Tractor – learn how to play with

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Let’s Talk About the Tractor Game

Have you ever heard of the Tractor game? It’s a fun Chinese card game that you can play with a partner. The goal of the game is to try to outscore your opponents. We all start with a score of two, and the challenge is to work your way up to the Ace by winning tricks and earning points.

The First Step: Setup

Here’s how you set up the game: you’ll need two decks of 52 cards each, as well as four jokers (two black and two red). Shuffle all the cards together and place them face down on the table. Then, starting with the first player and going counterclockwise, each person draws one card at a time until everyone has a hand of 25 cards. After that, there will be 8 cards left on the table, which we call the “talon.”

The Importance of Trumps

When it comes to Tractor, there are two important factors to consider: the trump ranking and the trump suit. These aspects can change from one round to the next, adding an element of surprise and strategy to the game. Let me break it down for you.

In the first round, the trump ranking is set at two. As the game progresses, however, the trump ranking will match the score of the team that declared it. So, if your team scores five points, the trump ranking for future rounds will be five.

Now, let’s talk about the declarer. In the first round, the declarer is the person who chooses the trump suit. This is an important role, as it can greatly influence the outcome of the game. In subsequent rounds, the declarer will be the team that won the previous round.

So how do you determine the trump suit? It’s simple. Someone needs to reveal cards face up on the table. There are three options for doing this:

  1. Reveal one card of a specific rank. This will make that suit the trump suit.
  2. Reveal two identical cards of the trump rank. This will make that rank the trump suit.
  3. Reveal two identical jokers. This will result in no trump suit for the round.

These rules add an element of excitement and unpredictability to the game. You’ll never know what the trump ranking and suit will be until they’re revealed. It’s a double-edged sword that can elevate your chances of winning or regenerate your opponent’s response. So keep these factors in mind and get ready for an exhilarating game of Tractor!

When you show one card, another player can cancel it by showing you two cards or two jokers. The same goes for showing two cards, which can be canceled by two jokers. But jokers cannot be canceled.

If everyone has drawn their 25 cards and no one has declared the trump suit, then in the first round all the cards are taken back and reshuffled to start the round over. In the following rounds, one card from the talon is revealed at a time until a card of the trump rank is shown. That card becomes the trump suit. If no trump rank is revealed, then the highest-ranking card (excluding jokers) becomes the trump suit. If there is a tie, the first card that was revealed becomes the trump suit. The talon is then given to the player who starts the round, as usual.


Hey there! Let me explain how this game works. Each round, a different player on our team will be chosen as the starter. They’ll have the special privilege of picking up the remaining 8 cards from the table and exchanging them for cards in their hand. Pretty cool, right? The cards they exchange are then placed face down on the table, which might come in handy later when we’re scoring points based on what gets discarded and who wins the last trick.

The Order of Cards and Their Values

Now, there are three rankings to keep in mind in this game. We have trump rankings, non-trump rankings, and rankings for rounds where no trumps are being used.

When it comes to rounds with trumps, the order of the trump cards is as follows: Red Jokers are the highest, followed by Black Jokers. After that, it’s all about the trump suit and rank. First, we have the other cards of the same rank as the trump card. Then, we have the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and so on, all the way down to 2, which is the lowest. Let me give you an example to illustrate this. In the first round, let’s say the trump rank is 2 and the suit is hearts. Now, the ranking would go like this: Red Jokers, Black Jokers, 2 of hearts, 2s of other suits, Ace of hearts, King of hearts, Queen of hearts, Jack of hearts, and so on, down to 3 of hearts.

On the other hand, for rounds without trumps, things are a bit simpler. The non-trump suits always follow the same order: Ace is the highest, followed by King, Queen, Jack, and so on, until 2, which is the lowest.

Now, what if we have a round with no trumps at all? Well, in that case, the jokers still count as trumps, but they are the only ones. Red Jokers come first, followed by Black Jokers. As for all the other cards, they rank according to their non-trump suits.

In the game, there are only three cards that you need to care about when it comes to scoring points: Kings and Tens are worth 10 points each, and fives are worth 5 points. So, these are the cards that really matter when we’re talking about points.

