Dominations Road to Civilization Glossary Lexicon

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Dominations: Road to Civilization Glossary Lexicon

Greetings, fellow strategy enthusiasts! Today, I want to delve into the vast world of Dominations and explore its intricate web of terminology.

If you’re new to this game or simply looking to expand your understanding, you’ve come to the right place. Here, I’ll break down some key terms and concepts that you’ll encounter on your journey to build a mighty civilization.

1. Resources

Let’s start with “Resources.” Now, in Dominations, resources are a vital component for constructing and strengthening your civilization. These include Food, Gold, and Oil. You’ll need them to support the growth of your nation, conduct research, upgrade buildings, and train troops. Remember, managing your resources wisely is crucial for success.

2. Nations

Nations play a pivotal role in Dominations, as they influence your playstyle and dictate certain aspects of your civilization. Each nation has unique abilities, units, and bonuses that set them apart. So, when selecting a nation, consider their advantages and choose one that aligns with your strategic approach.

3. Troops

Troops are the formidable warriors that will defend your territory and conquer others. From humble riflemen to intimidating tanks, there’s a diverse array of units at your disposal. It’s essential to assemble a balanced army with different troop types to conquer various challenges you’ll encounter on the battlefield.

4. Alliances

In Dominations, you have the option to form alliances with other players. Joining an alliance offers numerous benefits, including sharing resources, strategizing together, and participating in alliance wars. Building strong alliances can significantly enhance your gaming experience and lead to glorious victories.

5. Upgrades

Upgrades are a fundamental aspect of Dominations. Whether it’s upgrading your buildings, troops, or technologies, advancements are key to staying ahead of the competition. Allocate your resources wisely to make strategic upgrades that will boost your civilization’s development and ensure its dominance.

6. Battles

Battles are the heart of Dominations. Engaging in wars and raids allows you to expand your territory, acquire resources, and establish dominance. Formulating effective battle strategies, deploying your troops wisely, and adapting to the ever-changing landscape are essential elements of victory.

And there you have it! A glimpse into the lexicon of Dominations: Road to Civilization. Remember, to become a master of this game, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with its terminology and immerse yourself in its rich world.

So, gear up, strategize, and embark on an epic journey to build the mightiest civilization the world has ever known. Best of luck!

Dominations Road to Civilization Glossary Lexicon UltraFoodMess

Board: The board is the space on the table where we place Land tiles. It’s where the game takes place and where all the actions happen.

Build: When I want to place a City token or contribute to a Monument, I need to pay Knowledge points. That’s called building. It’s how I expand my civilization and make progress.

Camp: Each Land tile has a large colored space on it called a camp. This is where I can place my City tokens and build my cities.

Campfire card: At the beginning of the game, each player is given a Campfire card. This card represents the starting point of our Civilization Tree. It’s where everything begins.

City: A City is represented by a City token and it can be built on a Land tile. Cities are the heart of our civilization, and they represent our progress and development.

Cities (adjacent): Adjacent Cities are Cities that are built on Land tiles that are right next to each other. They are connected and form a network within our civilization.

Cities (non-adjacent): Non-adjacent Cities are Cities that are built on Land tiles that are not directly next to each other. They may be further apart, but they are still part of our civilization.

Civilization Tree: The Civilization Tree is a unique arrangement of Mastery cards that each player has. It represents our path to growth and progression as we unlock new abilities and advancements.

Corruptio: Corruptio is a black Nodus, or connection point, that cannot be connected to any other Mastery card. It’s like a dark force that disrupts our progress and limits our options.

Cradle of Civilization: The starting point on the board for everyone.

Master Your Skills: Spend Knowledge points to add a Mastery card to your Civilization tree.

Domains: There are six different areas of Knowledge: Government, Art, Craftsmanship, Science, Religion, and Trade.

Acquire: Get Knowledge points in any way other than laying down a Land tile, like by using a Mastery card or Monument.

The Game: Divided into three Ages, which represent roughly 3000 years in your Civilization’s life.

Initiative Track: The order of play is determined by the track on the Cradle of Humanity.

Knowledge: The main resource in the game. Each Domain is considered a separate type of resource.

Land Tile: Three-sided tiles that all players place during the game.

Locus: It’s like the center of a special circle made up of six Land tiles.

Mastery cards: These are skill cards that you can buy.

Monument: This is a special goal that all players can work towards.

Monument card: This card is the main card for a Monument. It tells you how to build it, what it does, and how many levels it has.

Monument Level card: Each level of a Monument has its own card. When you buy a level, it goes into your Civilization Tree.

Monument Tile: When you buy the first level of a Monument, you get a special tile with it. You put this tile on the board.

Nodus: This is a colored circle on your Civilization Tree. You can connect Mastery cards to it. You need two half-circles to make a full Nodus.

Let’s talk about producing resources: When I place a Land tile, I can get resources. These resources are represented by small colored dots on the tile. The cool thing is that producing resources can activate special effects that help me gain even more resources.

Now, let’s talk about reserves: Reserves are like the storage space for resources. You can only keep a certain number of each type of resource at a time. The maximum amount of resources you can have in your reserves is determined by the highest level of City you have on any Camp of that color.

What is a turn? A turn is the action phase for each player. It’s when you get to take your actions and make things happen in the game.

Upgrading a Mastery card: If you want to improve a Mastery card, you can spend some of your Knowledge points to do so. When you upgrade a Mastery card, it gets flipped over to its Advanced side, and you get even more powerful benefits.

Now, what about Vestigium? Vestigium is a special type of Nodus. It’s colorless, so it can be connected to any other color of Nodus. When you connect a Vestigium to another color, it counts as a Nodus of that color. However, there’s one important rule: you can’t connect a Vestigium to another Vestigium.

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