Welcome to the World of Ramen Fury
I’m here to introduce you to Ramen Fury, an exciting card game created by Prospero Hall and brought to you by Mixlore. It’s all about making the perfect bowl of delicious ramen and scoring big points!
Get Ready to Play
When you play Ramen Fury, you’ll start with three Ramen Bowl cards. These bowls are your canvas, waiting to be filled with mouthwatering ingredients!
So, there are all sorts of different ingredients you’ll come across. Check out the image above. The top row is where you’ll find the Flavor Ingredients. These are the ones that determine what goes in your bowl and how you score points. The middle row has all the other ingredients. You’ve got green cards for veggies, red cards for protein, and tofu that can represent both meat and veggies. And in the bottom row, we’ve got those spicy Chili Peppers and the Nori Garnish. Watch out for those – they can add or subtract points from your bowl.
Oh, and here’s a sneaky trick you can use: grab a Spoon and snatch an ingredient right off the top of your opponent’s bowl!
The Game Setup
Now, here’s how we start things off. Every player gets three Ramen Bowl cards and two Spoon tokens. Line up those three bowls with the noodle side facing up.
Hey there! Let’s learn how to play a fun game called “Ramen Rumble.” Are you ready? Great! All you need to do is shuffle and deal three ingredient cards to each player. Remember, don’t show your hand! Place the rest of the ingredient cards face down in the center as a draw pile. Then, flip up four cards and line them up next to the draw pile. We call this row the Pantry. Exciting, right?
Here’s how we play!
Okay, so the person who ate ramen last gets to go first. Each turn, you get to choose two actions to do. You can do them in any order and repeat the same action if you want.
Now let’s talk about the different actions you can take:
First up, we have “Prep.” With this action, you can take one ingredient card from your hand and place it on top of one of your ramen bowl piles. Just make sure it’s the right bowl, okay? Each ramen bowl pile can only have one “Flavor Ingredient.” Oh, and keep in mind that a ramen bowl can’t have more than five ingredients. Got it? Awesome!
Hey there! Let me explain how this game works, and I promise to keep it simple.
First things first, we have three actions that you can take in this game: Draw, Spoon, and Restock.
Let’s start with the Draw action. When you choose to draw, you get to pick an ingredient card from the Pantry and add it to your hand. Oh, and don’t worry, as soon as you take a card from the Pantry, it gets replaced with a card from the draw pile. Keep in mind that if you end up having more than five cards in your hand, you have to immediately discard some back down to five. Gotta keep it fair, right?
Next up, we have the Spoon action. This action lets you use a Spoon to take an ingredient from the top of a bowl on the table and add it to your hand. But remember, the Spoon must be discarded after you use it. It’s a one-time deal.
Finally, we come to the Restock action. This one’s pretty interesting. When you choose to restock, you remove all the cards from the Pantry and replace them with four new ones from the draw pile. Here’s the fun part: if there are any Chili Peppers or Nori Garnish cards in the Pantry, their special abilities get activated when you restock. So keep an eye out for those!
That’s all there is to it! Now you’re ready to dive into the game and start cooking up some fun. Have a blast!
When it comes to eating ramen, there are a few things you need to know. First, flip the entire pile over to see the backside of the Ramen Bowl. To eat the ramen, you’ll need a Ramen Bowl with at least one Flavor Ingredient and another ingredient. Once a bowl has been eaten, you can’t add or remove any more ingredients.
If you want to empty a bowl and start fresh, remove all the ingredients and discard them.
Now let’s talk about some special actions you can take:
If you have a Chili Pepper or a Nori Garnish card and you place it in the Pantry during your turn, you can immediately play the pepper or nori on any bowl. It doesn’t matter if it’s your own bowl or your opponent’s. Just remember to replace the card you played with another one from the draw pile. Keep playing peppers or nori until you can’t anymore.
Did you know that you can play Chili Peppers and Nori Garnishes from your hand? It’s true! And the best part is that playing these cards doesn’t cost you anything.
Let the Game Continues!
We keep going around the table, each of us trying to assemble the most valuable bowls of ramen.
Wrap It Up
When someone finishes their third bowl of ramen, that’s the cue that the game is coming to an end. Don’t worry, everyone still gets one more turn. Once the last player finishes their final turn, it’s time to tally up the score.
Scoring Time
Now it’s time to earn some points! You get points for each bowl of ramen you’ve eaten. But here’s the catch – any bowls that you didn’t finish won’t earn you any points.
Be careful with those chili peppers! They deduct one point from a bowl unless it has the special Fury Flavor ingredient. So keep an eye out for that.
On the other hand, Nori Garnishes are your friends. They add one point to the bowl they’re in. So don’t forget to sprinkle some Nori Garnishes on your ramen!
I want to talk to you about the scoring system in a game called “Ramen Madness.” In this game, you earn points based on the ingredients in the ramen bowls you eat. Let me break it down for you:
First, we have Shrimp Flavor bowls. These bowls give you 4 points for each pair of vegetable and protein ingredients you have. So the more veggies and protein you have together, the more points you get.
Next up, we have Soy Sauce Flavor bowls. These bowls work a bit differently. Depending on how many different vegetable ingredients you have, you can earn 2, 5, 9, or 14 points. Remember, more variety means more points.
Similarly, the Beef Flavor bowls also have a varying scoring system. If you have 1, 2, 3, or 4 different protein ingredients, you can earn 2, 5, 9, or 14 points, respectively. Again, the more variety, the better your score.
Then we have Fury Flavor bowls. These bowls are all about the chili peppers. Each chili pepper in the bowl earns you 2 points. So if you like it spicy, you can rack up those points.
Now let’s talk about Chicken Flavor bowls. These bowls have a different scoring system based on the number of matching ingredients. If you have a pair of matching ingredients, you earn 6 points. But if you have three matching ingredients, you score a whopping 10 points! Just keep in mind that Nori and Peppers don’t count towards the matching requirement.
Finally, to find your final score, you just need to add up the points from all the ramen bowls you’ve eaten.
At the end of the game, the player with the highest score is the winner. So eat up and aim for that high score!