Villains card game rules – game rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Welcome to the world of Villains, where chaos rules and masterminds thrive! In this exciting card game, you’ll embrace your wicked side and battle against other nefarious characters to see who can become the ultimate villain.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. How do I become a legendary villain? Well, fear not. I’m here to guide you through the rules and help you unleash your inner evil genius.

First things first, let’s talk about the objective of the game. The goal is simple – accumulate as many Victory Points as you can. You earn these points by completing Evil Plans, which are unique objectives that only a true villain can accomplish.

To start the game, each player selects a Villain and takes their corresponding Villain deck and Fate deck. These cards will be your tools to wreak havoc upon the world. The Fate deck contains Heroes, Items, and Effects that your opponents can use to disrupt your plans. So, you better watch out!

On your turn, you’ll have three actions to use. You can perform various actions like playing cards from your hand, activating your Villain’s special ability, or challenging Heroes to control a Location. Each Location offers different benefits, so choose wisely.

As you play cards and complete Evil Plans, you’ll gain more powerful abilities and get closer to victory. But be prepared, your opponents will not sit idly by. They will do everything in their power to stop you, so use your cunning and strategy to stay one step ahead.

Speaking of strategy, knowing when to strike and when to bide your time is crucial. You don’t want to overextend yourself and leave yourself vulnerable to your rivals. So, assess the situation, adapt your plans, and make calculated moves for maximum villainous impact.

But remember, just like in real life, being a villain comes with risks. Heroes will confront you, and they may succeed in foiling your dastardly plans. When that happens, you’ll have to regenerate and bounce back from your setbacks. It’s all part of the villainous journey, my friend.

At the end of the game, the player with the most Victory Points is crowned the ultimate villain. But even if you don’t come out on top, remember that being a villain is all about the journey and the chaos you create along the way.

So, grab your Villain deck, unleash your wickedness, and let the battle of the masterminds begin! May the evilest genius reign supreme!

Hey there! Let’s talk about Villains, a super cool Disney game from Ravensburger. This game is all about collecting as many villain cards as you can. To do that, you gotta pay attention to the colors and numbers on the cards. If you have a card that matches the color or number of your opponent’s top card, you gotta give it to them instead. Oh, and there’s more! Each villain in the game comes with special power cards that bring even more chaos and excitement to the mix.


Villains card game rules - game rules

So, get this: the Villains deck has a total of 120 cards. But wait, it gets even better – these cards are actually divided into six smaller decks, each one representing a different Disney villain. We’ve got Maleficent, Jafar, Captain Hook, Scar, Ursula, and Cruella de Vil. And here’s the cool part – each of these character decks comes with 20 cards, all numbered from 1 to 6. But that’s not all – in every character deck, you’ll find three of each numbered card, along with two special power cards that are exclusive to that particular villain. Oh, and don’t forget, on the flip side of every card, you’ll see the hero that goes up against that wicked villain. Pretty awesome, right?


Villains card game rules - game rules

When we play this game, we all get to pick our favorite villain character. I choose mine and take the deck that goes with it. I shuffle my deck and put it in front of me, face down. The heroes, on the other hand, should be facing up for everyone to see.

Now, it’s time to start the game. Each player flips over the top card from their draw deck and puts it in their personal discard pile. Make sure the card is facing up, showing the villain side. Then, I draw four cards from my deck to form my hand. It’s important to keep your hand a secret from your opponents.

Now, let’s get to the fun part – playing the game!

As we begin, the player with the most villainous laugh goes first. From there, we’ll take turns clockwise.

When it’s my turn, I get to choose a card from my hand and play it on a discard pile. I can choose either my own pile or one of my opponents’ piles that are next to me. The card I play must match either the color or number of the top card on the discard pile. If my card matches the color or number of an opponent’s pile, I have to play it there. If my card matches both opponents’ piles, I get to decide which one to play it on.

Every turn, I have to play a card. At the end of the game, I will earn points for the cards in my own discard pile, so it’s important to try and get as many cards there as possible.

My opponent will earn points for any card I play on their discard pile, so I should try to avoid putting my cards there if I can. If I’m playing with three or more players, the discard pile of any player who is not next to me doesn’t affect me.

If you don’t have a card that matches the discard pile or if you choose not to play a card on your turn, you can instead play a hero card face up on your own discard pile. On your next turn, you can play any villain card from your hand on top of that hero card, unless it matches a card next to your opponent’s card – in that case, it must be played there like usual. You can stack hero cards on top of each other on your discard pile. However, you cannot play a villain card on top of a hero card belonging to your neighbor.

After your turn, make sure to draw cards until you have four cards in your hand again. Then, it’s the next player’s turn.


Each villain has their own unique special power cards. If you want a simpler game, you can remove them from the decks. Additionally, keep in mind that your discard pile cannot start with a special power card. If one is revealed at the beginning of the game, shuffle it back into the deck.

When you play a special card during the game, something exciting happens! Instead of playing a villain card, you can choose to play a special card. These special cards are so powerful that they have their own special discard pile on the table.

One special card you might encounter is Maleficent’s Powerful Curse. When you play this card, it immediately removes the card with the highest number from any discard pile. If there are multiple copies of the same number, they all get removed!

Another special card is Jafar’s Hypnotize. When you play this card, you get to force one opponent to give you the top card from their discard pile. And the best part? You can use that card on any future turn, following the normal rules of the game.

Captain Hook has his own special card too, called Meddling. When you play this card, it’s chaos! All players have to flip over the top card of their discard pile. Villains become heroes, and heroes become villains. It’s a total mix-up!

Hey there! Let’s talk about some cool abilities in the Disney Villainous board game. Each villain has their own unique power that can give you an advantage. Today, I want to tell you about three of them: Cruella de Vil’s Swipe, Scar’s No Escape, and Ursula’s Whirlpool.

When you play Cruella de Vil’s Swipe, you get to swap the top card of your discard pile with a card from your opponent’s pile. But here’s the catch – you can only do this if you actually have cards in your own discard pile. If you don’t have any, no worries, you just skip the exchange. Simple, right?

Now, let’s talk about Scar’s No Escape. This ability allows you to draw one card from the hand of each player and place it face-up next to them. The tricky part is that the player has to play that card on their next turn. So, you’re basically forcing them to play a card you chose for them. Sneaky, huh?

Lastly, we have Ursula’s Whirlpool. Activate this power, and everyone at the table will pass their top discard card to the player on their left or right, depending on the chosen direction. It’s like a spinning whirlpool! But remember, if someone doesn’t have any cards in their discard pile, they don’t have to pass anything.

And that’s not all!

These abilities are just a taste of what the Disney Villainous game has to offer. Each villain has their own unique powers and strategies, so you’ll never get bored. Go ahead, choose your favorite villain, and start plotting your way to victory!

Hey there! Let me walk you through some rules of this game. When you run out of cards in your draw pile, you don’t get to draw four cards at the end of your turn. And if both your draw pile and your hand are empty, that means you’re done for the game. Don’t worry, though, because play continues until every player has played all their cards.

Now, let’s talk about winning. After all the cards have been played, it’s time to separate the villain cards from the hero cards in your discard pile. Count how many hero cards you have. This will determine which villain cards have no value. If you have more than six hero cards, you subtract six from that number. Any 6’s will have no value, as well as cards that match the difference.

For example, let’s say you have four hero cards. All the 4’s in your discard pile will have no value. Now, if you have eight hero cards, subtract six from eight, which gives you two. So, all the 6’s and 2’s in your discard pile will have no value. Got it?

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