Now, let’s talk about who actually gets the points. Well, it’s the players on the opponents’ team. These are the players who are not on your team, the team that made the declaration. At the end of the game, the opponents’ team’s score is what determines if points are awarded. If their score is higher, they get the points. But if your team, the declarers, has a higher score, then you get the points.


Once the talon has been discarded facedown, the game can finally begin. I will lead the first trick. We will play counterclockwise, and whoever wins the trick will lead the next one. There are a total of 4 ways to lead a trick in Tractor, and each way has its own set of rules for the players to follow. However, the basic rules remain consistent. Once a trick has been led, all players must play a card from the same suit if they have one. If they don’t have a card from the same suit, they can play any card they want. The winner of the trick is determined by the player who has played the highest trump card (in the case of a tie, the one played first). If no trumps are available, then the winner is the player who has played the highest card from the original suit led (again, the first played card takes precedence in the case of ties).

The first way to lead a trick is the traditional trick-taking method. This involves a player playing a single card from their hand, which other players will then have to follow suit. The same rules for determining the winner of the trick apply in this case.

So here’s another trick you can try when you’re playing cards. It’s called leading a trick, and there are actually two different ways to do it. One way is to play a pair of cards that are exactly the same. That means they have to be the same suit and rank.

Now, when you do this, everyone else who plays after you has to try to play a pair of cards that are also the same suit. If they don’t have a pair, then they have to play two cards of that suit. And if they don’t have two cards of that suit, they can play a card of that suit paired with any other card they have.

But what if nobody has any cards of that suit? Well, in that case, any two cards can be played. It doesn’t matter what suit they are. But here’s the catch – the highest paired trumps will win. Or, if no trumps are played, then the highest pair of the suit that was led will win.

When it comes to leading a trick, there are four different ways to go about it. Let me explain each one to you.

The first way is to play a single card. You simply choose one card from your hand and put it on the table. The other players must follow suit, which means they have to play a card of the same suit if they have one. The player with the highest-ranking card of the suit led wins the trick.

The second way is to play a pair of identical cards. This means you play two cards that are exactly the same, such as two sevens of spades. The other players again have to follow suit if they can. The player with the highest pair of identical cards wins the trick.

The third way to lead a trick is to play two or more sequenced pairs of identical cards. This is a bit more complicated, but I’ll break it down for you. You play two or more pairs of cards that are the same and in sequential order. For example, you might play the eight and nine of hearts, followed by the jack and queen of hearts. Again, the other players have to follow suit if possible. The player with the highest consecutively paired cards wins the trick.

Finally, the fourth way to lead a trick is to play a set of the highest-ranking cards in a suit. This can be a mix of single and paired cards, as long as they can’t be beaten by any other cards of that suit. The other players have to follow suit with the same layout of cards if they can. The player with the highest paired cards or highest single card of the suit wins the trick.

I hope that clarifies how to lead a trick in a card game. Good luck!

If you don’t play the right card at the start, you have to take back your cards and play a card or pair that can be beaten. The person who can beat it must do so. Plus, the player who made the mistake must give up 10 points for each card they took back.


Only the opponents earn points during the round, but those points benefit either them or the declarer’s team.

If the opponents won the last round, they flip the talon. If there are any kings, 10s, or 5s in there, they score points for those. If the last trick was just one card, they get double points. If it involved multiple cards, they score points multiplied by twice the number of cards. For example, if the last trick involved 5 cards, the points in the talon would be multiplied by 10.

Okay, so here’s the deal: if the other team scores between 75 and 40 points, my team moves up one rank. If they score between 35 and 5 points, we move up two ranks. And if they don’t score any points at all, we move up three ranks! No matter what happens, though, we stay as the declarer’s team. Oh, and the person who starts the game becomes the partner of the person who started the last round.

So, here’s how it works. If the other team scores between 120 and 155 points, their score goes up by one rank. If they score between 160 and 195 points, their score goes up by two ranks. If they manage to score between 200 and 235 points, their score goes up by three ranks. And if they score more than 240, their rank increases by one for every 40 points they score beyond that.

In any of these situations, the other team becomes the declarers, and the player to the right of the previous starter becomes the new starter.

The End of the Game

The game comes to an end when a team surpasses the ace rank. Once that happens, they are declared the winners.

So, that’s basically how the game works. It’s all about scoring points and trying to climb up the ranks. The team that reaches the ace rank first wins the game. Pretty cool, huh?

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