Welcome to Your Worst Nightmare, a party game that will spark hours of intriguing conversations and uncover your deepest fears. And you won’t be the only one – you’ll also get to know what your playmates are truly afraid of! Let’s dive in.
In this game, four cards will be revealed, each depicting a unique fear. Your task is to rank these cards based on the level of fear they evoke in you – from the most terrifying to the least.
But that’s not all – you’ll also have the opportunity to guess the rankings of your fellow players. Prepare to step into their shoes and unravel their own worst nightmares. And remember, you’ll need to do this for every player at least once! Get ready to learn some surprising things about your friends and family. It’s going to be an unforgettable experience!
So, let’s get started and embrace the thrill of sharing our deepest fears together. Just make sure to keep those lights on!
To start the game, shuffle the deck of Fear Cards and place it in the center of the group. Each player should have a wipe-off pen and a scarecard. And that’s it – you’re all set to begin!
First things first, let’s get started! The oldest player will be in charge of flipping over the top four cards from the deck. It’s important that everyone can see these cards. Once they’re flipped over, each player will rank their own fears based on the scarecards.
Now, the fun part begins. You will choose another player and try to guess how they ranked their own fears. Take turns reading your answers out loud, and see if you can get it right!
For every fear you guessed correctly for the other player, you’ll earn a point. But if you manage to guess all four of their fears correctly, you’ll get a bonus point too! Keep track of your points by filling in the circles at the bottom of the scarecard.
Once everyone has had a turn, the game continues to the left. The next person in line will take their turn by flipping over four Fear Cards. It’s an exciting game that will keep you on your toes!
Guessing fears in the game requires that I choose each player at least once. I can’t guess the same person again until I’ve guessed everyone else. The game comes to an end when a player reaches 13 points, and that player becomes the winner!
Game Over
Once a player earns 13 points, the game ends. That player is declared the winner!
Once a player earns 13 points, the game ends. That player is declared the winner!