How to play Go Ape Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Ready, Set, Go Ape! Here’s How to Play

Hey there! If you’re all geared up and ready for some wild monkey fun, you’ve come to the right place! I’m gonna break down the rules of the super exciting Go Ape! game, so you’ll be swinging from tree to tree like a pro in no time.


First things first, let’s talk about the goal of the game. In Go Ape!, you’ll be playing as a mischievous monkey, trying to collect as many bananas as possible. Yummy, right? But be careful! Along the way, you’ll encounter some sneaky obstacles that can slow you down. So, keep your eyes peeled and stay agile!


Alright, let’s get to the good stuff! To play Go Ape!, you’ll need a game board with different trees, each marked with a number. You’ll also need a dice and some game pieces to move around the board. Now, here’s how it works:

1. The youngest player goes first (if you’re the only player, that’s you!). Roll the dice and move your game piece forward by the number of spaces indicated on the dice.

2. Once you land on a tree, you’ll have to answer a question or complete a challenge. These questions and challenges are designed to test your knowledge and skills. Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer right away – just give it your best shot!

3. If you get the question or challenge right, woohoo! You get to keep moving forward and collect a banana. But if you get it wrong, oh no! You’ll have to stay where you are and try again on your next turn.

4. Keep rolling the dice, navigating the trees, and answering questions or challenges. The first player to reach the finish line with the highest number of bananas wins!

Tips and Tricks:

Now that you know the basics, here are a few tips to help you ace the game:

– Pay attention to the numbers on the trees. Some trees have shortcuts or bonus spaces that can give you an extra advantage.

– Use your bananas strategically. You can trade them in for special power-ups or use them to skip a question or challenge if you’re unsure.

– Don’t rush! Take your time to think through the question or challenge before giving your answer. Sometimes, the best things come to those who wait.

There you have it – the wild and wonderful rules of Go Ape! Time to monkey around and have a blast with your friends. Remember, the more you play, the better you’ll get. So, gather your fellow adventurers and let the jungle fun begin!

Alright, let’s get started! First, we need to shuffle the cards and give each player 5 of them. The rest of the cards will go face down in the center to create a Draw Pile.

Once you have your cards, take a look at them, but make sure to keep them hidden from the other players. Organize your cards so that any matching ones are together.

If you happen to have a set of 3 cards that match, you can show them to everyone and place them in a pile in front of you.

How to Play the Game

Hey there, let’s learn how to play this awesome game! Here’s what you need to know:

  • If you’re the youngest player, you get to go first. How cool is that?
  • Now, here’s the interesting part. You have to ask another player for a card that looks like one in your hand. But wait, there’s a catch – you can’t use any words! Instead, you have to act out the picture of the monkey on the card you want. How silly!

Hey there! So, here’s how this monkey game works. If you want a card with a monkey covering its eyes, just say, “Hey, can I have your card with the monkey covering its eyes?” and make sure to cover your own eyes with your hands while you say it. Fun, right?

Now, if the other player has any cards that match the action you asked for, they have to hand them over to you. Pretty cool, huh? And then, it’s your turn again. Keep the fun going!

But, if the player doesn’t have any cards that match the action, they have to say, “Go Ape!” Uh-oh! That means you have to pick the top card from the Draw Pile. Better luck next time!

If you happen to draw the card you asked for, guess what? You get to take another turn! But, if you don’t get the card you wanted, no worries. Just add it to your hand and pass the play to the player on your left.

Oh, and here’s a secret: whenever you collect three matching monkey cards, you get to put them in a special pile in front of you. Those cards are off-limits to other players. They’re all yours, so keep them safe!

No Talking Like a Monkey

When you want a card, you can’t use words or show the card. If you do, it’s your turn to lose.

The Game is Over

The game ends when someone gets rid of all their cards or when there are no more cards to draw.

Count how many sets of monkey cards you have. You only count complete sets of 3 cards.

The player with the most sets is the winner!

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