Pass the trash poker – how to play pass the trash poker

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Pass the Trash Poker

Goal of Pass the Trash: Get the highest hand and win the pot.

Number of Players: 2-7 players

Number of Cards: standard 52-card deck

Rank of Cards: A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2

Type of Game: Selection/Rejection Poker

Audience: Family

Welcome to Pass the Trash!

Pass the Trash, also known as Anaconda, is a poker game where players pass unwanted cards to each other. If you already know how to play traditional Poker, then this game will be a breeze. It’s designed for up to seven players, making it perfect for a fun family game night!

The Deal and How to Play

Once the antes have been paid, the dealer gives each of us seven cards facing downwards. We all take a look at our cards and then we start betting. The betting begins with the player who is seated directly to the left of the dealer. We have three options during betting: we can either bet, raise the bet, or fold and give up.

After we finish betting, those of us who are still actively playing put three of our unwanted cards on the table in front of us. When everyone is ready, we pass these cards to the player on our left. Each of us examines the new cards we received and we proceed to the second round of betting.

We repeat this process, but with each round, we pass one fewer card to the left. So, in the second round, we pass two cards and then bet, and in the third and final round, we pass just one card and then bet again.

Once all the cards have been distributed, you can try something called “Roll Your Own.” This means you get to choose and rearrange the five cards you want to use for your hand in any order you like. Once you’ve made your selections, place them facedown in a pile in front of you.

Start by flipping over the top card in your pile and begin a round of betting, starting with the player who has the highest card. Keep going until there are four cards facing up and one card facing down.

After the final round of betting, everyone still in the game shows their hands. The player with the highest hand wins the pot.



If you’re a fan of poker, you’re in for a treat with a game called Pass the Trash Poker. It’s got a unique twist: you can play it high-low. Here’s how it works: before the showdown, you have to decide if you’re aiming for a high hand or a low hand. The exciting part is that the two players who correctly called it and have the highest and lowest hands split the pot.

Time to Play Dealer’s Choice

But wait, there’s more! In this game, the dealer gets to decide how the “pass the trash” part goes. They can set the rule for passing cards. For example, they can say that when you’re passing three cards, you have to pass them to the three people on your left.

A Twist on Pass the Trash

If you’re looking for even more excitement, try a variation called Howdy Doody. It adds wild cards to the mix. Here’s how it works: threes are wild for high hands and Kings are wild for low hands. So if you call both, you have to use threes as wild cards for high hands and Kings for low hands. It’s like getting the best of both worlds.

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