Welcome to PASTICHE!
Hey there! In Pastiche, you and your friends get to be artists! Pretty cool, right? The goal is to create paintings that match the colors requested by your clients. You’ll be using the amazing artwork of famous European artists to inspire your creations. It’s like stepping into a colorful world full of creativity and imagination!
Getting Started
Alright, let’s dive into the setup. Here’s what you need to know:
First things first, gather all the materials you’ll need for this game. Get your hands on the game board, the primary color tiles, and the palette cards. Don’t worry, we’ll explain how everything works!
Game Board
The game board is where all the magic happens. It’s like your canvas! You’ll navigate through the board to gather the right colors for your masterpiece. Pay close attention to your clients’ requests!
Primary Color Tiles
These are the building blocks of your artwork. You’ll use these tiles to mix colors and create the perfect shades your clients are looking for. Get ready to experiment!
Palette Cards
Think of these cards as your color guides. They show you which colors you need to use for each client’s request. Keep them close and refer to them often. They’ll help you bring your paintings to life!
How to Play
Alright, let’s talk about the gameplay. It’s pretty straightforward, but it’ll challenge your artistic skills.
Client Requests
Your clients will have specific color requests for their commissions. You need to match those colors using the primary color tiles. Pay attention to the shades and combinations. Remember, precision is key!
Mixing Colors
To create the right colors, you’ll need to experiment with the primary color tiles. Place them on the board and combine them strategically. It’s like a magical color puzzle!
Completing Commissions
Once you’ve mixed and matched the right colors, you can complete your clients’ commissions. Show them your masterpiece and earn those sweet points! Keep scoring those commissions and aim for the top!
Are You Ready?
I hope you’re excited, because PASTICHE is a game that unleashes your creativity. Get ready to dive into the artistic world of famous European artists. Mix colors, create beautiful shades, and bring your paintings to life! Are you up for the challenge?
Okay, let’s get started with the setup. First, I’ll need you to place the starting piece right in the middle of the playing area. Make sure it’s easily accessible for everyone. Next, we’ll set up the palette board. Just put it to the side of the playing area, so all players can reach it.
Now, take the cards and stack them on their assigned space on the board. And don’t forget about the hexes! We’ll place them face down on the other side of the playing area.
Alright, after shuffling the commission cards, we’ll deal four of them above the playing area. This will be our gallery. The remaining cards go beside the gallery for now.
Now, let’s determine the beginning player. We’ll do this randomly, so it’s fair for everyone. The chosen player will receive the Starting player card.
Lastly, I need each player to collect two commission cards, two easels, two hexes, one of each of the secondary palettes, and one reference card. Once you have all your goodies, we can start the game!
When it’s my turn, I’ll go through three phases in an order that goes around clockwise. First, there’s the mixing phase, then the painting phase, and finally the clean-up phase. Once I’m done cleaning up, it’s the next player’s turn.
In the mixing phase, I’ll put a hex next to one of the sides of the middle hex on the playing area. Then I’ll “mix” my chosen color on that hex and collect palette cards. These cards will help me in the next phase, the painting phase. During this phase, I can trade cards with the bank or other players to get more of my chosen color.
Hey there! So, once we’ve finished trading our cards, it’s time to tidy up. I’ll get rid of any extra cards in my hand to make sure I’m only holding a maximum of eight. But hang on, this rule only applies at the end of my turn. Afterwards, I can draw a new hex to refresh my hand. I’ll get two hexes and then it’s time to end my turn.
The Game’s Over
The game reaches its end when a player reaches a certain number of points. In a four-player game, that’s thirty-five points. In a three-player game, it’s forty points. Finally, in a two-player game, it’s forty-five points. Once someone hits that magic number, everyone else gets another turn, and then the game is officially over.
We’ll add up our points from commission cards, palette cards, and any bonuses. The player with the highest score is declared the winner!
By the way, I’m Ellie! I live in Northeast Tennessee and I’m a big fan of animals, fantasy fiction, and the great outdoors. I’m lucky to have an amazing husband and two furry friends who bring so much joy to my life. Being part of this incredible community is just the icing on the cake!