Hey there! Let me tell you all about Mizerka, a super cool card game that you can play with three of your friends. The goal of the game is to score more points than your opponents by the end of the game. It’s all about being the ultimate champion!
Now, let me break it down for you. Mizerka is played in rounds, with a total of 18 rounds in one game. Each round has its own rules for playing and scoring.
To start, we need to pick a dealer. It’s totally random who gets to be the first dealer. After each round, the dealer position will move to the left.
The dealer is responsible for shuffling the cards and dealing them out. There are four piles of cards: one for each player and one extra pile called the talon. At the beginning, each pile gets 6 cards. Now, here’s the fun part – the player to the left of the dealer gets to choose the contract for the round. They can take a peek at their own 6 cards to help them make the decision.
Hey there! Have you ever played the fun and exciting game of contracts? Well, let me tell you all about it! There are 6 different contracts you can choose from, each with its own unique twist. What’s really cool is that every player has to use each contract once, so everyone gets a chance to try them all out.
First up, we have the suit contracts. There’s one for each suit: Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds. In a suit contract, the suit that you choose will be the trump suit for that round. The goal is simple – try to win as many tricks as you can! It’s an exciting challenge to see how many tricks you can rack up with your chosen suit as the trump.
Next, we have the no trumps contract. In this contract, there won’t be a trump suit. But don’t worry, the goal is still the same – win as many tricks as possible! It adds an extra layer of strategy to the game, as you have to rely on the strength of your cards without the advantage of a trump suit to back you up.
Lastly, we have the Mizerka contract. This one is a bit different. The goal is to actually NOT win any tricks! That’s right – you want to avoid taking any tricks throughout the game. It’s a whole new level of challenge and requires a different approach. Just like the no trumps contract, there’s no trump suit in the Mizerka contract.
Now, let’s talk about how the game starts. Once the player to the left of the dealer has chosen a contract, the dealer begins dealing the cards. Each player, as well as the “talon” (a special pile of cards), receives 13 cards. This ensures that everyone has an equal chance to win the game!
When we play this game, you get to make some choices. It starts with the player to the dealer’s left. You can decide to discard some cards from your hand and draw new ones from the top of the talon. And guess what? The player to the dealer’s right can do the same thing when it’s their turn. Oh, and don’t forget about the dealer! They can also discard and draw before the game begins if they have any cards left.
The Order of Cards
Let’s talk about how we rank the cards in this game. We use the traditional ranking system, where the Ace is the highest card. After that, it goes King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2. The 2 is the lowest card of them all.
How to Play
Hey there! Let’s dive into the rules of the game. When we start, the person sitting left of the dealer gets to play any card they want. Everyone else after that has to follow suit if they can, but if they can’t, they can play any card they like.
Now, here’s how the winner is determined for each round: If there are any trump cards, the highest trump wins the trick. But if there are no trumps, then the highest card of the suit that was led wins. The winning player gets to keep that trick and adds it to their score pile. And then they get to lead the next trick. Exciting, right?
We keep playing like this until we’ve gone through all 13 tricks. So, it’s all about strategy and making the right moves.
Let’s Talk Scoring
After playing all the tricks and tallying up the scores, we need to go through our score piles. Each one of us has a specific goal we must achieve to either score points or avoid penalties. It all depends on the type of contract we have – whether it’s a suit contract, a no-trump contract, or a Mizerka contract.
For suit contracts or no-trump contracts, the player to the left of the dealer must win 7 or more tricks to score points. If they don’t meet this quota, they will be penalized. On the other hand, the player to the right of the dealer only needs to win 5 or more tricks to avoid penalties. And as for the dealer, they just need to win at least 1 trick.
Here’s where the scoring gets interesting. For every trick we win above our quota, we score 1 point. It’s a nice little bonus for exceeding expectations. However, if we fall short and win fewer tricks than required, we’ll lose 1 point for each trick under our quota. So, it’s all about finding that balance and making the most of our skills.
Now, let’s move on to the Mizerka contracts. This is a whole different ball game. In this case, the player on the left of the dealer shouldn’t win more than 1 trick. If they do, they’ll start losing points. The player on the right of the dealer has a bit more leeway – they must not win more than 5 tricks. And finally, the dealer must be careful not to win more than 7 tricks.
Just like before, the scoring for Mizerka contracts works in reverse. For every trick we win over our quota, we lose 1 point. It’s a bit of a setback, but hey, sometimes it happens. On the other hand, if we win fewer tricks than required, we’ll earn 1 point for each trick under our quota. It’s a chance to make up for the losses and turn things around.
The End of the Game
The game will conclude after the 18th round has been completed and scored. The player who achieves the highest score will emerge victorious.
Once the 18th round has been played and the points have been tallied, the game will come to a close. The player with the most points will be crowned the winner.