Pandemic legacy game rules – how to play pandemic legacy

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


When I started my adventure as a part of a team of pandemic-fighting specialists, we were faced with a race against time. Our mission was to travel to different parts of the world, desperately trying to find a cure while also treating the hotspots that were spreading the disease. It was a daunting task, but we knew that if we didn’t achieve our objectives, the pandemic would become overwhelming and impossible to control. We were just a small group of scientists, fighting against a force that seemed unstoppable.

As we embarked on our journey, we quickly realized that the game was not going to be easy. Throughout our mission, additional rules and components were added, making each playthrough unique and challenging. The game evolved with us, forcing us to adapt and come up with new strategies. We had to think on our feet, making tough decisions and taking risks in order to save lives.

Living in a world that was consumed by disease was surreal. The feeling of uncertainty hung in the air with each move we made. Would we be able to find the cure in time? Could we prevent the pandemic from spreading even further? These questions propelled us forward, driving us to push ourselves to the limit.

But despite the hardships and the constant pressure, there was a glimmer of hope. We knew that everything we did, every move we made, had the potential to make a difference. We were not just scientists, we were the frontline in the battle against the pandemic. Our actions had the power to save lives and bring an end to the suffering.

So, we fought. We fought with everything we had, knowing that failure was not an option. We worked together as a team, supporting and relying on each other. We celebrated the victories, no matter how small, and mourned the losses. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, but we never gave up.

Now, looking back on our journey, I can say with pride that we made a difference. We fought the pandemic with all our might, and in the end, we were able to create a cure. Our team became the heroes that the world needed. We proved that even in the face of adversity, with determination and teamwork, anything is possible.

In a world filled with disease, it is up to us to be the cure. Will you join us on this incredible journey?

Game Setup

Alright, let’s get this game started! Here’s what you need to do to set it up. First, find the mission briefing and read through it. This will give you all the important details about what you need to do to win the game. Once you’ve done that, check to see if there are any additional cards that need to be added to the game. These cards will be specified in the mission briefing.

Now it’s time to set up the game board. Place it in the center of the table so that everyone can easily reach it. Take a look at the cities on the board and find the ones that have a starting research station marker. Each of these cities should have a research station placed on it. Make sure that every player can reach the research stations easily.

In some games, there may be other pieces that need to be placed on the board as well. Take a look at the instructions to see if there’s anything else you need to add.

Next, take the outbreaks marker and place it on the first space of the outbreak track. This track keeps track of how many outbreaks have occurred. Each time there is an outbreak, you’ll move the marker up one space.

Finally, take the cure markers and place them on the bottom of the disease track. The disease track shows you how close each disease is to being cured. When you cure a disease, you’ll move the corresponding marker up one space.

That’s it! You’re all set up and ready to start playing. The objectives should be placed into their designated areas, as specified in the mission briefing. Good luck!

When setting up the game, I start by placing the infection rate marker on the left of the infection rate track. Next, I shuffle all the infection cards and reveal three of them. For each city revealed, I place three disease cubes of the matching color. Then, I reveal three more cards and place two cubes on each corresponding city. Finally, I flip three additional cards and only place one cube on each city shown. It’s important to remember to discard the used cards after this setup.

So, here’s the plan: first, we’re gonna get together as a group and decide which event cards we want to include in the deck. You can add up to four cards for our first game. Once we’ve picked the cards, we’ll shuffle the deck and deal them out to each player. Easy peasy, right?

If we have two players, we’ll each get four cards. For three players, it’ll be three cards each. And if we have four players, we’ll get two cards each. Any extra cards we have will be shuffled together to make the Player deck, but before we do that, we need to mix in five epidemic cards. Those little buggers will really spice things up!

Next, it’s time to choose our characters and colors. Each player gets to pick who they want to be in the game, and which color they’ll be represented by. We’ll all start at the research station in Atlanta, so make sure to place your character there.

Before we start playing, we can use a special game winning bonus. It’s like a little boost to help us out. Then we collect all the pawns and randomly choose one to be the first player. After that, we’ll take turns going clockwise around the group. Got it?

Alright, we’re all set. Let’s get this game started!

Pandemic legacy game rules - how to play pandemic legacy


When I play the game, there are a bunch of turns I have to go through. In each turn, I have to do three things. First, I have to do four actions. These actions can be the same one repeated four times or four different actions. Some characters have special abilities that change how an action is done. Whenever I have to discard a card while doing an action, I put it in the discard pile.

After I finish my actions, I have to draw two cards. If there are no cards left in the deck when my turn comes to draw four cards, the game ends and we all lose. But if there are still cards, I can keep going to the next step, which is infecting cities. Then, it’s the next player’s turn and they have to do the same three things. We can give each other advice, but we each make our own choices in the end.

When you draw Epidemic cards, don’t add them to your hand. Instead, you’ll need to move the infection marker forward and draw a card from the infection deck. Then, place the assigned cubes on the city and reshuffle the cards in the infection discard pile, placing them on top of the infection deck. If there aren’t enough cubes to add to the city, the game will end, and you’ll lose.

After infecting cities and discarding infection cards, your turn will come to an end. Then, it will be the next player’s turn, starting with the player to your left. The game will continue in this way until it reaches its end.


Hey there! Let’s talk about how this cool game ends. It can finish in a few different ways. If we run out of cards or cubes, that’s it – game over, and we lose. Oh no! Also, if the outbreak marker makes its way to the very last spot on the track, we lose too. Yikes!

But don’t worry, it’s not all bad news. If we manage to complete enough objectives, we win the game! Hooray! That’s the goal, and it feels awesome when we achieve it.

By the way, I’m Ellie, and I live in Northeast Tennessee. I’m wild about animals, all kinds of fantasy novels, and anything that gets me outside. My husband is pretty amazing too, and our two fur babies are a big part of our little family. It’s great to be part of this awesome community!

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