Tripoli game rules – how to play tripoli

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Discover the Excitement of Playing Tripoli

A Simple Guide to the Tripoli Card Game

Welcome to the fascinating world of Tripoli, a card game that offers endless excitement and fun! If you love card games, then Tripoli is a must-try. In this guide, I’ll take you through the rules and teach you how to play. Let’s dive in!

Setting Up the Game

Before we start, let’s make sure everything is set up correctly. Firstly, gather 3 different standard decks of playing cards. Shuffle them all together to create a deck consisting of 156 cards. Make sure to remove all the Jokers as they won’t be used in this game.

The Basics of the Game

Now that we have everything ready, let’s get to know the basics of Tripoli. The game is played in rounds, and each round consists of several hands. The objective is to collect chips by capturing specific cards.

At the beginning of each round, distribute chips equally among all players. Each player starts with 20 chips.

The Hands of Tripoli

Alright, let’s talk about the hands you’ll encounter in Tripoli. There are five hands in total: Cards, Poker, Kings in the Corner, Poch, and Michigan Rummy. Each hand has a different set of rules and goals.

In the Cards hand, the goal is to capture certain cards to earn chips. The player who collects the most chips at the end of the hand wins.

In Poker, the objective is to get the best poker hand possible. The player with the highest-ranking hand wins the round and earns chips accordingly.

Kings in the Corner is a fun hand where the goal is to move all your kings into the corner spaces on the game board. The player who achieves this first wins the hand.

Poch is a fast and energetic betting hand. The player with the highest-value hand after all the betting rounds wins the hand and collects the chips.

Finally, in Michigan Rummy, the objective is to be the first player to run out of cards. The player who achieves this and has the lowest score in chips wins the round.

Playing the Game

Now that we’ve explored the different hands of Tripoli, let’s talk about how the game proceeds. At the beginning of each hand, the dealer will announce which hand will be played next.

As the hand progresses, players take turns clockwise, starting from the dealer. Each player must follow the rules and objectives of the designated hand.

During the game, players can exchange chips with each other through betting, raising, and matching. The player with the highest-scoring hand at the end of each hand collects additional chips.

Once all the hands have been played, the player with the most chips wins the game!

Final Thoughts

So there you have it – a complete guide to playing Tripoli! Whether you’re a seasoned card player or new to the world of card games, Tripoli offers a unique and thrilling experience for everyone.

Now that you know the rules and have an understanding of the game, gather your friends and start your own Tripoli adventure. Get ready to embark on a journey filled with strategy, skill, and, most importantly, lots of fun!

My Goal in Tripoli: I want to have the most chips after 3 rounds!

How many players can join me? It’s open for 4-7 players.

What will I need? Just some poker chips and a board to keep track of the bets.

What kind of card deck should I use? A regular deck of 52 cards will do.

Which cards are the highest? Ace is the highest, followed by King, Queen, Jack, and so on.

What kind of game is Tripoli? It’s a gambling game.

Can anyone play it? Yes, it’s suitable for all ages.

Let me introduce you to Tripoli

Tripoli, also known as Three in One, is a modern version of the classic European game Poch that has been enjoyed for over five centuries. You can find this game under various names, such as TRIPOLEY, Rummoli, Michigan Rummy, and Royal Rummy, in stores across North America. However, in Germany, you can still find the original version called Poch (Le Poque).

This game is played in three stages. The first stage involves players staking their bets based on the cards they hold. In the second stage, players engage in a style similar to Poker. Finally, the last stage brings back the spirit of Michigan or Boodle.

In order to keep track of and collect different stakes, players make use of a board or cloth, as shown below.

Tripoli game rules - how to play tripoli

The game I’m talking about is all about using chips to make bets. It’s a fun and exciting way to test your luck. Let me explain how it works.

Before the game begins, we need to set up the board. You’ll need nine chips to place on different spaces. Each chip is important and represents something special. You’ll place a chip on the spaces labeled 8-9-10, King-Queen of Hearts, the Kitty, Ten of Hearts, Jack of Hearts, Queen of Hearts, King of Hearts, Ace of Hearts, and Pot. Don’t worry if you see chips from previous games on some of the spots. Just add yours to the mix.

Once the chips are in place, the dealer will start dealing the cards. They’ll give each player one card at a time, face-down. The dealer will also deal out a spare hand for themselves. Keep in mind that some players may end up with more cards than others.

Now, here comes the interesting part. If the dealer doesn’t like their hand, they have the option to swap it with the spare hand. But here’s the catch – they can’t take a peek at the spare hand before making the swap. The dealer’s original hand then becomes the new spare hand. It’s important to remember that you can’t combine hands together – each one stays separate.

