Trapwords game rules – how to play trapwords

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Let me tell you about Trapwords, a game that’s all about teamwork. It’s a lot like Taboo, but with an exciting twist. See, in Trapwords, each team gets to decide what words their opponents aren’t allowed to use! It’s a real challenge, because you have to rely on your clever word choices to guide your team to the right answer.

Let’s Get Set Up!

First things first, we need to split up into two teams. Make sure each team has the same number of players. You’ll be facing off on opposite sides of the table. Now, let’s set up the gameboard. Place it in the middle of the playing area, with room three facing up.

Next, let’s organize the room tiles. Arrange them in increasing order, so they’re ready to be explored. Now, it’s time to bring in the team figures. Put them in the stands, right in room three of the board.

Alright, we’re making progress! It’s time to shuffle the cards. There are two curse cards we need to deal with. Keep them face down, so they’re hidden from everyone. Take one of the curse cards and place it next to the second room. The other one goes in front of the monster.

Now, each player gets a torch that matches their color. The first players from each team get the torches. It’s only fair to give them a head start, don’t you think? Lastly, shuffle the monster cards. Choose one at random and place the cardboard figurine in its stand.

When we are ready to start the game, we need to make sure that each team has a trap word sheet and a pencil. Once everyone is set up and has everything they need, we can begin.

Trapwords game rules - how to play trapwords

Playing the Game

When you play this game, you’ll go through multiple rounds. Each round has two teams, and they both have a different role. One team sets traps by writing down tricky words, while the other team tries to guess their secret word without falling into any traps.

First, let’s talk about setting traps. To start, each player picks a word card at random. This card will determine the word the opposing team needs to guess. It’s a secret, so keep it to yourself!

Now, it’s time to write down some trap words. These are words that might trick the other team into guessing them instead of the real secret word. You want to choose words that are similar in some way to the secret word, but not exactly the same. It’s like trying to give them a runaround!

Once both teams have their trap words ready, the guessing team gets to work. They take turns giving clues to each other, trying to get closer to figuring out the secret word. But they have to be careful not to step into any traps along the way!

The game continues with more rounds, and the teams switch roles. It’s an exciting challenge filled with strategy and teamwork. Will you be able to outsmart the other team and discover their secret word? Only time will tell! Good luck!

So, here’s the deal – when I’m playing this game, it’s up to me to come up with some words that my opponent won’t be able to use when they’re trying to give clues to their team. These are my “trap” words. Now, I can’t just pick any ol’ word. Oh no, they have to be related to the topic we’re playing with, not just random words like “is” or “and”. To figure out how many trap words I can have, all I gotta do is check which room the other team is in, and the number of trap words will be the same as the room number. Simple as that!

When you’re playing the game and trying to make your team guess the word, there’s a ticking timer that adds to the excitement. The other team flips the timer, and you have to act fast. If your team can guess the word before time runs out, you move on to the next level. But if you can’t guess the word in five tries or you say a word that’s meant to trick you, you don’t move forward.

The game keeps going like this until your team reaches the room where the monster is. If you can beat the monster, you win the game!


Hey there! So, here’s the deal – the game I’m talking about comes to an end when you and your pals find yourselves in the same room as the Monster. This could happen because the Monster is on the hunt for you, or because you’ve managed to get deep into the Monster’s turf. Now, pay close attention, because this is when you have a chance to win the game. If you and your team can correctly guess the word (while sticking to the rules set by the Monster), then congratulations, you’ve won!

Now, on the flip side, if you and your team are unable to crack the code and figure out the word, then unfortunately, you don’t win. And guess what? The other team gets their shot.

Alrighty, enough about the game for now. Let me introduce myself – I’m Ellie! I live in Northeast Tennessee, and boy do I love animals! From the smallest critters to the biggest beasts, I’m a fan. I also have a soft spot for fantasy fiction novels and spending time outdoors. And hey, I’m lucky enough to have a fantastic husband who loves me almost as much as our two fur babies. Being a part of this amazing community brings me so much joy.

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