Hey there! Welcome to NAB-IT, a super fun word-building game that’s like a crossword puzzle. Get ready to unleash your word prowess, strategically change or swipe your opponent’s words, and dominate the board to rack up points!
So, here’s the deal. You need to pick a bag of tiles. Each bag has its own color. In each bag, there are twenty-five tiles, all the same color. But here’s the catch – one of those tiles is blank, and there’s an extra gray tile just for scoring.
Let’s get started by choosing and clearing the play area or table. It’s important to have a clean space to play the game.
Now, to decide who goes first, we can either let the youngest player go first or have the players decide themselves.
Playing the Game
Each player will draw five tiles from their bags and place them in front of themselves.
Once everyone has their tiles, the first player will decide on a word to build using the tiles they have.
They will then build the word on the play area and replace the used tiles with new ones.
After that, it’s the next player’s turn to the left.
The next player will then build a word by connecting more tiles to any letter of the word formed by the first player. They can also put a tile on any of the tiles of the first word to change it. For example, if player A built the word ‘Sun’, player B can change the word to ‘Fun’ by stacking the letter ‘F’ on top of the ‘S’.
When we play certain word games, we need to follow some rules to make sure everyone is playing fair. These games don’t allow certain types of words, like abbreviations or foreign words that aren’t in the dictionary. We also can’t use prefixes or suffixes that can’t stand alone, or acronyms.
If we think someone played a word that isn’t allowed, we can challenge them before the next turn starts. We use the dictionary to settle challenges. If a challenged word is not acceptable, the player who played it has to take all their tiles back and play again, or exchange some of their tiles.
If we ever feel like we can’t use the tiles we have, we can swap them with new ones from our tile bags.
When we play, we need to be careful not to set up our opponents for an easy win. We should avoid playing the fourth tile on a stack that our opponent could build on and win the game.
If I’m almost out of tiles, I have to let everyone know. If I forget to do it, I have to give one of my saved tiles back to the bag.
Putting Tiles on Top of Each Other
When I put a tile on top of another tile, it’s called stacking.
Guess what? You know how when we play the game, we can’t stack the same letter tile on top of each other? So, like, player B can’t put a Y tile on top of a Y tile that player A already played. Super important rule!
And, like, there’s another rule that says you can’t stack letters completely over a word that’s already been built. We have to have at least one letter of the old word in the new word. Makes sense, right?
Okay, now here’s another one: we can’t stack the tiles more than five high. It’s like a limit or something.
Oh, and one more thing: we can’t put two tiles in the same spot at the same time. Gotta be one tile at a time, my friend.
Now, let me tell you about nabbing. This is cool.
So, when you’re building a word and you’re the one to place the very last tile on the stack, guess what? You gain full control over that stack. It’s all yours! And you know what else? You get a point for it! How awesome is that?
Here’s a smart move: when you nab a tile that’s in the middle of two words, you automatically gain control over both words. That’s like a double win!
And now for the banking rule.
Okay, so now we’ve got this gray tile. This is where things get interesting.
Whenever I manage to snatch a word, I get a thrill. It’s like a little victory, you know? And to make things even better, I get to pull a random tile from my bag and stack it onto the gray tile. It’s my way of saying, “Hey, I did it!” Plus, I score an extra point for nabbing that word.
But here’s the thing – I can only bank one tile per turn, no matter how many words I snatch. So, I’ve got to choose wisely which one to go for.
Blank Tiles
Oh, and I’ve got this special trick up my sleeve – a blank tile. It’s like a chameleon, it can be any letter I want it to be. Once I play it, it stays that way throughout the game. It’s pretty handy, but I’ve got to be careful not to use it too soon. You see, as the game goes on, regular letter tiles start to run out and my blank tile becomes even more valuable.
Once the game is over, we start counting all the words we managed to control throughout the game. Each word we control counts as one point. But that’s not all – we also get a point for every tile we managed to bank. And guess what? The player who played the very last tile of the game gets an extra point for that. Cool, huh? The player with the most points at the end is the winner!
But what happens if there’s a tie? Well, in that case, the players who are tied count the words they have with their own color tiles on top. The player who has the most tiles wins. But if they still end up tied, well, both of them are declared winners! It’s a win-win situation.
There are two ways the game can end: either a player plays their very last tile, or the players simply can’t make any more words. Either way, when that happens, it’s game over.