That’s pretty much how the game goes. It’s an exciting mix of chance and strategy. So, if you’re up for a thrill, this game is perfect for you. Give it a try and see if lady luck is on your side!

So, get this. The dealer has an interesting option: they can actually auction off their spare hand to the highest bidder. Crazy, right? It’s like a secret hand that nobody knows about. If someone wants to buy it, they can throw away their own hand and pay the dealer with some chips. But, get this, if nobody wants it, the dealer can still trade their hand for the spare. Talk about a deal!

Here’s the catch though. Once a hand is swapped or auctioned, it’s a done deal. No take backs. So you better be sure about what you’re doing!

Oh, and here’s something important. Each player keeps the same hand for the whole game. It’s like your loyal companion throughout the entire thing. Isn’t that cool?

Now let’s talk about the first part of the game – collecting stakes.

If you happen to have the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, or Ten of hearts, guess what? You get to snag some chips from the corresponding spaces. Just scoop ’em up like it’s no big deal.

And get this, if you’re lucky enough to have both the Queen and King of Hearts in your hand, you hit the jackpot! You can grab chips from not only the King and Queen spaces, but also the King-Queen space. It’s like winning three times in one go!

Hey there! Let’s talk about an exciting part of the game called the chips on 8-9-10. In this game, if you have an 8-9-10 sequence from any suit, you can take the chips. They don’t have to be hearts, by the way. And if there are multiple players with the same sequence, they all share the chips equally. Cool, right?

Now, what happens to the remaining chips? Well, they are left for future hands, so someone else can claim them later. It’s a nice little surprise for the future!

Get Ready for Poker!

Now, let’s move on to the next part of the game – poker! This is where the real action happens. In the middle of the game, we have a poker round. Each player gets to create a 5-card hand and keep it separate from the rest of their cards. The best part is, you don’t have to reveal your entire hand just yet. You can save some cards for later in the game if you want. Sneaky, huh?

If you’re not familiar with poker hand combinations, no worries! Just check out our handy poker hand rankings page for all the info you need.

Time to Bet

Now, let’s talk about betting. This is where things get really interesting. During the poker game, when it’s your turn to bet, you have three options:

    I can explain the rules of a simple card game called poker! There are three actions you can take during your turn. The first is to call. When you call, you bet the same amount as the previous player. For example, if someone bets 5 cents, you can call by putting in 5 cents as well. This keeps you in the game.

    The second action is to raise. When you raise, you first bet the same amount as the current wager. Then, you can bet even more. This increases the overall bet amount, and other players have to match it if they want to stay in the game.

    Lastly, you can fold. When you fold, you don’t bet any money. Instead, you lay down your cards and sit out for that hand. You lose any money you have already bet, and you can’t win the pot.

    Those are the three actions you can take during a game of poker: call, raise, or fold. Just remember that each action has its own consequences, so choose wisely!

    When we play poker, the betting rounds keep going until everyone has either called, folded, or raised with equal stakes. If a player raises, and all remaining players have called that raise without making any further raises, then the betting round comes to an end.


    Once all players have put in equal stakes, it’s time for the showdown. The player with the highest-ranking hand wins the pot. If two or more players have hands of equal rank, they evenly split the pot between themselves.

    Usually, there’s a betting limit that we all agree on before the game starts.

    PART THREE – Michigan

    So, here’s what happens after we finish playing poker. We all gather together and play a game called Michigan. The person who won the last poker game gets to start this one. If there was a tie, then the player sitting closest to the left of the dealer goes first, or the dealer starts.

    Now, when it’s your turn to play, you get to choose any card from your hand to play as the first card. But here’s the catch – it has to be the lowest ranking card from that suit that you have in your hand. Remember, any suit is fine.

    Once you play your card, the next player has to follow it by playing the next card in the sequence from that same suit. They place it face-up on the table for everyone to see. This goes on until someone plays an Ace or until no one can continue the sequence anymore. Oh, and if someone can’t play a card that follows the sequence, we call that a stop card.

    When you reach a stop card or an Ace, the person who played that card gets to start again. However, they must play a card from any suit except the one that was played previously. The rules for this round are the same as the first one.

    This goes on until someone runs out of cards. As soon as that happens, the game comes to an immediate halt. The person who played all their cards is declared the winner and gets to collect all the chips from the central pile, which is called the Kitt. Additionally, they receive chips from each player equal to the number of cards left in their opponent’s hand.

    If a player is unable to lead after playing an Ace or a Stop card, the turn to lead passes to the player on their left. If that player is also unable to lead, it continues passing to the left until someone is able to play a card.


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