Swap – learn to play with

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the exciting game of SWAP!

Before we dive in and start playing, let’s establish the value of each chip. We’ll put them in order from highest to lowest, without assigning specific numbers to them. The grey chips are considered the most valuable, followed by yellow, then blue, and finally red as the least valuable chips.

Now, let’s set up the market in the middle of the table. We’ll need to place twice as many chips as there are players for each color. For example, if there are 4 players, we’ll place 8 chips of each color in the market. Each color will have its own column, and above each column, we’ll place a die. It’s important to note that the order in which we place the dice doesn’t matter for the initial setup.

Let’s get started! Grab a chip of each color and give one to each player. Arrange your chips in order from lowest value to highest. Now, we need to determine who goes first. Each player will roll one of the dice from the market. The player with the highest roll gets to go first. Remember to put the die back in the market before we start the game.

Let’s Play!

Okay, here’s how we start the game. I roll all four dice, and each die corresponds to a different column based on its value. The die with the highest value goes above the highest-valued chips, and we continue in descending order.

Swap - learn to play with

When it’s my turn to trade chips, I get to go first. The person who rolled the dice will be the last to trade. To trade chips, I just need to pick one chip from my collection and trade it with the market. Here’s the cool part – when I trade my chip, I can take as many chips from the market as I want, as long as the total value of the chips I take doesn’t go over the value of the chip I contributed.

Let me give you an example. Say I contribute a grey chip worth 6. I can then take one red chip and one blue chip from the market, which have a total value of 5.

There’s one rule though – I can’t trade more than one chip of the same color during my turn. If I can’t trade or simply don’t want to, I can pass my turn. Once everyone has had their turn, the dice go to the player on the left of the previous roller. They roll the dice and assign them to their chips based on their values.

So here’s how we play this game: I’m going to explain the rules step by step. Ready? Let’s get started!

The game goes on until one player has twice the number of chips they started with. Yep, that means they’ll have two chips of each color.

And the Winner Is…

The player who manages to collect two chips of each color first wins the game. Sounds simple enough, right?

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