Spike ball – learn how to play with

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Hey there, let me tell you about Spike Ball. It’s a super fun game that’s like a mix of volleyball and four square, but with a cool twist. See, in Spike Ball, we use a small circular net that’s kind of like a trampoline. It gives the game a whole new level of excitement!


Now, you might be wondering what you need to play Spike Ball. Well, it’s actually pretty simple. All you need is a lightweight bouncy ball and a small circular net. The ball should be inflated to about 12 inches around for the best bounce. If you overinflate it, the ball will just go straight up in the air and that takes away some of the strategy in the game.

When you play Spike Ball, the net is like a small trampoline. It’s tightly pulled and evenly spread across the trampoline, which should be 36″ wide and 8″ high from the ground. This way, the ball can easily bounce off the net when it’s hit.


To start the game, we all stand in a square around the net. We stand beside each other, and we all get ready for the first serve. Normally, the team that scored the last point serves first, but at the beginning of the game, we play rock paper scissors to decide which team serves first. The team that isn’t serving must stay at least 6 feet away from the net.

Once the serve happens, the net becomes a whole playing area. We can move around the net as we need to hit the ball and send it toward the other team.


When we play a game of serving in volleyball, there are a few important rules we need to follow. I’m going to explain them to you. First, two players stand across from each other. One player serves the ball to the other player. The goal is to make sure the ball reaches the designated receiver. But the server only has two chances to serve properly. If they drop the ball, miss it completely, or fail to catch it, it’s considered a fault.Once the serve is happening, nobody can touch or interfere with the ball except for the server. They are allowed to take one step or pivot, but they can’t go beyond that. They have the freedom to serve the ball however they like, with any kind of movement. The only limitation is that the ball cannot go higher than the receiver’s raised hand. It also shouldn’t get stuck in the pocket, which is the small area between the rim and the net. If it does get stuck there, the server gets a second chance to serve it properly. However, if the server fails to do so on both attempts, the other team will gain possession of the ball and have a turn to serve.

Lastly, let’s talk about the unique serving technique in this game: the near-net serve. When you hit the ball towards the server and it barely bounces, that’s called a near-net serve. Surprisingly, you’re allowed to use this serve as long as the ball doesn’t roll on the net. It adds a whole new level of excitement to the game!

Now, let’s dive into the further gameplay details. As the ball moves back and forth between teams, there’s an important rule to follow: you can only hit the ball with one hand. You can’t throw or catch it, you must strike it with a single hand. Remember, no double hits are allowed, regardless of where the ball lands on your body.

To keep the game flowing smoothly, it’s best if one player bumps the ball, another player sets it up, and then a third player spikes it into the net. It’s similar to volleyball in that aspect. The game continues with this back and forth play until a team fails to hit the ball or breaks a rule. And then, the play starts all over again with a serve. Exciting, isn’t it?

I want to talk to you about the fascinating world of table tennis. When you’re playing this game, it’s all about hitting the ball just right. You have to make sure it hits the net to count as a valid hit. If it hits the rim or rolls up into the pocket, that’s called a roll-up, and it doesn’t count. But here’s the thing, if a roll-up happens during a rally, the play keeps going. However, breaking any other rules will result in an infraction, which means you lose a point. So you really have to be on your best behavior!

Now, sometimes an infraction has nothing to do with hitting the ball. It happens when the defensive player blocks your shot. This is called a hinder, and it must be called out for a valid reason. If the hinder is legitimate, you get to reset and try the point again. It’s like getting a second chance! But watch out, because players on defense who try to play the ball lose a point. So it’s a double-edged sword.

There are also other ways to lose a point. For example, if you accidentally hit the structure or set instead of the ball, that’s a point against you. And if your shot hits yourself or your teammate, well, that’s also a lost point. So you have to be really careful and make sure you’re always hitting the ball properly, and not anything or anyone else!

How to Score in a Spike Ball Game

Scoring in a Spike Ball game is straightforward. The game typically goes up to 21 points, although you and your opponents can agree on a different target score if you prefer. To win, you need to have at least two more points than your opponents.

Here’s how the scoring in Spike Ball works:

  • If the ball hits the rim during play or serves, you get a point.
  • If the ball hits the ground, you get a point.
  • If the ball doesn’t hit the net within your team’s three hits, you get a point.
  • If there are two consecutive invalid serves, you get a point.
  • If the ball hits the net twice and doesn’t bounce off in a single hit, you get a point.

Remember, the key to winning is to always stay alert and make precise plays. By keeping track of the score and capitalizing on your opponents’ mistakes, you can increase your chances of winning the game. So, grab your net, gather your friends, and let the Spike Ball competition begin!

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