Fact or Crap Game Rules
The Basics
Hey there! Welcome to Fact or Crap, the game where you test your knowledge and see if you can separate the facts from the fiction!
Here’s how it works: I will present you with a statement, and you have to decide if it’s true or false. Pretty straightforward, right? But be careful, because things might not always be as they seem!
How to Play
1. I will provide you with a statement.
2. You have to decide if the statement is a fact or crap. Trust your instincts!
3. Once you’ve made your decision, just click on the corresponding button below the statement. Easy peasy!
4. The game will let you know if you got it right or wrong. Keep track of your score to challenge your friends!
5. Ready for the next statement? Repeat steps 1 to 4 and keep the fun going!
Every time you answer correctly, you’ll earn a point. The more points you get, the better you’re doing!
But watch out! If you answer incorrectly, you won’t get any points for that statement. So think carefully and don’t rush!
Remember, the goal is to challenge yourself and have fun. So relax, take your time, and enjoy the game!
Fact is often stranger than fiction. Let’s dive into a fast-paced game that will put your knowledge of the world to the test. From everyday facts to mind-boggling trivia, the ultimate question is simple – is it a Fact or Crap?
Here’s how to set up the game:
1. Mix the Question cards with the Rush Hour cards. Make sure the Rush Hour cards are scattered randomly throughout the deck.
2. Place the shuffled deck of cards and the timer in the center of all the players.
3. Each player is given a ‘Fact’ and a ‘Crap’ Answer card.
4. Every player starts the game with 8 tokens. Keep the remaining tokens in a pile in the middle for everyone to access.
Get ready for an exciting challenge that will keep you on your toes. Can you separate fact from fiction? Let’s find out!
The Game Begins!
Alright, let’s get this game started! The person who owns the game or the host is going to be the first Reader, that means they get to ask the question.
Once the Reader has read the question out loud, it’s time for everyone else to think fast! You need to decide whether the answer is Fact or Crap. To show your answer, simply put either your Fact Answer card or Crap Answer card face down.
Now comes the exciting part – the Reader gets to figure out who was the quickest to answer. Once all the Answer cards are down, the Reader checks to see who was the first to answer. That person gets to flip over their Answer card to reveal their guess.
If they guessed correctly, it’s time to celebrate! They earn 2 tokens from the middle pile as a reward for their quick thinking and sharp instincts.
So here’s how it works: I’m the Reader, and I’m going to ask you some questions. Ready?
First, I’ll ask everyone to turn their Answer cards over. If you have the correct answer, you’ll get 1 token. But if you get it wrong, you’ll have to put a token back in the middle pile. Even if you’re the first one to put your answer card down and still get it wrong, you’ll lose a token.
Once I’ve asked all three questions, my turn is over. I’ll put the Question card back at the bottom of the pile, face down.
But here’s the twist: there are Rush Hour cards! At any point in the game, one of us could pick up a Rush Hour card. When that happens, the Reader chooses a player to answer the Rush Hour questions. Then we turn over the egg timer, and the Reader starts reading the questions.
Welcome to the Rush Hour trivia game! The goal is to ask and answer all five questions within the time limit, giving both the reader and the answering player a chance to win extra tokens.
Scoring in Rush Hour
In Rush Hour, you earn tokens as you play. Here’s how it works: the reader reads the first question, and the nominated player answers. Then, the reader determines whether the answer is a fact or crap. If the player is correct, they get to take a token from the pile in the middle. But if they’re wrong, the reader gets the token instead. The game continues with the next question until all the questions have been asked or the timer runs out. Remember, you have to be quick – you only have 30 seconds!
If the timer runs out before a question is fully read or before the nominated player answers, no token is awarded to either player.
Fact or Crap Signs
There are 7 signs in the game. You just have to insert a stick through the die-cut slots of the sign. Make sure that a little more than %” of the stick shows above the top slot and approximately 2″ of the stick forms a handle below the sign.
The signs take the place of the Fact or Crap Answer cards. Every player or team gets one sign. Instead of using a Fact or Crap Answer card to show their answer, players or teams raise their signs with the correct response facing the Reader. The Reader still decides who was the first to answer.
End of the Game
There are two ways to win Fact or Crap.
- The game ends when all tokens from the middle pile are used. Players then count their tokens. The player with the most tokens wins, proving they know the most Fact or Crap!
So, here’s the deal: When you’re playing a game and everyone else but one person loses all their tokens, that last person is the winner. But, if someone loses all their tokens at any point, they’re out of the game. It’s as simple as that! Just keep that in mind and have fun playing!