Hey there! In Most Wanted, you and your friends get to be wild bandits competing to be the most notorious outlaw in all the land. You can choose to be an honest person or maybe bend the truth from time to time to get yourself out of trouble. As long as you don’t get caught, right? And hey, if you’re feeling guilty about all the bad things you’ve done, you can always try to make amends by going to church and working hard to pay off your bail. The best part? The story is completely up to you!
Okay, let’s get this game started! First, put the Scoreboard in the middle of the playing area. Right next to it, place the Bags of Money and the Action Cards. Make sure you have the right side of the Action Cards facing up. Each player will get an Outlaw Character Token and a Player Aid. Put them in front of you, and we’re ready to go!
First, we shuffle all the cards and put them face down next to the board. This makes the Draw Deck. Then, each player gets five cards, which they keep face down. The youngest player starts the game, and we’re ready to begin!
Here’s how we play:
When it’s my turn, I pick one action I want to do. The action I can choose is listed on the Action Card that’s out in front of us. Some actions need help from the other players. After I finish my action, the game keeps going with the next player in line.
When I finish my turn, I count up my points by moving my Character Token ahead on the Scoreboard. I discard the cards I used during my turn into the discard pile, which is right next to the Draw Pile. The rest of the players who joined in the action need to make sure they have five cards in their hand. If they don’t, they need to draw enough cards to get there.
The Action Cards have the rules for the actions. They tell me how many cards I can use for each action, the name and description of the action, and who can participate. I need to make sure I follow these rules when I do the action, and the other players need to make sure I’m following them too.
If you can’t finish what you planned to do in the game, you might end up in jail. When that happens, you have to pay bail to get out. The amount of bail depends on how far you’ve gotten on the Scoreboard. For each bag of money you don’t have, you move one space back on the Scoreboard. That way, you become a better person in the game.
The game is over when a player reaches the Most Wanted space on the Scoreboard. Whoever gets there first is the winner!
Hi! I’m Ellie, and I live in Northeast Tennessee. I love all kinds of animals, fantasy books, and being outside. I have a great husband who loves me almost as much as our two pets. It’s really fun to be part of this amazing community!