goldfish,” you can’t say “I’m a fish.”
What You Can Do
Go ahead and act, sing, dance, mime, wiggle, or even speak in full sentences. Just be sure not to say what’s written on the cards, unless it’s in quotes. And remember, you have many possibilities to perform each action.
Hey there! Let’s dive into something super fun today – the game of charades. I’ll walk you through it so you know exactly what to expect.
Imagine this scene: you’re with friends or family, and you’re all gathered around, giggling and ready to play. You grab a card from the deck, and it describes an action or a role you need to act out without speaking a word. How exciting!
For instance, you might get a card that says, “You’re a newborn baby.” Now, think about all the adorable and silly things you could do to bring that character to life:
- Suck your thumb like a little champ
- Curl up in a cozy fetal position, and let out those cute baby sounds like gurgles, burps, and coos
- Really let those tears flow – cry, cry, and cry some more
Here’s the fun part: there’s no right or wrong way to act out the card. Each player interprets it in their own unique way. So, while one person might choose to play the baby card with lots of funny gurgles, someone else might go for a more dramatic performance. It’s all about expressing yourself!
The Sneaky “Gotcha” Card
Ah, Hiiarium’s poison pill. The GOTCHA card, it’s like no other card in the deck. And trust me, it comes with a price! If you happen to have it in your hand when the round ends, you’ll lose a whopping 30 Bucks. But that’s not all, having this card means you have one less card to play. Yeah, it’s kind of a bummer, right?
Now, here’s the only way to get rid of this sneaky card: pass it on to another player! Whenever you find a match with someone, just give them this card and proudly say “Gotcha!”
But here’s the trick – you need to pass it before they draw a replacement card from the Draw Pile. So now, the GOTCHA card becomes one of the five cards in their hand. Oh boy, they won’t be able to swap out that matched card, including the GOTCHA card.
Now, you gotta be careful because that GOTCHA card will be on the move. It might even find its way back to you. Whatever you do, don’t get stuck with it! Got it?
Cash Upfront: The Price of Participation
As we get ready for the game to begin, there’s something you’ve gotta do first. You, me, and all the other players need to cough up some cash. Before the cards even hit the table, we each have to put down a little something called an “ante.” And that’s just the way it works.
Once all of us have our cards, the game begins when the Dealer takes the top card from the Draw Pile and reveals it by placing it face-up on the “Ante” pile.
Now it’s time to get cracking! If you happen to find the same card in your hand during the game, you can quickly put it down on top of the “ante” card and claim the entire pot. You won’t score any points for those two cards, but you will walk away with the cash!
Those cards will sit face-up on the pot, which is now empty. However, there might be instances where a player has the matching card for the “Ante” card but forgets about it in the heat of the moment. If that happens, and nobody manages to grab the pot before the round ends, it will carry over to the next round.
Oops! Looks like somebody wasn’t paying attention. No worries, it happens to all of us. We’ll just have to chip in 10 Bucks each for the next round and add it to the pot. It’s highly unlikely, but if by some chance the card you flip over onto the ante happens to be the infamous GOTCHA card, don’t panic. Just stop the game, reshuffle the cards, and deal them out again.
Now, let me reassure you that the possibility of this happening is incredibly low. Nevertheless, we wanted to make sure you feel secure, so we’ve got you covered.
How to Score
When the Draw Pile is empty, the round is coming to a close. Once a player manages to match all of their cards successfully, they should shout out “Stop!” This signals the end of the round.
Everyone must immediately stop playing. No more matching is allowed. You might have to raise your voice, as other players will be frantically trying to pass off the dreaded GOTCHA card and make their last matches.
Hey there! If you’re into pretending to be a ballerina, you’ve gotta be strong. So, let’s put a stop to that. “STOP.” That’s more like it.
- Every time you successfully “match” a card, you earn 10 Bucks.
- If you have any cards left in your hand when the round ends, you’ll lose 10 Bucks for each one.
- Whoever ends up with the GOTCHA card has to say goodbye to 30 Bucks.
- Once everyone adds up their scores, the Banker will give out or collect the cash.
- If you run out of cash, then you’re out of the game! Tough luck!
No Counting
Remember, you can’t count your cash beyond what you have to pay to the Bank. Only the Banker can count the winnings so they can hand out the cash.
If you catch another player counting their cash, just shout out “NO COUNTING!”
So here’s the deal. If you catch someone counting their cash in the game, you get to take 10 bucks from them. No counting money, not even at the end of a round. It’s just one of those rules we have, so no arguments!
Keeping the Madness Going
After all the cash has been awarded at the end of a round, the Dealer collects the cards and shuffles the deck. Then we start a new round using the same deck, but with the other color of the split-face.
For example, if you played with the blue side in round 1, you’ll use the green side for round 2.
Hey there, let’s play a game of “antes” for just $10! We’ll start the round by flipping the “ante” card face-up on the Ante pile. Then everyone gets to have their turn.
The Game’s End
After four rounds (that’s two with the blue side and two with the green), it’s time to count your cash. The player with the most Bucks wins! Easy peasy, right?