True colors – learn to play with

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Unveiling Your True Colors

How much do you really know about your friends? And how well do they know you? This game is designed to reveal each player’s true colors. I’ll read out a card, and everyone has to decide who they think fits the description the best.

Do you think you’ve garnered any votes? Well, you better hope your guess is spot-on, or else prepare to face the consequences! With a whopping 170 hilarious questions, True Colors is the ultimate game to uncover what your friends secretly think about you. Ready for ten thrilling rounds? Let the games begin!

Getting Started

First things first, every player needs to choose a color for their avatar. Once you’ve picked your color, grab a voting card that matches your avatar and the avatar itself. Now, let’s put all the active players’ voting cards face up in the center of the group. Each player will then collect two voting cards from every other player.

If you’re playing the guessing game, here’s how it works: First, we gather in a circle and place the ballot box and guessing cards in the center. The guessing cards are arranged in the order of none, some, and most. Then, we choose someone to keep score, and they’ll have the scorepad with initials for each player.

Next, we need to decide who will be the first question reader. This person gets to kick off the game!

How to Play

Now, the first question reader will draw a card from the question deck and read it aloud to the group. After that, it’s time for everyone to cast their votes. Each player will vote for two other players whom they believe are the best match for the question card. And if someone is a perfect match, we can count both of their voting cards. To cast a vote, just put your chosen voting cards into the ballot box.

So, here’s what happens after we all vote. We each take a guess at how many votes we got by placing our little character on a card. Each card represents a different number of votes.

Then, the person in charge reveals all the votes. Now, let’s talk points. If we guessed right about our votes, we get three points if we got none or most of the votes. But if we only got some of the votes, we only get one point.

Now that the points are counted, we mix up all the voting cards and flip them over. We each grab two cards for every other player. This way, we’re all ready for the next round!

So here’s how the game goes: we start off with someone reading a question card. After that, the next player clockwise reads the next question. We repeat this process for ten rounds. Then, we add up the points and see who has the most. That person is the winner!


The game finishes after ten rounds. The player who has the most points is the winner!

The game finishes after ten rounds. The player who has the most points is the winner!

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