Welcome to Rosbiratschka! It’s a fun four-player trick-taking game with different rounds. Each round has its own set of rules, called a contract. There are six contracts in total, so get ready for some excitement!
Rosbiratschka is originally a German game that uses a special 32-card German deck. However, we’ve adapted the rules so you can play with a standard French deck.
If you’re using a 32-card French deck, remember to remove the 2’s through 6’s.
To determine the dealer and scorekeeper, each player should draw a card from the deck. The player with the lowest card becomes the dealer and will keep score throughout the game.
The dealer then collects the cards, gives a good shuffle, and deals eight cards to each player.
When I play this card game, the first person to go is the player on the left side of the dealer. They get to lead with a card, and then everyone else has to play a card from the same suit if they can. But if they can’t, they can play any card they want. The person with the highest card from the suit that was led gets to take the trick. And then it’s their turn to lead the next round.
Once we’ve played all the tricks, we add up our scores and it’s time for the next player to be the dealer. We keep playing like this until we’ve gone through all the different contracts.
Each round has a different contract that tells us how we earn points.
For this contract, we earn one point for each trick we take. But if we manage to avoid taking any tricks, our points double. So instead of just one point per trick, we get two!
Ain’t it cool when I can pull off a slam and take all eight tricks? Yeah, that’s what they call it! And get this – when I do it, I actually get to deduct eight points from my score, and that’s a good thing ’cause remember, the lowest score wins!
There’s more to it, though. If I’m in the game and I manage to snatch some heart cards, I earn a point for each one. But wait, it gets even better! If I somehow dodge those heart cards and don’t take any, then the point value doubles. That means I get a whopping two points for every heart card that slips through my fingers. Not too shabby, huh?
Now, let’s talk Jacks. If I’m lucky enough to capture some of those, I score two points for each one. But guess what happens if I avoid those sneaky Jacks and don’t take any? They become worth four points each! Can you believe it? I can’t help but feel like a smart cookie when that happens.
Okay, now, this is really impressive stuff. You ready? Some players are so talented that they manage to capture all the hearts or all the Jacks! When that happens, they get to deduct a massive eight points from their score. Talk about being on top of the world!
Oh, and one more thing – no King of Hearts allowed in this game. We don’t need royalty messing with our fun!
While I’m playing this game, my goal is to capture the King of hearts. If I manage to do that, I earn eight points and the round ends. After that, it’s time for the next player to take their turn and continue the game.
This isn’t your usual card game where you try to collect tricks. Here, the focus is on getting rid of your cards and avoiding certain thresholds. Each card has a special value, and it’s important to keep that in mind: Aces are worth 11 points, Tens are worth 10 points, Kings are worth 4 points, Queens are worth 3 points, Jacks are worth 2 points, and 9’s, 8’s, and 7’s have no point value.
I’m gonna tell you how to play a cool card game. Here’s how it goes:
First, the person to the left of the dealer starts by putting a card in the middle of the table. They also say the value of the card out loud. Then, the next person can play any card they want on top of it and they have to say the new total of the pile.
Let’s say the first person plays a King and says “four.” If the next person plays a Jack, they would say “six” because 4 + 2 equals 6.
This keeps going until someone reaches 25 points. The person who gets to 25 first earns one point. Then, if someone gets to 50 points before anyone else, they earn two points. Finally, if someone gets to 100 points first, they earn five points.
Once someone reaches 100 points, the game ends. Everyone should throw in their remaining cards and it’s time for the next game.
This game is all about getting rid of all your cards. It’s a challenge, but it’s a lot of fun!
Let me tell you how to play a game called Rosbiratschka. It’s a simple and fun card game that anyone can enjoy.
First, you need a standard deck of cards. Sit in a circle with your friends or family, and choose someone to be the dealer.
The game starts with the player to the left of the dealer. They have to start a row by playing a Jack. If they don’t have a Jack, they pass their turn to the next player. But if they do have a Jack, they play it on the table and start the row.
Here’s where it gets interesting. The next player has to add either a 10 or a Queen of the same suit on top of the Jack. If they can’t add to the Jack, they can start a new row by playing another Jack on the table. The 10 goes below the Jack, and the Queen goes on top of it.
If a player can’t add to an existing row or play another Jack, they pass their turn. The game continues like this until there’s only one player left with cards in their hand.
When that happens, everyone at the table shouts “Rosbiratschka!” to celebrate. The player who still has cards in their hand earns eight points.
After this round, the game is over. The player with the lowest score at the end of the final round wins.