Welcome to Wit’s End, an exciting and mind-bending trivia game that will captivate you, just like Sorry! In this game, I’ll answer questions and make my way around the board. But here’s the twist: I have to answer correctly when I reach the top, or else I’ll lose all my progress.
Prepare to be challenged by an assortment of brain teasers, mind-boggling riddles, and gripping trivia from different categories. With options that cater to everyone’s interests, you’re bound to discover your hidden strengths and put your knowledge to the test.
Getting Started
When you’re ready to start playing the game, just follow these simple steps. First, place the game board in the middle of the playing area, so that it’s easily accessible to all players. You’ll then need to pick a game pawn to represent yourself throughout the game. Make sure to place your game piece on one of the corner squares in the blue level to begin.
The cards in the game are divided into different categories. Each category has its own stack of cards, which should be shuffled and placed face down. To determine who goes first, each player should roll the die. The player with the highest roll will go first, and then turns will continue moving clockwise around the group.
Playing the Game
So, here’s how the game works: I start by rolling the die and moving my pawn piece. The number I roll determines whether I go left or right on the track. Each space on the board has a different category. Whenever I land on a space, I draw a card that matches the category. If I land on a space with a dice, I get to roll again and move further along the board.
If I answer the question on the card correctly, I get to roll again and choose which direction to move. I keep going like this until I answer a question incorrectly. Then it’s the next player’s turn, and they play the same way.
When you reach the highest level in the game, you get a shot at winning it all. You’ll pick a card with a question and do your best to answer. If you get it right, you win the game! But if you get it wrong, well, you’ll have to go back to the purple level and end your turn. It’s a tough call, but that’s the way the game goes.
The Game Comes to an End
Hey there! It’s time to wrap up the game, and I’m here to tell you all about it.
So, when someone reaches the highest level and gets the final question right, it’s game over! That person is the winner! But, if they answer it wrong, they take a nosedive all the way down to the purple level.
Throughout the game, you’ll encounter tough questions, move around the gameboard, and face some tricky challenges. Get ready to test your smarts and prepare yourself for the unexpected!
By the way, my name is Ellie! I live in Northeast Tennessee, and I’m thrilled to be part of this incredible community. I adore animals, especially the ones that come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. I’m also a huge fan of fantasy fiction books and outdoor adventures. Oh, and I can’t forget to mention my fantastic husband and my two adorable furry babies who bring so much joy to my life.