One o five – learn how to play with

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to One O Five!

One O Five is a super exciting dice game that’s perfect for kids like you. The goal of the game is to be the first player to complete sets of your target number. To play, you’ll need five dice for each player.

If you want to make the game even faster, you can use fewer dice for each player.

How to Play

Let’s start by deciding who goes first. Each player will roll all five of their dice, and the player with the highest total gets to go first!

On your turn, your mission is to build a set of your target number. At the beginning of the game, everyone’s target number is 1.

When we start the game, we need to roll all five dice. My target number is 1, so I’m looking for any 1’s. If I get any, I’ll set them aside and my turn ends. Then it’s the next player’s turn to try and get their own set of 1’s. If a player doesn’t roll any 1’s, their turn is over and it moves on to the next player. If we’re playing with younger kids, they might prefer to keep rolling until they get at least one of their target number.

Once a player has completed their set of a particular number, they roll all five dice again and start building their next set. For example, let’s say I only have one die left and I roll a 1. That means I’ve finished my set of 1’s. I grab all the dice and roll again. This time, my target number is 2. If I roll any 2’s, I keep them, and my turn ends.

Let me explain how this game works. It’s pretty simple, and a lot of fun!

Basically, the goal is to be the first player to finish all six sets of target numbers. Once you’ve done that, you win!

So, here’s what you do: you take turns playing. Each turn, you try to match the target numbers on the board with the numbers on your cards. If you find a match, you can remove those numbers from your card and place them on the board.

The game continues like this until someone has completed all six sets. That person is the winner!

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