Hey there! Get ready for a super fun and modern game called Search History. In this game, we’re going to have a blast guessing what the search engine suggests for different phrases. Exciting, right? Let’s dive in!
First things first, let’s get everything ready. We need to shuffle the deck of cards and place it in the middle of the table. Each of us will grab an answer pad and a pen or pencil. Now, the player with the closest birthday gets to be the leader for the first round. How cool is that?
The leader will keep track of the scores on the score pad. All set? Great, let’s get started!
Alright, let’s kick off the game! I’ll be the leader and start by taking a card from the deck. Now, listen up! I’m going to read a phrase to all of you. But hold on, I won’t be reading the bolded words – those are the answers. Pay close attention!
Once I’m done reading, all of you will write your names and what you think is the top suggestion from a search engine. Remember, don’t let anyone else see your answer – keep it hidden from prying eyes! When you’re finished, hand your answers to me and keep them a secret.
Great, now that I have all the answers, including the correct one, I’ll mix them up. It’s time to reveal the truth! If any of you guessed the correct answer, you’ll earn some points. Hurray for you! But if no one got it right, don’t worry, I’ll read out all the answers for everyone to hear.
When we play a game, the leader doesn’t tell us the right answer. We have to guess it on our own! Then, when the leader finally tells us the correct answer, we get points. If more than one person guessed the same answer as me, I get one point for each of them. But if my guess matches the leader’s answer, I get two points!
After each round, the game starts over again. The leader role moves around the group in a clockwise direction. It’s exciting because someone new gets to be the leader!
The Game Ends
Eventually, the game will come to an end. And you know what? The game ends when someone scores twenty-five points! That person is the winner, and we all celebrate their victory!
So, let’s play this fun game together and see who can become the ultimate winner!