Ogórek game rules – how to play ogórek

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to OGÓREK! ��

Hey there! I’m here to tell you all about a super fun card game called OGÓREK. It’s perfect for 3 to 8 people who are ready to have a blast! You might be familiar with a similar game called Cucumber, but trust me, OGÓREK is a whole new level of excitement!

Let’s Get Started – SETUP

First things first, we need to set up the game. To begin, we’ll choose someone to be the dealer for this round. They’ll be in charge of shuffling the deck and dealing 6 cards to each player, face down. The rest of the cards will go in a pile next to all the players. Remember, in OGÓREK, the rank of the cards is important, with Ace being the highest and 2 being the lowest. Here’s the full ranking: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. Oh, and the suit of the cards doesn’t matter in this game, so don’t worry about it!

Just a little twist: for the last trick, the Ace becomes the lowest ranked card. Keep that in mind while you’re playing!

Keep an Eye on Penalty Points

Now, it’s time to talk about penalty points. Each card in OGÓREK has penalty points associated with it. Aces are worth 1 penalty point. Kings are worth a whopping 13 points, Queens are worth 12, and Jacks come in at 11 points. As for the 10 through 2s, they’re worth their face value in penalty points. Don’t forget to keep track of those points!

When it’s time to calculate the final scores in Ogórek, players only receive penalty points for playing the highest-ranked card in the last round.

How to Play

Ogórek is a game that consists of several rounds. In each round, you will play 6 tricks. To begin the game, the player to the left of the dealer will play the first card of the trick. After that, the winner of each trick will start the next one.

When it’s your turn to play a trick in Ogórek, you can choose any card you want. The other players must then play a card that is of the same rank or higher than the highest-ranked card played in the trick. If they don’t have a card that can beat or match the highest-ranked card, they must play their lowest-ranking card. The player who plays the highest-ranked card wins the trick. In case there is a tie for the highest-ranked card, the player who played it last wins.

So here’s the final trick: all the rules we talked about before still apply, but there’s a new twist. The player who plays the highest-ranked card of the trick will get penalty points based on that card. And if there’s a tie for the highest, all the tied players will score penalty points.

Now, let’s talk about penalty scores. Once a player reaches 50 points in penalty score, they’re out of the game. That’s the cut-off point.

But when does the game actually end?

The game ends when there’s only one player left standing, the last one who hasn’t reached 50 points in penalty score. They’re the winner!

Okay, but are there any variations to the game?

Yes, there are two variations you can try. The first one is about penalty points. Instead of aiming for 50 points, the new target is 21. It’s a shorter game, so things can get pretty intense!

The second variation involves something called “Kontra.” In this version, players have the option to call Kontra during the game. It adds another layer of strategy and excitement to the gameplay.

If you’re playing the kontra version, here’s how it works: after the cards are dealt, each player gets a chance to make a call – either pass or kontra. Starting from the player on the left of the dealer, everyone gets a turn to make their call. If all players pass, then the game continues as usual. But if someone calls kontra, things change up.

When kontra is called, the penalty score for all the losers gets doubled. And if you’re the one who called kontra and you end up losing with a king, it gets even worse – your score gets quadrupled. So be careful!

Now, let’s talk about me for a second. I’m Amber, and I love games. I’m a self-proclaimed gaming master, and when I’m not playing, you can find me hanging out with my dogs, tending to my plants, or diving into some epic Dungeons & Dragons adventures. Join me in the world of gaming!

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