Pawnee ten point call your partner pitch – game rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to Pawnee Ten Point Call Your Partner Pitch

Let’s Explore Pawnee Ten Point Call Your Partner Pitch

Pawnee Ten Point Call Your Partner Pitch is a fun and exciting card game that can be played by 5 players. The main objective of the game is to score 42 points before your opponents do.

This game is a unique twist on the traditional game of Pitch, and I will explain all the important rules below. If you enjoy Pitch, you will definitely love this game too!

How to Set Up the Game

Before starting the game, you need to decide which joker will be the high joker and which one will be the low joker. This is an important decision that will affect the gameplay.

The first dealer is chosen randomly, and then the dealer position rotates to the left for each new round. The deck of cards is shuffled thoroughly, and each player is dealt a hand of 10 cards. There are also 4 cards left in the center, which are known as the widow and will be used later in the game.

Card Rankings and Scoring

When it comes to ranking the cards in the game, the trump suit is the boss. It’s the leader of the pack, starting with the mighty Ace at the top, followed by King, Queen, Jack, and the off-Jack. Then we have the high Joker, the low joker, the reliable 10, and the descending order continues down to 2.

But wait, there’s more! The other suits also have their own rankings, without any jokers. They follow the same pattern as the trump suit, just without the flashy extras. And speaking of the trump suit, let’s talk about the off jack. It’s like the sidekick to the trump jack, belonging to the trump suit, but not a part of its ranking.

Now let’s move on to scoring points. In this exciting game, certain cards bring rewards when you win them or fulfill certain conditions. We’ve got the jack of trumps, the off-jack of trumps, the high joker, the low joker, and the splendid 10 of trumps. When you or your team triumphs in a trick and wins one of these cards, you earn a point for every single one of them. So, keep your eyes peeled for those special cards! And here’s a bonus – if you manage to snatch the tricky 3 of trumps in a trick, your team gets an impressive three points. Now that’s something to celebrate!

Scoring in this game has a high and low component. The team with the highest trump in play scores one point for their high score. On the other hand, the team with the lowest trump in play scores one point for their low score.

Bidding in the Game

When all players receive their hands, the round of bidding can start. It begins with the player on the dealer’s left and continues in a clockwise direction. Each player has the option to bid higher than the previous bid or pass. The bid represents the number of points the player believes they can win in the round. The minimum bid is 5, and if all other players pass, the dealer must bid 5 as well. The maximum bid is 10, also known as “shoot for the moon.” However, a bid of 10 can only be made if the player does not have a negative score.

The bidding process ends when all but one player passes or if a bid of 10 is made.

Once the winner of the bid, also known as the bidder, has been determined, it’s time to call for a card. This card will determine the trump suit for the round, and the person who has this specific card will become the bidder’s partner. On the other hand, the rest of the players will form the opposing team.

After the bidder calls a card, they will then pick up the widow. At this point, all players need to reduce their hand to only six cards. The card that was called must be played as the very first card of the game and cannot be discarded. There’s a chance that the called card may be in the widow itself, in which case the bidder will play alone against the four remaining players.

It’s important to note that point cards, like the Ace, King, Queen, or two of trumps, cannot be discarded unless there are no other options. In that case, only those specific point cards can be discarded. If any trumps are discarded, they must be announced to all the players.


When we play the card game, there are some important rules to follow. First, the called card must be the very first card played. After that, we take turns playing our cards, going in a clockwise direction around the table.

Now here’s the tricky part: every player must play a trump card. If you don’t have a trump card, you have to fold your hand and sit out for that round.

After all the cards are played, we look at who played the highest trump card. That player wins the trick and gets to lead the next trick with another trump card. We keep playing tricks until we’ve gone through all ten of them, or until no one has any trump cards left to play.


Now let’s talk about scoring. After each round, we figure out how many points we earned. If the person who made the bid successfully completed it, their team earns points equal to the number of tricks they won. They could even earn more points than they originally bid! However, if they didn’t complete the bid, they actually lose the number of points they bid.

Now, the opposing players always get 1 point for each trick they won, no matter what. So you have to make sure you play your cards strategically and try to win as many tricks as possible!

If you manage to successfully shoot the moon, you automatically win the game for yourself, but not for your teammate.

Each player keeps their own score, which can be positive or negative.

The Game’s Conclusion

The game continues until a player reaches a total of 42 points. Once this happens, they are declared the winner.

The game continues until a player reaches a total of 42 points. Once this happens, they are declared the winner.

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