Whist game rules – how to play whist the card game

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

The Enchanting World of Whist Card Game

A long time ago, in the fascinating 18th and 19th centuries, a card game called Whist captivated the hearts of people everywhere. But did you know that Whist had an older sibling named Ruff and Honours? Yes, it’s true!

Now, it’s time to dive into the mysteries of Whist, a game that once ruled supreme until Bridge came along. The name Whist comes from an old word that meant being quiet or silent. Isn’t that intriguing? It’s no wonder that the word Whistful, which means being lost in thought, originated from it.

The Art of the Deal

Let’s talk about how the magic begins in Whist. Picture this: the player sitting on the left of the dealer grabs the cards and gives them a good shuffle. Then, to add a touch of suspense, the player on the right gets to cut the deck. But wait, there’s one interesting twist! The dealer, the master of ceremonies, has the power to shuffle the cards one last time. What a thrilling role!

When we play Whist, each player is dealt 13 cards. The dealer gives out the cards one at a time, facing them downwards. The last card to be dealt belongs to the dealer and becomes the trump card.

The Trump Suit

The trump suit is determined by the suit of the trump card. Cards from this suit have the power to trump cards from other suits in a trick.

A trick refers to a hand of cards, usually played in a way that follows the suit of the lead card or the first card that was played. The trick is won by the highest-ranking card, making a high-ranking trump card capable of winning any trick.

In this game, it is customary to use two decks of cards. As the dealer begins each round, their partner shuffles the second deck and places it to the right. The next dealer merely needs to pick up the deck and have it cut by the player to their right.

How to Play Whist

When we start a game, the person sitting to the left of the dealer goes first. It’s like taking the first step on a new journey. They get to choose which card they want to play, and it can be any card from their hand. After that, it’s everyone’s turn, and we move clockwise around the table. Each player plays just one card per turn, trying to match the suit of the card that was led. If they don’t have a card of that suit, they can play any card they want. It’s like a puzzle, trying to find the perfect fit.

But here’s the exciting part. If someone plays a trump card, the highest value card in the game, they have a chance to win the trick and take all the cards played in that round. It’s like a secret weapon, waiting to be unleashed. And if no one plays a trump card, then it’s all about who played the highest-ranking card of the suit that was led. It’s like a battle of the champions.

And the winner gets to lead the next trick. It’s like a cycle, a never-ending game of cards. Each player takes turns being the leader, trying to outsmart everyone else. It’s like a dance, a rhythm of strategy and skill. And as the game goes on, the tricks keep piling up, creating a thrilling and intense atmosphere.

So, remember, when it’s your turn to lead, choose wisely. And when it’s not your turn, be ready to play your best card. It’s a game of strategy and cunning, where every decision matters. Can you outsmart your opponents and take home the victory? The only way to find out is to play.

Whist game rules - how to play whist the card game

Whist game rules - how to play whist the card game

The Scoring

Once all 13 tricks have been played, the team that won the most tricks earns a point for each trick won beyond six.

The game concludes when a team reaches a total of 5 points.

If you’re hungry for more information about Whist, check out our comprehensive Whist Master List. And if you’re interested in learning more about the classic rules of Whist, you can find them here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you win at Whist?

In traditional Whist, the first team to accumulate 5 points wins the game.

What is the maximum number of players for Whist?

Whist is typically played by four individuals, organized into two-player partnerships.

What happens when a player cannot follow suit?

If you ever find yourself playing Whist and don’t have a card of the same suit as the one played, don’t worry! You can play a card of any suit, including the trump suit.

Who plays together in Whist?

In Whist, the dealer and the player sitting across from them are considered a team. The players to the dealer’s left and right form the other team.

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