Payday game rules – how to play payday

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


When it comes to money, it’s crucial to make wise decisions, or you might find yourself in a tough spot! As you earn money, make purchases, and pay bills, time will fly by. When the game ends, the player with the most money and fewest loans emerges as the victor!


To begin, agree with your friends on the duration of the game. In this game, we define months as the period from Monday, the first, to Wednesday, the thirty-first. Mix up the mail cards and deal cards separately, then place them face down in piles near the board.

Alright, folks, here’s how we get started. It’s time to grab your tokens and place them on that big START space. But before we dive into the action, we need to sort a few things out. First up, we gotta figure out who’s gonna be the Banker. This person is gonna handle all the money and keep track of the transactions. So, go ahead and choose someone for this important role.

Once we’ve got our Banker, they’ll kick things off by handing out some cash. Each player is gonna start with $3500 in their pocket. That’s gonna be two $1000 bills, two $500 bills, and five $100 bills. Nice!

Now, here’s another task. We need someone to be the Loan Record Keeper. This person’s gonna keep track of all those loan transactions that happen during the game. They’ll jot down everyone’s name at the top of the Loan Record Pad. So, pick someone for this job, and let’s move on.

Alright, we’re almost ready to roll. Now all we gotta do is choose who gets to go first. So, have a little discussion and make your pick. Once we’ve got our first player, let the games begin!


When it’s my turn, I’ll roll the die and move my token the same number of spaces along the calendar. Just like a real calendar, I’ll start from Sunday and go all the way to Saturday. Once I land on a space, I’ll read and follow the instructions on it. When I’m done, my turn is over. The game keeps going in a clockwise direction.

Once we play for the set amount of time, the game ends. We’ll count our money and see who the winner is!


If I need some extra money during the game, I can take out a loan. The Banker will give me the money and the Loan Record Keeper will keep track of it. But I can only borrow in increments of $1000, and I can only make loan payments on Pay Day, not any other time.

Mail Spaces and Cards

When you play the game, advertisements are like junk mail – they don’t do anything. So, you can throw them away when you get to Pay Day.

Postcards, on the other hand, are just for fun. You don’t have to do anything with them, but they’re nice to look at. If you want, you can throw them away at Pay Day.

Now, when you get bills, you have to pay them at the end of the month. So, on Pay Day, after you’ve received your salary, make sure to pay off all your bills from that month.

If you receive a moneygram, it means a player you know needs some money. You have to send them the amount they asked for right away. Just put the money on the Jackpot space on the board. And guess what? If you roll a six, you get to keep all the money on the Jackpot space!

The Deal Spaces and Cards

When you arrive at a deal space, pick a deal card. You can purchase the item described on the card by paying the bank. If you don’t have enough money, you can borrow instead. If you decide not to buy the item, discard the card.

If you land on a Found a Buyer space, you can sell one deal for a profit. The bank will pay you for it. However, you can only sell one deal at a time.

Pay Day

Always stop at the Pay Day space, even if your roll would take you past it. Collect your salary from the bank. If you have an outstanding loan, you must pay 10% interest to the bank. Here, you have the option to make a loan payment. You also need to pay off any bills you’ve accumulated during the month. If you don’t have enough money, you can take out another loan.

Return your token to the START position to begin a new month.

The End of the Game

Once everyone has finished the set number of months, it’s time to calculate your cash total. Remember to subtract any loans you still have from your total. The amount left after this calculation is your net worth. The player with the highest net worth is the winner of the game!

When everyone has completed the set number of months, it’s time to tally up your cash total. Remember to subtract any outstanding loans from your total. The remaining amount is your net worth. The player with the highest net worth wins the game!

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