Page one – learn to play with

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to Page One!

I’m here to tell you all about this awesome war card game that you can play with 2 to 6 players. The goal of the game is simple – be the first player to get rid of all your cards!

Getting Started

First things first, we need to pick a dealer. It can be anyone – just choose randomly! The dealer will shuffle the deck of cards and then give each player a hand of 4 cards. The rest of the cards form the stockpile.

How Cards are Ranked

Let’s talk about how the cards are ranked in this game. The highest card is the Joker, followed by the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and then numbers 10 through 2, with 2 being the lowest.

How to Play

Now that we’ve got everything set up, it’s time to start playing! The player to the left of the dealer goes first. They can choose any card from their hand to play. The other players have to follow suit if they can. If a player doesn’t have a card they can play, they have to draw cards from the stockpile until they can play.

When I play a card in the trick, the card with the highest rank wins. We take all the cards in the trick and put them in a separate pile. Then, the winner gets to start the next trick.

If we run out of cards in the stockpile, we take all the cards from the separate pile and shuffle them to make a new stockpile. But if there are no cards in the stockpile and no separate pile to make a new stockpile, the game ends in a draw.

The joker is a special card that can be played in any trick, and it always wins. If someone starts the trick with the joker, the second player can play any card they want, and the rest of us have to follow that suit.

Hey there! Let me explain a rule in a fun card game called “Page One”. Here’s how it goes:

When you’re playing the game and you only have one card left in your hand, it’s really important to say “Page One” out loud. If you forget to do this before the next player puts down their card, you’ll have to pick up 5 cards from the stockpile. Bummer, right?

When the End Comes

Now, let’s talk about how the game ends. It’s pretty simple, really. When a player plays their very last card from their hand, they win! The game is over, and they can do a happy dance. Easy peasy, right?

So remember, if you’re playing Page One, make sure to say “Page One” when you’re down to your last card. And if you’re the lucky one to play your very last card, congratulations! You’ve won the game!

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