Poker bull – learn to play with

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Hey there, I want to tell you about a really cool card game called Poker Bull. It’s all about bluffing and poker, and it’s perfect for 5 to 8 players. The goal of the game is simple – be the last player standing!

In Poker Bull, players take turns bluffing about their poker hands. But be careful, if you get caught bluffing too many times, you’re out of the game!


Now, let me explain how to get started with Poker Bull. To determine the first dealer, we’ll choose someone randomly. That person will shuffle the deck of cards and let the player to their right cut the deck.

Once the deck is prepared, the dealer will deal each player a hand consisting of just one card. It’s an exciting way to start the game!

In the following rounds, the dealer will be the player who lost in the previous round. They will deal each player one card, plus an additional card for each round they have lost. But remember, no player can have more than 5 cards in their hand. For example, if Player 2 has lost 3 rounds, they will be dealt 4 cards.

When I play this game, I start with a hand of 5 cards. If I lose a round, I’m out. It’s a tough game, but it’s also a lot of fun.

The Cards and Their Rankings

The cards in this game are ranked traditionally. The Ace is high, followed by the King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2 as the lowest card.

Now, let’s talk about calls. In this game, we make calls. A call is a bet that you make about the cards that all the players have. It’s like making a prediction.

Calls have their own rankings too. The ranking goes like this: the lowest call is when you call one card. After that, we have one pair, two pairs, three of a kind, full house, four of a kind, and the highest ranking is the straight flush.

If you want to make a call for one card, you say “one” and then the rank of the card. For example, you can say “one queen.”

Now, if you want to make a call for one pair, you say “two” and then the rank of the card. So, for example, you can say “two 5s.”

When you want to call two pairs, you simply announce it twice, just like you would with one pair. For example, if you have two 7s and two 3s, you would say “two pair.”

When you make a call of three of a kind, you need to declare the rank of the three cards. For instance, if you have three 4s, you would say “three of a kind.”

A full house is declared by stating two ranks, with the first rank being the majority. For example, if you have a hand consisting of Kings and 7s, you would say “Kings full of 7s.”

If you call a four of a kind, you name the rank of the card that you believe will have four cards in play. For example, if you think there are four aces, you would say “four aces.”

Finally, if you want to call a straight flush, you announce the high card of the flush. To be valid, the five cards in ranked order, ending with the high card you called, must all be among the cards you were dealt. For example, if you have a straight flush up to the queen of spades, you would say “straight flush to the queen of spades.”


When we play this game, there are two important parts to keep in mind: the calling and the challenging.

First, let’s talk about calling. The dealer starts by making a declaration. They choose one of the types we mentioned earlier, and this type has to be possible with the cards dealt to all the players. It doesn’t matter if the call is true or not – as long as nobody challenges it, we move on. Then, it’s the next player’s turn, and they have to make a call of a higher rank. They can either choose the same type and just increase the rank, or they can choose a different type that is higher ranked.

Now, let’s talk about challenging. Instead of making a call, a player can choose to challenge. When you challenge, you’re basically saying that you think the last call made was false. It’s a way to question the truth of the last call.

So, here’s the deal. When a challenge is made, everyone puts their cards on the table. If the last call was correct, and all the cards are there, then the person who made the challenge loses. But if the last call was wrong, and some cards are missing, then the person who made the call loses. Simple as that.

The Final Showdown

Now, let’s talk about how this game ends. The last player standing is the ultimate champion. That’s when the game is officially over. So, keep your eyes on the prize and stay in the game until the very end. Good luck!

Now, let’s talk about how this game ends. The last player standing is the ultimate champion. That’s when the game is officially over. So, keep your eyes on the prize and stay in the game until the very end. Good luck!

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